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Looks like the troops agree with Murtha. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Remember how all the Chicken Hawks claimed that Congressman Murtha was hurting troop morale by claiming that we should get out of Iraq as soon as possible and that we had done all we could do there? I certainly remember this all quite well. Then again, I was one of the informed few who thought the war was a bad idea before we even went into Iraq so what do I know.:roll:

Anyway, they just released a Zogby Poll:

“A first-ever survey of U.S. troops on the ground fighting a war overseas has revealed surprising findings, not the least of which is that an overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year.”

Read more here:


I know though, Freedom is On the March. These soldiers over there actually fighting that war evidently don’t know what they are talking about. :roll:
I think most people would agree we should get out of Iraq ASAP.

Whether exiting Iraq within a year or not is a good idea has yet to be seen.
Personally, I think we need to step spending the astronomical amounts of money that we have been and should really just adopt a policy of Isolationism.

Of course this wouldn't stop the Islamic fanatics, but at least we wouldn't have such a huge deficit.
I'm sure the swift boaters are working on it...
scottyz said:
I'm sure the swift boaters are working on it...

They can't successfully trash and label 72% of our troops as traitors, can they?
KidRocks said:
They can't successfully trash and label 72% of our troops as traitors, can they?
I'm sure they can find some angle to use. Anything to avoid putting any blame on Bush.
scottyz said:
I'm sure they can find some angle to use. Anything to avoid putting any blame on Bush.
The only reason none of the right wingers have chimed in on this one so far is that don’t know how to spin it yet and they are awaiting their marching orders from Limbaugh or one of his clones in the nut job media. As soon as the conservative talk radio guys and the right wing rags like Newsmax start spinning this, you can bet that there will be a ton of responses to this thread.

They will probably make some claim like “Unnamed sources are reporting that the poll only questioned gay soldiers and they are just trying to help the Democrats in return for the don’t ask don’t tell policy” and then just blame it all on Clinton or Dean or the “Liberal Media” or what ever their whipping post is this week that they use to avoid admitting they were ever wrong about anything.
SouthernDemocrat said:
The only reason none of the right wingers have chimed in on this one so far is that don’t know how to spin it yet and they are awaiting their marching orders from Limbaugh or one of his clones in the nut job media. As soon as the conservative talk radio guys and the right wing rags like Newsmax start spinning this, you can bet that there will be a ton of responses to this thread.

They will probably make some claim like “Unnamed sources are reporting that the poll only questioned gay soldiers and they are just trying to help the Democrats in return for the don’t ask don’t tell policy” and then just blame it all on Clinton or Dean or the “Liberal Media” or what ever their whipping post is this week that they use to avoid admitting they were ever wrong about anything.

Right enough, you would have expected Navy Pride to have chirped in by now but he's keeping quiet. :2wave:
I'm sure that their tactic will be to try to say that Murtha wanted our troops out immediately, not within a year. Not true, but it sounds good! :mrgreen:

Actually, one of the most interesting things about this poll to me was the responses when asked about prisoner abuse.
55% said it is not appropriate or standard military conduct to use harsh and threatening methods against insurgent prisoners in order to gain information of military value.

ONLY 55%.....I guess they haven't gotten the memo that we don't torture....:shock:
Zogby has a well deserved reputation of obtaining poll results that match his client's political leaning. Since this poll was conducted for the Le Moyne College’s Center for Peace and Global Studies, the results are no surprise.

I notice that Zogby doesn't post the actual wording of his poll questions unlike most pollsters. The actual wording of the questions would be interesting and might shed some light on the answers.
Murtha's plan
To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over- the- horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq

An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.

How does this poll vindicate or affirm Murtha's plan or statements? It doesn't.

Why didn't you hi-lite this?

A majority of the troops serving in Iraq said they were satisfied with the war provisions from Washington. Just 30% of troops said they think the Department of Defense has failed to provide adequate troop protections, such as body armor, munitions, and armor plating for vehicles like HumVees. Only 35% said basic civil infrastructure in Iraq, including roads, electricity, water service, and health care, has not improved over the past year. Three of every four were male respondents, with 63% under the age of 30.

Many folks on both sides are growing weary of the war. Myself included. I'm upset that we didn't inflict total devastation on the country. Should we be out by next year? Certainly that would be nice & I think it's possible. But, as Murtha has pointed out certain changes have to occur & none of them include an arbitrary withdrawl time frame. While I agree with the premise of the war I don't believe it was necessarily executed well (by the folks in charge - of course the troops did a great job at what they were ordered to do).

My prediction - the war will be over by the time Bush leaves office; or at least be in the process of troop withdrawls.
SouthernDemocrat said:
The only reason none of the right wingers have chimed in on this one so far is that don’t know how to spin it yet and they are awaiting their marching orders from Limbaugh or one of his clones in the nut job media.

Wow... you sure can stroke yourself.

Eveyr soldier in every war wants to go home. That our troops express this desire in one way or another isnt a suprise to anyone (except the Cluseless Left), and certainly isnt news.

And it sure as hell isnt an indication that the soldiers criticize the Administration's policies that put them there.

You -also- fail to consider the possibility that they think they should go home because they think their job is almost done. Imagine that.

SouthernDemocrat said:
The only reason none of the right wingers have chimed in on this one so far is that don’t know how to spin it yet and they are awaiting their marching orders from Limbaugh or one of his clones in the nut job media. As soon as the conservative talk radio guys and the right wing rags like Newsmax start spinning this, you can bet that there will be a ton of responses to this thread.

SoutherD, where have you been? I love this commentary. I just saw Goobieman criticize you for this, but I am LMAO.

*Goobieman turns off Fox News breaking news announcement that all conservatives are to say that the reason so many soldiers want to go home is because they feel their job is done.*

aps said:
SoutherD, where have you been? I love this commentary. I just saw Goobieman criticize you for this, but I am LMAO.

*Goobieman turns off Fox News breaking news announcement that all conservatives are to say that the reason so many soldiers want to go home is because they feel their job is done.*


And do the people ate Moveon.org know you regularly plagarize them?
[aps closes the moveon.org IE window]

If he's honest with you, he'll tell you that he had not considered that possibility.
Goobieman said:
And do the people ate Moveon.org know you regularly plagarize them?
[aps closes the moveon.org IE window]

Goobie, LOL. I'm glad you are playing along with me.

I have to tell you something funny. I have never gone onto moveon.org or Michael Moore's website. They are too extreme for me.

If he's honest with you, he'll tell you that he had not considered that possibility.

He had not considered that possibility because there is no way in hell that anyone with a brain would think that their work is almost done. Have you been watching the news lately? If we leave now, civil war will erupt.

Arthur Fonzarelli said:
Murtha's plan



How does this poll vindicate or affirm Murtha's plan or statements? It doesn't.

Why didn't you hi-lite this?

Many folks on both sides are growing weary of the war. Myself included. I'm upset that we didn't inflict total devastation on the country. Should we be out by next year? Certainly that would be nice & I think it's possible. But, as Murtha has pointed out certain changes have to occur & none of them include an arbitrary withdrawl time frame. While I agree with the premise of the war I don't believe it was necessarily executed well (by the folks in charge - of course the troops did a great job at what they were ordered to do).

My prediction - the war will be over by the time Bush leaves office; or at least be in the process of troop withdrawls.

Right on cue. Actually, Murtha's plan called for the immediate redeployment of troops after the elections in December, but staggered over a 6 month period in order to protect the safety of the troops. He didn't say for them all to pick up and leave the next day.
A) The polling questions are not listed. I mean if you act a soldier who has been in Iraq for the last couple of years a question like: "would you like to come home by 2006." The obvious answer will be yes.

B) What's the sample size?

C) The only poll that matters at all is the one that comes every four years and in that poll the troops voted for Bush so put that in your pipe and bite down.
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aps said:
Have you been watching the news lately? If we leave now, civil war will erupt.


It don't matter when we leave. Civil war is just around the corner.

Mission accomplished. :rofl
SouthernDemocrat said:
Remember how all the Chicken Hawks claimed that Congressman Murtha was hurting troop morale by claiming that we should get out of Iraq as soon as possible and that we had done all we could do there? I certainly remember this all quite well. Then again, I was one of the informed few who thought the war was a bad idea before we even went into Iraq so what do I know.

Well, one thing you don't know is causation. One of the problems patriotic people have had since the beginning with the Democrats' knee jerk compulsion to retreat, surrender, and forecast failure is that it eventually affects the troops.

It finally has. Thanks for proving it and congratulations.

There have been people like you patting themselves on the back for being the first ones to undermine the troops in every war that ever got difficult. You are doing what takes the least effort, intelligence, character-back seat driving the only people who have the balls to actually do something about foreign threats.

Democrats are the party whose habitual groveling, cowering, inaction, and appeasement have given us a nuclear Iran, 9/11, not a stitch of progress against Saddam.

Oh, but Iraq hasn't gone smoothly enough for Democrats? Pot meet kettle. Those who actually do something about foreign threats will always be criticized more than those who take no risks and have no spine or patriotism.

It is better to have an imperfect response than none at all. NONE is exactly what we got from your party.
Wah wah wah....boo hoo hoo....:2bigcry:
It don't matter when we leave. Civil war is just around the corner.
Aren't you proud that you and Zwahiri have a common goal??
Gill said:
Aren't you proud that you and Zwahiri have a common goal??

It's not my goal. It is what it is. What is it about the truth that freaks you guys out so much?

It has been reported on most every media outlets that everyone inside the beltway thinks an Iraqi civil war is inevitable (although often spoken in low breath.)








If you REALLY support our troops, you'd want to get them home safely and as soon as possible. With friends like you guys, who even needs enemies?

You guys must really hate being told "I told ya so....":rofl
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Um, I told you dummies last year that this would be a pull out year, though not a complete one.

Our work in Iraq is almost done. The insurgency is next to nothing. The remaining fighters are local Sunni that long for the good old days. What is mostly left is a civil matter. Our concerns are the safety of the contractors that have an enourmous amount of tasks still before them in Iraq. Our intel suggests that when we leave, the civil violence will continue at much lower levels and that there may be a small surge of outsiders to persuade the Islamic world that they have defeated the "Great Satan." Public percentages place the new Iraqi Army at 75 percent by the summer, though our intel places this percentage closer to 85. They should be capable of handling this element. The success or failure of Iraq's new government is going to be their success or failure. It has always been so. If Iraq fails itself, it will say more for this civilization than it does for American might. We gave them a bicycle. It's up to them to take off the training wheels. If you care about America's future securities, I would suggest that you pray for a successful Iraq (and a civil war with a Shi'ite victory is not a failure) instead of gloating for a failure.

As I said last year, this has nothing to do with your silly needs to praise your political parties. Between the silly Democrats desperately looking for a political victory and the Republicans looking to smear current events in their faces, we have the troops accomplishing a mission. This is the mission and there has been a loose schedule.

(I will also add that all troops wish to go home.)
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Captain America said:
Wah wah wah....boo hoo hoo....:2bigcry:

Hold me, Captain America! aquapub's post has hurt me to the core as well. :boohoo:
Um, I told you dummies last year that this would be a pull out year, though not a complete one.

Our work in Iraq is almost done. The insurgency is next to nothing. The remaining fighters are local Sunni that long for the good old days. What is mostly left is a civil matter. Our concerns are the safety of the contractors that have an enourmous amount of tasks still before them in Iraq. Our intel suggests that when we leave the civil violence will continue at much lower levels and that there may be a small surge of outsiders to persuade the Islamic world that they have defeated the "Great Satan." Public percentages place the new Iraqi Army at 75 percent by the summer, though our intel places this percentage closer to 85. They should be capable of handling this element. The success or failure of Iraq's new government is going to be their success or failure. It has always been so. If Iraq fails itself, it will say more for this civilization than it does for American might. We gave them a bicycle. It's up to them to take off the training wheels. If you care about America's future securities, I would suggest that you pray for a successful Iraq (and a civil war with a Shi'ite victory is not a failure).

As I said last year, this has nothing to do with your silly needs to praise your political parties. Between the silly Democrats desperately looking for a political victory and the Republicans looking to smear current events in their faces, we have the troops accomplishing a mission. This is the mission and there has been a loose schedule.

Okay so basically this is what we did.

We invaded Iraq for "freedom"

We took care of the insurgency (this is assuming what Gysgt says is correct)

The Sunnis and Shi'ites are in civil war but thats okay cause we did what we had to do (whatever that was).

Now we will leave and hope they don't blow each other to bits. And if they do blow each other to bits, it's their fault not ours for invading them in the first place.

Now we leave. Look back at Iraq. What the **** did we accomplish?
FinnMacCool said:
Okay so basically this is what we did.

We invaded Iraq for "freedom"

We took care of the insurgency (this is assuming what Gysgt says is correct)

The Sunnis and Shi'ites are in civil war but thats okay cause we did what we had to do (whatever that was).

Now we will leave and hope they don't blow each other to bits. And if they do blow each other to bits, it's their fault not ours for invading them in the first place.

Now we leave. Look back at Iraq. What the **** did we accomplish?

BINGO! Give that man a cigar!

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