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Lucky Charms is Child Abuse (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
Political Leaning
FDA Lucky Charms Cereal Probe as Over 2,400 Illnesses Reported
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched an investigation following more than 2,400 reports made to a consumer website claiming they became ill after eating Lucky Charms cereal.

FDA officials are investigating whether the cereal after thousands of people complained on consumer website iwaspoisoned that they had become ill.

Newsweek found dozens of consumers had complained about having suffered cases of vomiting, diarrhea and nausea, all symptoms of food poisoning.

The thread title is my opinion, but I believe it's a solid opinion. Whatever is causing the current outbreak of illnesses will probably be traced to spoiled/tainted ingredients or machine hygiene.

But lets not pretend that Lucky Charms and highly processed sugars and foods haven't been making people ill for decades. In fact, without all these sugary food products, we wouldn't be facing many of the health problems we see today. Americans were fooled from the 50's through 70's by corporate food brands and now we're paying the price.

But we know better now. Anyone still feeding their child this garbage is guilty of stupidity, negligence, and abuse.
FDA Lucky Charms Cereal Probe as Over 2,400 Illnesses Reported

The thread title is my opinion, but I believe it's a solid opinion. Whatever is causing the current outbreak of illnesses will probably be traced to spoiled/tainted ingredients or machine hygiene.

But lets not pretend that Lucky Charms and highly processed sugars and foods haven't been making people ill for decades. In fact, without all these sugary food products, we wouldn't be facing many of the health problems we see today. Americans were fooled from the 50's through 70's by corporate food brands and now we're paying the price.

But we know better now. Anyone still feeding their child this garbage is guilty of stupidity, negligence, and abuse.
“Endorsed by doctors……”

It’s not a new thing, lying to the people. 1953
FDA Lucky Charms Cereal Probe as Over 2,400 Illnesses Reported

The thread title is my opinion, but I believe it's a solid opinion. Whatever is causing the current outbreak of illnesses will probably be traced to spoiled/tainted ingredients or machine hygiene.

But lets not pretend that Lucky Charms and highly processed sugars and foods haven't been making people ill for decades. In fact, without all these sugary food products, we wouldn't be facing many of the health problems we see today. Americans were fooled from the 50's through 70's by corporate food brands and now we're paying the price.

But we know better now. Anyone still feeding their child this garbage is guilty of stupidity, negligence, and abuse.
Child abuse to feed them sugary cereal but just fine to have unsecured guns in the house.

And then there's this:

Child abuse to feed them sugary cereal but just fine to have unsecured guns in the house.

And then there's this:

View attachment 67386128
That's the truth. They don't care to feed the poor, they just care what you feed the poor.

Most people are on a Lucky Charms budget.
FDA Lucky Charms Cereal Probe as Over 2,400 Illnesses Reported

The thread title is my opinion, but I believe it's a solid opinion. Whatever is causing the current outbreak of illnesses will probably be traced to spoiled/tainted ingredients or machine hygiene.

But lets not pretend that Lucky Charms and highly processed sugars and foods haven't been making people ill for decades. In fact, without all these sugary food products, we wouldn't be facing many of the health problems we see today. Americans were fooled from the 50's through 70's by corporate food brands and now we're paying the price.

But we know better now. Anyone still feeding their child this garbage is guilty of stupidity, negligence, and abuse.
No, YOU may know better now. Others may not due to bad parenting, not enough money to buy healthy food, lack of resources, not able to do their own research due to having to cut the internet in order to pay for gas. Not everyone has the same circumstances as you. You think people can still eat healthy if all they can afford is food from Dollar Tree (or i guess now Dollar + $.25 Tree)?
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No, YOU may know better now. Others may not due to bad parenting, not enough money to buy healthy food, lack of resources, not able to do their own research due to having to cut the internet in order to pay for gas. Not everyone has the same circumstances as you. You think people can still eat healthy if all they can afford is food from Dollar Tree (or i guess now Dollar + $.25 Tree)?

You just made that all up. It's a list of obstacles that resides in your imagination.
You just made that all up. It's a list of obstacles that resides in your imagination.
Come to my place of employment. Over half of my customers are in such financial peril that they have to decide whether to pay for a refrigerator that they can't afford, or gas to get to their part time job. You have no idea how it is where I live, I do. Come here, and you'll see the proof everywhere.
Food security is different than healthy food. Show me a list of the food they actually provide.

What an monstrously gross reply. It reminded me of a George Carlin bit.

What an monstrously gross reply. It reminded me of a George Carlin bit.

So you're not going to show me. Gotcha.

Look at food from places like MyPatriotSupply. Look at the nutrition info. It is not the healthiest food out there, but it gives food security.
So you're not going to show me. Gotcha.

Look at food from places like MyPatriotSupply. Look at the nutrition info. It is not the healthiest food out there, but it gives food security.

You're now claiming that worldhungarrelief.org sources their foods from mypatriotsupply.com ?

You have a link? This is why I try not to engage with people like you - it's the sheer dishonesty.
You're now claiming that worldhungarrelief.org sources their foods from mypatriotsupply.com ?

You have a link? This is why I try not to engage with people like you - it's the sheer dishonesty.
I never claimed that at all. Show me where I did, I'll wait...



What I said was that food security does not mean healthy food, and used MyPatriotSupply as an example. Even someone like you can understand what I was saying, unless you were purposely trying to put words in my mouth.

Have you found where I said that they source their food from MyPatriotSupply yet?



Of course not.

Now, show me what kind of foods those organizations provide.
This is why I try not to engage with people like you - it's the sheer dishonesty.
I never claimed that at all. Show me where I did, I'll wait...



What I said was that food security does not mean healthy food, and used MyPatriotSupply as an example. Even someone like you can understand what I was saying, unless you were purposely trying to put words in my mouth.

Have you found where I said that they source their food from MyPatriotSupply yet?



Of course not.

Now, show me what kind of foods those organizations provide.

LOL !! This is why I try not to engage with people like you - it's in the Carlin video.
LOL !! This is why I try not to engage with people like you - it's in the Carlin video.
Yet you still won't say what those organizations provide specifically. Go ahead. Keep avoiding the question. Keep proving me right.
I would be fine with stricter regulations on non-naturally occurring quick digesting sugars in foods. Pricing it at a penny a gram as a sort of sin tax could potentially be a good idea.
That's the truth. They don't care to feed the poor, they just care what you feed the poor.

Most people are on a Lucky Charms budget.
I agree with that. What's common is to see obesity highly correlated with wealth, and especially prevalent among the very poor. And it's in part because our system heavily subsidizes processed crap, including anything derived from corn, so subsidized crap is far cheaper than healthy alternatives. And in many neighborhoods, there's a lot more availability of crap than good food.

But I also agree the nutrition guidelines are really awful. It's one thing to have healthy nutritional guidelines and families ignore them because that's what they can afford. What is shameful to me is there isn't more clarity by those setting the guidelines that the RDA of processed food like that cereal is nothing, zero. It's a cake in cereal form with some added vitamins. Adding some skim milk makes it hardly better.

So we have an obesity crisis nationwide, and it's even growing alarmingly with children. A growing number of children have non-alcoholic fatty liver, NAFLD, and that's basically sugar/fructose related. Those are clearly related to our diets and yet it's hard to find guidelines that address those trends and clearly identify the causes or actually healthy alternatives. Where is the guidance that a very healthy breakfast includes pretty inexpensive eggs, even sausage or bacon? Where's the guidance that a juice box is just barely better than a sugar-filled cola?

Anyway, the failure of the 'experts' to advise us on nutrition is staggering. We have this obesity crisis, getting worse, and what are we told? Basically, that it's all about calories, and what we eat, say that sugar filled cereal versus eggs, makes no difference to weight gain. It's all about counting calories. Whatever you think about what good nutrition looks like, that advice is a massive failure and yet that's what we are told.
I agree with that. What's common is to see obesity highly correlated with wealth, and especially prevalent among the very poor. And it's in part because our system heavily subsidizes processed crap, including anything derived from corn, so subsidized crap is far cheaper than healthy alternatives. And in many neighborhoods, there's a lot more availability of crap than good food.

But I also agree the nutrition guidelines are really awful. It's one thing to have healthy nutritional guidelines and families ignore them because that's what they can afford. What is shameful to me is there isn't more clarity by those setting the guidelines that the RDA of processed food like that cereal is nothing, zero. It's a cake in cereal form with some added vitamins. Adding some skim milk makes it hardly better.

So we have an obesity crisis nationwide, and it's even growing alarmingly with children. A growing number of children have non-alcoholic fatty liver, NAFLD, and that's basically sugar/fructose related. Those are clearly related to our diets and yet it's hard to find guidelines that address those trends and clearly identify the causes or actually healthy alternatives. Where is the guidance that a very healthy breakfast includes pretty inexpensive eggs, even sausage or bacon? Where's the guidance that a juice box is just barely better than a sugar-filled cola?

Anyway, the failure of the 'experts' to advise us on nutrition is staggering. We have this obesity crisis, getting worse, and what are we told? Basically, that it's all about calories, and what we eat, say that sugar filled cereal versus eggs, makes no difference to weight gain. It's all about counting calories. Whatever you think about what good nutrition looks like, that advice is a massive failure and yet that's what we are told.
And yet, I also barely hear anything about exercise. Someone who eats 2500 calories and does not exercise will probably weigh more than someone who eats 3000 calories and exercises regularly.

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