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Macron warns against escalation after Biden’s criticism of Putin (1 Viewer)


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Feb 25, 2022
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Anti-Populism, Pro-NATO
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In quest for a cease-fire, ‘we can’t escalate either in words or actions,’ says the French president. (VIDEO at the bottom)

Biden reportedly went off-script and made the remarks Saturday during a speech in Poland, as the conflict moved into its second month.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said, triggering a rebuke from the Kremlin, with a spokesperson warning that personal insults would do little to help bilateral relations.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has since played down any suggestions that Washington is seeking regime change in Russia.

Macron’s comments were echoed by Britain’s education secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, who said on Sky News that it’s the Russian people who should decide who leads them.


---> I agree with the NATO leader and other leaders to quickly call Biden on this statement.

-------> This is the kind of statement that I can make here on a forum, but when you are the president of the United States diplomacy should be your number one priority in my opinion.

----------- > Other than this mistake, Joe Biden did a good job so far in this crisis from my view. He is well viewed by the average European citizen.

The old good cop/bad cop routine.
DID Macron followed up his comments by sending an FTD Bouquet to Putin? And if so did he pay for it or did NATO?
In quest for a cease-fire, ‘we can’t escalate either in words or actions,’ says the French president. (VIDEO at the bottom)

Biden reportedly went off-script and made the remarks Saturday during a speech in Poland, as the conflict moved into its second month.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said, triggering a rebuke from the Kremlin, with a spokesperson warning that personal insults would do little to help bilateral relations.

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has since played down any suggestions that Washington is seeking regime change in Russia.

Macron’s comments were echoed by Britain’s education secretary, Nadhim Zahawi, who said on Sky News that it’s the Russian people who should decide who leads them.


---> I agree with the NATO leader and other leaders to quickly call Biden on this statement.

-------> This is the kind of statement that I can make here on a forum, but when you are the president of the United States diplomacy should be your number one priority in my opinion.

----------- > Other than this mistake, Joe Biden did a good job so far in this crisis from my view. He is well viewed by the average European citizen.

We're asking the French president and the UK's education secretary for policy advice now?
His handlers are doing their best to get him back on script:

And illustrator is illustrator - but neither are relevant to the thread or to the picture I posted.
In my opinion, ---> Better Biden with a cheatsheet than Trump without a filter.

Especially now, when every word is important.
In my opinion, ---> Better Biden with a cheatsheet than Trump without a filter.

Especially now, when every word is important.

Um it is Biden not having a filter that results in his need for cheat sheets. Every word is important except for the words Biden says that aren’t important?
Um it is Biden not having a filter that results in his need for cheat sheets. Every word is important except for the words Biden says that aren’t important?
He had 1 major mistake in regards to this war, I think the rest of the time he showed restraint and diplomacy. Also he is respected in Europe, Trump is not.

As for Trump, he apparently said this:

But Trump insisted on the call that he also played tough with his russian counterpart. If Putin invaded Ukraine, Trump claimed he warned him: “We’re gonna hit Moscow.” And “he sort of believed me, like 5%, 10%,” Trump added.

So I think the risk of a higher nuclear war would be under Trump based on his own words.
In my opinion, ---> Better Biden with a cheatsheet than Trump without a filter.

Especially now, when every word is important.
We weren't in this position until Biden with a cheatsheet came along.
His handlers are doing their best to get him back on script:

View attachment 67382853
Only doddering old fools like Biden need cheat sheets.

Oh, go butter a radish, Monsieur Macron.
I didn't disagree with the sentiment Biden was expressing; and in a lot of ways it reflects a reality about Putin's viability as a leader since he's managed to isolate Russia from a good chunk of the financial world, but a statement that includes a leader cannot remain in power is a pretty loaded one considering the US history in regime change. It's even worse when the subject of the comment is a former counter intelligence KGB agent already paranoid about US regime change efforts in recent years.
He had 1 major mistake in regards to this war, I think the rest of the time he showed restraint and diplomacy. Also he is respected in Europe, Trump is not.

As for Trump, he apparently said this:

But Trump insisted on the call that he also played tough with his russian counterpart. If Putin invaded Ukraine, Trump claimed he warned him: “We’re gonna hit Moscow.” And “he sort of believed me, like 5%, 10%,” Trump added.

So I think the risk of a higher nuclear war would be under Trump based on his own words.
Your more than welcome to hold that opinion counter to the evidence that Biden is fully in support of the Iranian people.
Macaroni can piss off. He's the Neville Chamberlain of this whole thing.
Only doddering old fools like Biden need cheat sheets.


It was much worse than that. He initially brought out his shopping list
I agree with Biden’s statement.
It's an alliance (NATO). Biden does not rule like Vladimir Putin.

Are the French spending 2% of their GDP on defense? No? Then Macron can sit his ass down. Biden’s right. Little Hitler needs to go.
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I didn't disagree with the sentiment Biden was expressing; and in a lot of ways it reflects a reality about Putin's viability as a leader since he's managed to isolate Russia from a good chunk of the financial world, but a statement that includes a leader cannot remain in power is a pretty loaded one considering the US history in regime change. It's even worse when the subject of the comment is a former counter intelligence KGB agent already paranoid about US regime change efforts in recent years.

You can think it. You can talk about it behind closed doors with people who matter. But you can't say that on a hot mic while visiting US troops and European refugees while there's a war raging in the country next to you. You just can't.

I don't think it's really that big a deal now that he's walked it back. The fact of the matter is that NATO countries know that they cannot just let Russia back into the fold once hostilities die down, and Putin's not going to just abruptly leave Ukraine anyway.

This is probably the beginning of a very long conflict between the liberal democratic free market countries of the world and the authoritarian world. The world is potentially separating itself into two major axes and at a time when the entire world will be facing major, unprecedented ecological threats and disruptions. Looking forward the next 5-25 years, I'm honestly quite scared.

From -> October 21 2021:

France, one of Europe’s biggest military powers, will reach a NATO spending goal of 2% sought by the United States this year, the alliance said on Wednesday, but most member states still lag behind in a continual sore point for Washington.


I think they are at exactly 2,01%.

So where have they been the last 73 years? It takes a war in Europe for them to finally promise that they’ll meet their financial commitment to the alliance? Sit the **** down.

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