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Louisiana governor declares state of emergency over flooding (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Bagdad, La.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
There are places flooding that haven't flooded in memory. My best friend list everything back in March and he's standing by to lose everything, again.

NEW ORLEANS – Heavy downpours pounded parts of the central U.S. Gulf Coast on Friday, forcing the rescue of dozens of people stranded in their homes by waist-high water and leaving dead one man who was trapped by floodwaters.

Louisiana governor declares state of emergency over flooding | Fox News
There are places flooding that haven't flooded in memory. My best friend list everything back in March and he's standing by to lose everything, again.

Greetings, apdst. :2wave:

So the hurricane season has begun, and it looks like the predictions for an active one are correct! *Like folks need any more trouble than they already face in this country, damn it!* I hope your friend is okay!
That's terrible.
Maybe California, with its droughts and wildfires, isn't so bad after all.
There are places flooding that haven't flooded in memory. My best friend lost everything back in March and he's standing by to lose everything, again.

Damn. That really, really sucks.
I'm glad I live in the hills.

There aren't many hills in these parts. My brother is currently trapped in denham springs. All roads out are flooded and still going up. It's like an island right now. My fathers and other brothers house is under water.

Just insanity.

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There aren't many hills in these parts. My brother is currently trapped in denham springs. All roads out are flooded and still going up. It's like an island right now. My fathers and other brothers house is under water.

Just insanity.

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That's terrible.

Stay safe, dude. Stay safe.
That's terrible.

Stay safe, dude. Stay safe.

I'm fine. I'm in a high part of Baton Rouge. But the city I grew up in right next to us is essentially a big bowl of water right now. And the water is rising. Parts that aren't even near flood zones are completely under.

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Nawlins needs to realize that global warming at the poles is going to raise the depth of the oceans all over the globe. Many resorts are going to be looking at moving to higher ground. Do what you need to do. We have no control over this.
They shouldn't get any money from the feds.
There are places flooding that haven't flooded in memory. My best friend list everything back in March and he's standing by to lose everything, again.

My heart goes out to your friend, but remember, there's no such thing as AGW. We know this because liberals - and the scientists we listen to - are always wrong about everything.
My heart goes out to your friend, but remember, there's no such thing as AGW. We know this because liberals - and the scientists we listen to - are always wrong about everything.

There is no such thing as global warming. You're right. He put his house in a creek bottom. I advised him 20 years ago that, someday, he was going to get flooded out.
There aren't many hills in these parts. My brother is currently trapped in denham springs. All roads out are flooded and still going up. It's like an island right now. My fathers and other brothers house is under water.

Just insanity.

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I don't live in those parts.

This is out in Robert.


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I don't live in those parts.

This is out in Robert.

by my brothers house in Watson.

and that's the Main Street in denham springs. Way before the peak of the flood.

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