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Louisiana: Bill imposes road maintenance fee on EV and hybrid owners (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Now back in the day..I remember there being a conversation on here about how bbb I think had this exact bill as a test program and people were not happy over it.

I am highly amused.
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.
A battery made of cobalt from a mine in Congo owned by other countries are fine?

Now back in the day..I remember there being a conversation on here about how bbb I think had this exact bill as a test program and people were not happy over it.

I am highly amused.
$110 per year. The gas tax is $.20 per gallon, average gas tank is what, 12 or 15 gallons. If its 15 gallons thats $3 bucks per fill-up so the EV owner is paying what a gas guzzler driver pays for 36 fill-ups per year, three per month.
Sounds like a cash grab to me, punitive even, especially since the EV owner seems likely to be a city dweller, one who would own a small car and not put on a lot of miles.
$110 per year. The gas tax is $.20 per gallon, average gas tank is what, 12 or 15 gallons. If its 15 gallons thats $3 bucks per fill-up so the EV owner is paying what a gas guzzler driver pays for 36 fill-ups per year, three per month.
Sounds like a cash grab to me, punitive even, especially since the EV owner seems likely to be a city dweller, one who would own a small car and not put on a lot of miles.
The average American uses about 550 gallons per year. Sounds like they used that as a basis for the fee.
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.

On cars they already bought?
$110 per year. The gas tax is $.20 per gallon, average gas tank is what, 12 or 15 gallons. If its 15 gallons thats $3 bucks per fill-up so the EV owner is paying what a gas guzzler driver pays for 36 fill-ups per year, three per month.
Sounds like a cash grab to me, punitive even, especially since the EV owner seems likely to be a city dweller, one who would own a small car and not put on a lot of miles.
Hum let's see.
Louisiana has a $0.20 per gallon gas tax, Gas tax by state.
If the average driver drives 14,263 miles per year, and the average mileage is 25.4 MPG,
than that translates into 14263/25.4 = 561.5 gallons, so at $0.20 per gallon, means each gas vehicles pays
about 561.5 X $0.2 =$112.30.
It sure looks like they made an attempt to charge the EV owners the same as everyone else who uses the road,
i.e. not a cash grab!
The average American uses about 550 gallons per year. Sounds like they used that as a basis for the fee.
Isn't there a tax on electricity already? This sounds like raising taxes on those in lower tax brackets (assuming they can even afford an EV).
$110 per year. The gas tax is $.20 per gallon, average gas tank is what, 12 or 15 gallons. If its 15 gallons thats $3 bucks per fill-up so the EV owner is paying what a gas guzzler driver pays for 36 fill-ups per year, three per month.
Sounds like a cash grab to me, punitive even, especially since the EV owner seems likely to be a city dweller, one who would own a small car and not put on a lot of miles.

In a technical sense, they are grabbing cash. But consider. The gas tax was designed to cover the cost of road maintenance (at least in part); the more you use the roads the more you pay. It's far from perfect, of course, and is probably way too low. But that was its purpose.

Taxing EVs is in line with that.

What it isn't in line with is creating incentives beyond the market to switch to a EV.
But Musk bought Twitter and posted a cartoon. Do Republicans want to piss him off now? What if he posts a different cartoon in response?
I actually don't have a problem with nominal road use fees to recoup lost gas tax revenue.
Roads and related infrastructure require maintenance so the money has to come from somewhere.
A couple of hundred bucks a year isn't draconian.
If this is about inequities caused by a gas tax, why not just charge all car owners the same yearly fee? This solution is not fair to hybrid owners because it sounds like they all pay the same fee regardless of how much (or little) they drive, while the gas tax is tied to how much gas is actually consumed.
If this is about inequities caused by a gas tax, why not just charge all car owners the same yearly fee? This is not fair to hybrid owners because it sounds like they all pay the same fee regardless of how much (or little) they drive.
I suspect you will see a number of states figuring out how to recoup the taxes lost to EVs.
Asking them to pay their fair share seems ok
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.
What if they didn't know the source of the materials? Isn't that more on the corporation than the consumer?

Now back in the day..I remember there being a conversation on here about how bbb I think had this exact bill as a test program and people were not happy over it.

I am highly amused.
Was bound to happen, they aren't paying the backdoor tax that cities, counties, and states count on.
The average American uses about 550 gallons per year. Sounds like they used that as a basis for the fee.

Sounds like maybe they should base it on mileage, instead of charging everyone the same amount regardless of usage.
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.
Standard conservative BS. Fine the user and let the corporation profit.
I don't have an issue with this. The issues with the various exotic batteries will be take care of as the new battery technologies get introduced to the market., which shouldn't be more than 4 or 5 years.
So on the one hand...
The American government still subsidies the purchase of some electric vehicles. In fact, you can get cash incentives at both a federal and state level.
The U.S. wants to see a lot of consumers driving electric cars to meet its emission goals, so they still have some attractive handouts for people who are ready to buy.
As of 2010, new electric vehicles may be eligible for a federal income tax credit of up to $7,500. The amount you get will be based on the vehicle’s battery capacity. So if you throw in possible state subsidies, you could be looking to save up to $10,000 on a new purchase.

And on the other hand states are going to tax the owners of electric vehicles. WTF are we doing?
$110 per year. The gas tax is $.20 per gallon, average gas tank is what, 12 or 15 gallons. If its 15 gallons thats $3 bucks per fill-up so the EV owner is paying what a gas guzzler driver pays for 36 fill-ups per year, three per month.
Sounds like a cash grab to me, punitive even, especially since the EV owner seems likely to be a city dweller, one who would own a small car and not put on a lot of miles.
I did the calc based on mileage and assuming 20mpg $110 equates to the gas on 11,000 miles driven. That seems about right to me.
EV and electric car owners should be fined significantly if their battery is made of Cobalt that came from a Chinese owned mine in the Congo.
Why the consumer who likely doesn’t know where his battery components came from.
Isn't there a tax on electricity already? This sounds like raising taxes on those in lower tax brackets (assuming they can even afford an EV).
Don't know about Louisiana - if there is, it's probably a standard 6-7% sales tax, so not enough to offset costs associated with road use.

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