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LOVE within the context of abortion. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 29, 2013
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This issue on love (given at another thread within the context of abortion) had insistently intruded in my thoughts while I was doing my walk this morning.
I suppose it's another issue that refuses to go away.

This thing about LOVE - it has to be addressed.

Indeed, Christ has commanded us to love one another. To love our neighbors.
However, let's not forget that Christ has also told us that the greatest command of all is to LOVE GOD. And along with that love of God, comes obedience.

With the issue of abortion, let's not forget about the unborn which we have to love as well.
The unborn is a human being, too.

Indeed, everyone's a sinner.
To tackle and expose the flimsy excuse of pro-choice for murder - because that's what it is - is not a condemnation of the woman, but a condemnation of the act of murder that she is contemplating, or had planned to do.

It is alarming too, that there are advocates for pro-choice who are Christians.
That the unborn is a human, is a fact. Human life starts at conception.
All these talks about "personhood" are nothing more but an attempt by those who advocate for abortion, to try to dehumanize the fetus.
A person is defined as a human.

Just so to be clear that indeed, abortion is evil in the eyes of the Lord, let me share these verses:

Exodus 20
13 “You shall not murder.

Psalm 94
20 Can a
throne of destruction be allied with You,
One which devises mischief by decree?

They band themselves together against the life of the righteous
And condemn the innocent to death.

Proverbs 6
16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
Seven that are an abomination to Him:

17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,

And hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,

19 A false witness who declares lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.

To declare the unborn isn't human to justify his execution............................is a lie.

And if you're all for "enabling women," well these ones seem relevant when it comes to pro-choice:

Proverbs 31
3 Do not give your strength to women,
Or your ways to that which destroys kings.

Proverbs 31
8 Open your mouth for the people who cannot speak,

For the rights of all the unfortunate.

Abortion had been decreed lawful practically all over the world - kings of nations had listened, nations had fallen away from God - thanks to the feminist movement and its supporters.

Some Christians seems to be confused with the term love in our Gospel.

John 15
13 Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.

Can we please just focus on that John 15.

If Jesus had laid down His life for His love for us - why are we then trying to make excuses for murder - or, trying to downplay murder?
Instead of trying to understand the motive of the woman, why aren't we trying to understand that if Jesus had died for us - what is giving up 9 months in one's life, and that one did not have to commit murder?
All it takes is just giving up 9 months of your life, then give him up for adoption!

To try to stop someone from committing a grievous sin, to have her see the moral evil of her plan - which isn't only the act of murdering a human, but an outright defiance to God - is an act of caring towards the woman.
Of course, that depends on what to you, is more important: this life on earth, or, the hereafter - eternity.

If you talk to me about Christian love for what I do - I'll tell you that I speak of love. But, I'll ask ...................where is your love for the infant?

It's about LOVE!
The mis-use and misrepresentation of it!
It pertains to abortion within the context of Christianity - on the issue of love.
This issue on love (given at another thread within the context of abortion) had insistently intruded in my thoughts while I was doing my walk this morning.
I suppose it's another issue that refuses to go away.

This thing about LOVE - it has to be addressed.

Indeed, Christ has commanded us to love one another. To love our neighbors.
However, let's not forget that Christ has also told us that the greatest command of all is to LOVE GOD. And along with that love of God, comes obedience.

With the issue of abortion, let's not forget about the unborn which we have to love as well.
The unborn is a human being, too.

Indeed, everyone's a sinner.
To tackle and expose the flimsy excuse of pro-choice for murder - because that's what it is - is not a condemnation of the woman, but a condemnation of the act of murder that she is contemplating, or had planned to do.

It is alarming too, that there are advocates for pro-choice who are Christians.
That the unborn is a human, is a fact. Human life starts at conception.
All these talks about "personhood" are nothing more but an attempt by those who advocate for abortion, to try to dehumanize the fetus.
A person is defined as a human.

Just so to be clear that indeed, abortion is evil in the eyes of the Lord, let me share these verses:

Exodus 20
13 “You shall not murder.

Psalm 94
20 Can a
throne of destruction be allied with You,
One which devises mischief by decree?

21 They band themselves together against the life of the righteous
And condemn the innocent to death.

Proverbs 6
16 There are six things that the Lord hates,

Seven that are an abomination to Him:

17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,

19 A false witness who declares lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.

To declare the unborn isn't human to justify his execution............................is a lie.

And if you're all for "enabling women," well these ones seem relevant when it comes to pro-choice:

Proverbs 31
3 Do not give your strength to women,
Or your ways to that which destroys kings.

Proverbs 31
8 Open your mouth for the people who cannot speak,

For the rights of all the unfortunate.

Abortion had been decreed lawful practically all over the world - kings of nations had listened, nations had fallen away from God - thanks to the feminist movement and its supporters.

Some Christians seems to be confused with the term love in our Gospel.

John 15
13 Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.

Can we please just focus on that John 15.

If Jesus had laid down His life for His love for us - why are we then trying to make excuses for murder - or, trying to downplay murder?
Instead of trying to understand the motive of the woman, why aren't we trying to understand that if Jesus had died for us - what is giving up 9 months in one's life, and that one did not have to commit murder?
All it takes is just giving up 9 months of your life, then give him up for adoption!

To try to stop someone from committing a grievous sin, to have her see the moral evil of her plan - which isn't only the act of murdering a human, but an outright defiance to God - is an act of caring towards the woman.
Of course, that depends on what to you, is more important: this life on earth, or, the hereafter - eternity.

If you talk to me about Christian love for what I do - I'll tell you that I speak of love. But, I'll ask ...................where is your love for the infant?

It's great that you admit that the "pro-life" position is purely a religious one, and therefore any law banning abortion is a pure Establishment violation.
It's great that you admit that the "pro-life" position is purely a religious one, and therefore any law banning abortion is a pure Establishment violation.

Then you ought to read again.
My OP is about LOVE in the Bible - and how it's being misrepresented - or, misunderstood - by some who use it as an argument against Christian pro-lifers.

Pro-life position, does not have to be purely based on religion.
There are atheists/humanist pro-lifers.
They too, believe that the unborn is human. They're fighting on the basis of scientific fact, and see abortion as a gross violation of human rights.
There are atheists/humanist pro-lifers.
They too, believe that the unborn is human. They're fighting on the basis of scientific fact, and see abortion as a gross violation of human rights.
That doesn't mean they have a rational reason for their position.

The millions of cells you wash down the drain every day in the shower are also "human." That doesn't mean they deserve legal protection at the expense of the rights of another human.
The millions of cells you wash down the drain every day in the shower are also "human." That doesn't mean they deserve legal protection at the expense of the rights of another human.

They live among us....
That doesn't mean they have a rational reason for their position.

Well - they do! SCIENCE.

The millions of cells you wash down the drain every day in the shower are also "human." That doesn't mean they deserve legal protection at the expense of the rights of another human.

On the other hand, clearly you show - YOU DON'T!

Heck - you even show us clearly, that ..................................you don't even know why science says the unborn is human!
Well - they do! SCIENCE.

On the other hand, clearly you show - YOU DON'T!

Heck - you even show us clearly, that ..................................you don't even know why science says the unborn is human!

Typical dodge.

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