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M14 Shooter was Unbanned (1 Viewer)

Are you happy M14 is back?

  • Yippie!!!

    Votes: 8 32.0%
  • Ugg...

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • You were banned?

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • Who?

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters

M14 Shooter

DP Veteran
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Toledo-ish OH
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
So, who is happy to see me?

Seriously, thanks to all involved in my return.
And no hard feelings to those that opposed the Return of the King. :2razz:
Last edited:
M14 Shooter said:
So, who is happy to see me?

Seriously, thanks to all involved in my return.
And no hard feelings to those that opposed the Return of the King. :2razz:

I didn't know you were banned. Who are you?

Gotta like the sig, though -- anyone with a name like yours and a sig like that can't be all bad. Welcome back.

M14 Shooter said:
So, who is happy to see me?

Seriously, thanks to all involved in my return.
And no hard feelings to those that opposed the Return of the King. :2razz:
Man! Alot has happened since I took a break. Welcome back.
M14 Shooter said:
So, who is happy to see me?

Seriously, thanks to all involved in my return.
And no hard feelings to those that opposed the Return of the King. :2razz:

Well, I'm glad to see you back. Now allow me to proceed with disagreeing with everything you say. :2wave:

And I don't know of anyone who opposed your coming back.
Moderator's Warning:

Now allow me to do my job and move your thread from Polls to Off-Topic Discussions....
welcome back...
Welcome back biggin, I missed you, I'll say that much, I'm glad you're back.;)
Didn't know you hung around here, too.

Good to see you.
You again.

Alright, what the hell,

Welc........uh um...........Wel............ummm.........W............uh, oh God, look at the time! Late.
Welcome back M14. Lol... I can smell the gun oil already.

Tash :2wave:
Please stay within the rules man...the libs are taking over!

Welcome back M14!
vauge said:
Please stay within the rules man...the libs are taking over!

Welcome back M14!

Pffftttttt.....you guys know you love it.
Welcome back and I apologize for everything.

Especially for cnredd.

Seriously though, welcome back :2wave:
I'm already dreading the day there is a similar thread for Champs. :doh
shuamort said:
Welcome back and I apologize for everything.

Especially for cnredd.

Seriously though, welcome back :2wave:
I said to myself, "I haven't been crapped on in awhile...Let me log back on to debatepolitics.com."...:doh

I said to myself, "I haven't been crapped on in awhile...Let me log back on to debatepolitics.com."...

We do it out of love man!
M14 Shooter said:
So, who is happy to see me?

Seriously, thanks to all involved in my return.
And no hard feelings to those that opposed the Return of the King. :2razz:

Hey man, I am actually really glad to see you!!! I am glad you actually came back...you waited long enough!
cnredd said:
I said to myself, "I haven't been crapped on in awhile...Let me log back on to debatepolitics.com."...:doh
Well, with that sig,,,

(Has he protested yet?)

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