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Louisiana moves to make abortion pills ‘controlled dangerous substances’ (2 Viewers)

maybe you should tell me why what you say or think is relevant to me??

You cant even articulate why a stranger's unborn is relevant to you...without comparing it to a person that's not risking someone else's life and future and meaning and obligations to others, without comparing it to a person with rights, without comparing it to crimes you cant even articulate similarities with either.
I left this thread 3 weeks ago and someone brought me back into it,,

go complain to them,,
Have you considered investing in a dictionary or perhaps an ESL class? It's hard to participate in a debate when you have to ask other people what simple words like "woman" mean, and it's worse when you're not willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and do your own homework and self-education. I mean, if you've been away for 3 weeks and during that period you couldn't make time to learn the meaning of basic English words, that's on you, not on any of the rest of us.
Have you considered investing in a dictionary or perhaps an ESL class? It's hard to participate in a debate when you have to ask other people what simple words like "woman" mean, and it's worse when you're not willing to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and do your own homework and self-education. I mean, if you've been away for 3 weeks and during that period you couldn't make time to learn the meaning of basic English words, that's on you, not on any of the rest of us.
you ask why am I here and then start talking to me,,

its almost like you want me here,,
you ask why am I here and then start talking to me,,

its almost like you want me here,,
I mainly want to know if you've figured out what a woman is, and whether there are any other basic words you don't understand the meaning of. It's primarily of academic interest; it's rare that one meets a real, live authentic MAGA openly expressing confusion over the definition of certain basic words, so I am curious what sets you apart from all the other MAGA who know the meaning of the word 'woman.'
of course its a human child in the womb of a pregnant mother,,

what else could it be??

buy a dictionary,,

You asked what else it could be called... it can also be called a fetus.

Good job @MamboDervish !! :)

and if you owned a dictionary you would see a fetus is the offspring still in the womb and in this case of a human,,
You asked what else it could be. It can also be a fetus. This is not rocket science. In fact, it is really, REALLY simple, but you still got it wrong. I am not sure what your problem in understanding things is and I don't care. You want to oppress women.
and what is another word for offspring??
that would be a child,,
I know better than to actually provide evidence... but offspring are the born. That is why it is OFF-spring.



Synonyms of offspring
1a: the product of the reproductive processes of a person, animal, or plant : young, progeny
The disease can be transmitted from parent to offspring.
b: the immediate descendant of a person or animal : an individual born of a parent

A person is born. A fetus is not a person. You are right to want others to understand words. It is too bad that you don't understand them, though.
it is relevant when the outcome results in a dead child,,

you may not care about that but some of us do,,
Abortion does not result in a dead child, at least not if the abortion takes place with an embryo or pre-viable fetus. Although a death certificate is provided when there is a stillbirth, but not when there is a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion prior to the point at which a fetus becomes actually viable. So there isn't such a certificate when there is an induced abortion prior to actual viability.
Abortion does not result in a dead child, at least not if the abortion takes place with an embryo or pre-viable fetus. Although a death certificate is provided when there is a stillbirth, but not when there is a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion prior to the point at which a fetus becomes actually viable. So there isn't such a certificate when there is an induced abortion prior to actual viability.
yes it does,,

100% of the time
I figured that you would run from those posts of mine. All good. Just chalk that one up as a Bodi Win. 🤗
who am I to tell you what to do or what to think,,

you already have people for that,,
human life begins at conception,,

abortion kills that life,,

I dont need religion to tell me thats wrong,,

nothing more be said,,
[human life begins at conception,,]
Reality check. We know nothing of before life after life & still learning the middle part.
After much disquisition still don't know what life is, let alone beginning or ending.

“Life's Great Mystery: What, Exactly, Is Life?”

Or maybe we are all one 'sustained autocatalysis' chemical reaction.

“New recipes for origin of life may point way to distant, inhabited planets”

Before and during life there is cellular death (apoptosis). After life there is Death class: – brain death - Somatic (clinical death).

Life; one of man's unanswered questions.
Maybe Kurt Vonnegut was on to something with purple hum!

We are animal: It has been said: (FU) Fetus of land animals including Homo sapiens is still aquatic and has rudimentary gills, tail & webbed fingers. Could be said, ‘baby’ is only human upon taking its first breath of lung at birth emerging from the liquid environment of the amniotic sac .

(IMHO) 'Ten cent' Libertarian's view; As forward thinking adults place responsibility of 'choice' permanently. Motherhood is huge responsibility/demand, thus place decision with person most impacted, the woman. Lady holds perspicacity & knows; if ready, willing & able, to meet a 20+ year parenthood commitment.

Some carry to term, others choose abortion. Everybody gets what they wanted.
So Louisiana just tried to indict a NY doctor for prescribing the abortion pill...we knew this was coming.

And the NY govt is responding just as planned. NY and many other blue states have committed to not honoring (not sure if that's the correct word) the subpoenas and requests from states trying to punish women who need abortions. Some states have passed laws to protect their providers and medical staff. WA St has.

Arrest warrant issued for New York doctor indicted in Louisiana for prescribing abortion pill

"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a video posted on social media, “I will never, under any circumstances, turn this doctor over to the state of Louisiana under any extradition requests,” signaling a potential legal battle between the states."​

Will be interesting to see what the next steps are.
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Here's a follow up to the case where LA is charging a NY doctor. Post 1440. The governor has signed a new law to protect pill prescribers.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday signed a bill to shield the identities of doctors who prescribe abortion medications, days after a physician in the state was charged with prescribing abortion pills to a pregnant minor in Louisiana.​
The new law, which took effect immediately, allows doctors to request for their names to be left off abortion pill bottles and instead list the name of their health care practices on medication labels.
Hochul, a Democrat, said she would not sign an extradition request to send Carpenter to Louisiana and said authorities in Louisiana discovered the name of the doctor because it was on the medication label.
Here's a follow up to the case where LA is charging a NY doctor. Post 1440. The governor has signed a new law to protect pill prescribers.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Monday signed a bill to shield the identities of doctors who prescribe abortion medications, days after a physician in the state was charged with prescribing abortion pills to a pregnant minor in Louisiana.​
The new law, which took effect immediately, allows doctors to request for their names to be left off abortion pill bottles and instead list the name of their health care practices on medication labels.
Hochul, a Democrat, said she would not sign an extradition request to send Carpenter to Louisiana and said authorities in Louisiana discovered the name of the doctor because it was on the medication label.

Good. Protect abortion care providers from the malicious anti-choicers.
Good. Protect abortion care providers from the malicious anti-choicers.

Several states have formally created new legislation to do just that. WA St has. But the states just dont have to cooperate with warrants, serve subpoenas, turn over records, etc.
So Louisiana just tried to indict a NY doctor for prescribing the abortion pill...we knew this was coming.

And the NY govt is responding just as planned. NY and many other blue states have committed to not honoring (not sure if that's the correct word) the subpoenas and requests from states trying to punish women who need abortions. Some states have passed laws to protect their providers and medical staff. WA St has.

Arrest warrant issued for New York doctor indicted in Louisiana for prescribing abortion pill

"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul said in a video posted on social media, “I will never, under any circumstances, turn this doctor over to the state of Louisiana under any extradition requests,” signaling a potential legal battle between the states."​

Will be interesting to see what the next steps are.
So a doctor practiced medicine in a state where he lacks a license, resulting in a dead baby, the mother that was coerced to take the pills in the hospital, and the mother that coerced her daughter to kill her granddaughter up on charges. I wonder if the Left would like to see guns treated the same way they want abortion pills treated.
So a doctor practiced medicine in a state where he lacks a license, resulting in a dead baby, the mother that was coerced to take the pills in the hospital, and the mother that coerced her daughter to kill her granddaughter up on charges. I wonder if the Left would like to see guns treated the same way they want abortion pills treated.

What's the law that that Dr couldnt prescribe the pills online? And there was no "baby" involved. Your post seems to imply that having an abortion is wrong. If so, what authority, that US women must follow, says so?

And I'm a very strong 2A supporter, so that means almost no restrictions for non-prohibited persons. Your point is?
So a doctor practiced medicine in a state where he lacks a license, resulting in a dead baby, the mother that was coerced to take the pills in the hospital, and the mother that coerced her daughter to kill her granddaughter up on charges. I wonder if the Left would like to see guns treated the same way they want abortion pills treated.
What dead baby? There are no babies in an abortion. There's also no reason to restrict abortion.
What's the law that that Dr couldnt prescribe the pills online?
Ask the people that issued a warrant for the doctor’s arrest.

And there was no "baby" involved.
What dead baby? There are no babies in an abortion.
Right, that’s why the phrase “She’s having a baby.” doesn’t exist in the English language, and the Mayo Clinic doesn’t start its webpage on a baby’s development in the first trimester with “You're pregnant. Congratulations! You'll undoubtedly spend the months ahead wondering how your baby is growing and developing.” It’s easy to understand, people have no problem calling an unborn a baby until they want to kill them, then we hear “It isn’t a baby, it’s a fetus.” As if “fetus” isn’t simply a medical term for a stage in a baby’s development.

Your post seems to imply that having an abortion is wrong. If so, what authority, that US women must follow, says so?
Ah, so we are supposed to judge whether something is morally wrong by its legality, right? Which means that the slavers that abortionists resemble were morally justified because slavery was legal.

And I'm a very strong 2A supporter, so that means almost no restrictions for non-prohibited persons. Your point is?
Do you think Leftists will agree that gun sellers in Red states should be able to sell and mail guns to people in Blue states without a care for the gun laws of those states?

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