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Looking for a slogan (1 Viewer)

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Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Libertarian - Right
Looking for a slogan for Debate Politics.

Here are a few I have thought of.

Debate Politics - The Un-biased and Civil discussion forum
Debate Politics - Political bias optional, civility a must
Debate Politics - Simply the best in Politcal Discussion

Debate Politics-Left, Right and Center Stage
Debate Politics- The other, other white meat.
Debate Politics.. The pen is mighter than the sword... Bring band aids.
Debate Politics- An Arena of Ideas

These are good! Any more ideas?

vauge said:
These are good! Any more ideas?


Debate Politics....Howard Stern all morning...Classic rock & roll all day.

Debate Politics....Come take a swing at Billo Really.

Debate Politics....Proving, once again, that beer and heroin don't mix.

Debate Politics....where sanity is not a pre-requisite.

Debate Politics....Come for the dinner...stay for the show.

Debate Politics....You'll be wrong; but you won't be alone.
Deabte Politics-Because You Are a Political Peon
Debate Politics-Cause Drugs Aren't Doing It For You Anymore
ShamMol said:
Debate Politics-Cause Drugs Aren't Doing It For You Anymore


I think the best one was by vauge:
Debate Politics - Political bias optional, civility a must
Debate Politics - Simply the best in Politcal Discussion

everyone elses were humiliating lol
Debate Politics- And Like IT!

Debate Politics- All The Cool Kids Do It.

Debate Politics- Give Into Peer Pressure.

Debate Politics- Because debating anything else would be boring.

Debate Politics- Help the Liberal Revolution.

Debate Politics- Because the Next Generation will ruin them.
Debate Politics - With 10% less fat than the other political forums
cnredd said:
Debate Politics - With 10% less fat than the other political forums
I agree with CanadianGuy - I like that one.

Debate Politics - Where galenrox cuts the tripe to where we can stomach it.
Last edited:
Tripe is cow stomach that is very popular in Mexican menudo and Vietnamese pho (soup) ... play on words.

Kinda like "getting to the meat of a subject" - wasn't an insult, pure jest.
Debate Politics-When I Take Over, Your Death Shall Be Quick and Painless.
DB - Battlefield of the War of Ideas

Here are my personal fav's. Waiting a few more days for some more ideas then putting up to a vote.

Debate Politics - Political bias optional, civility a must
Debate Politics - Simply the best in Politcal Discussion
Debate Politics - An Arena of Ideas
Debate Politics - Come for the dinner...stay for the show.
Debate Politics - You'll be wrong; but you won't be alone.
Debate Politics - With 10% less fat than the other political forums
Debate Politics - Battlefield of the War of Ideas

Debate Politics - Don't let facts get in the way of a good discusion
galenrox said:
Debate Politics - If It Looks Like a Fetus, and it Smells Like a Fetus, Chances Are it's DELICIOUS!
Thats so awful...yet I'm dying with laughter.
Debate Politics-Because you lost your soap box
Debate Politics is people!
Debate Politics-Because you like to feel important
Debate Politics - Free Long Distance!

Debate Politics - It's like Stephan Hawking; but without the wheelchair

Debate Politics - Where the Einstein of intelligence meets the Tammy Faye Baker of emotion

Debate Politics - Go long...I'll fake it to ya!

Debate Politics - The Fifth Estate
cnredd said:
Debate Politics - Where the Einstein of intelligence meets the Tammy Faye Baker of emotion

OMG that is funny! :rofl

Keep em coming.
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