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Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Re: Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France

Of course, none of the French protests could possibly have anything to do with Macron being an establishment aristocrat figure who was stuffing the poor with high taxes in order to subsidise the rich.

Carry on not addressing the root cause of the West's problems by blaming Russia for everything. It will only hasten the demise of the current western elite.
Re: Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France

great post .

That is the Frenchman Mickael Takahashi who has fought for the Russians in Ukraine and Syria.
Re: Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France

by the way "Mickael Takahashi " is it a crime in France?

Not sure. But it's a crime (terrorism) in Ukraine.
Re: Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France

Not sure. But it's a crime (terrorism) in Ukraine.

its a crime in many countries, the guy represents extreme left , attacked NATO and France ally ...much like IS terrorists do
Re: Macron : "RuSSians" (trolls, TV.ru,), fascists, radical left are behind protests in France

If you put me in a position to agree with westphalian, it means your position is god aweful. To blame this on putin is nothin more than a lazy attempt to deny the wrongdoings of the french govt and find the quickest scapegoat to blame, rather than actually adressing the issues.

France has long done riots and protests like this before social media existed and before what people call russian trolls. What people do not want to admit is that macron is actually unpopular, not by protest numbers but actual poll numbers, and to try and blame it on russia is like claiming the french people are too stupid to make up their own minds and can only do what social media tells them.

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