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...looking at 2008 what will happen? (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
for the Democrats


Hillary Clinton - Bill Nelson

analysis - If Nelson can get re-elected at 55% or bigger, this ticket could be unbeatable. Many have remarked that Hillary Clinton is unelectable. Yet a look at the electoral college that many liberals such as yours truly thinks should be abolished, shows the advantage swings to the Democrats in 2008. Certainly Hillary can hold all of the blue states (maybe minus New Hampshire) that JOHN KERRY got. Remember Kerry ran against an incumbent, Hillary will be running probably against another first-timer who definitely will not be President at the time. A simple election scenario: N.H. goes red, Florida goes blue. Democrats win. The bonus to this scenario is that it allows for a smaller state to drift republican and the Democrats can still win.

for the republicans:


Bill Frist - Jeb Bush

analysis- The Republican party powers will want to prevent a pro-choice Guiliani or Rice from being on any part of the ticket. John McCain's independence still won't sit well with party regulars. Look for Lindsey Graham to run the strongest campaign and to be the story of the election, but ultimately Bill Frist will leverage his position as Senate leader into a nomination. Jeb Bush will be picked either in response to Bill Nelson's selection or in anticipation.



Frist-Bush wins over Clinton-Nelson because Bush will beat Nelson in Florida. It's that simple. If the republicans are stupid enough not to put a Fla. politician on the ticket, and we are smart enough to do it. We win.

You can see the top five for both sides, and the analysis as of today for our next Presidential contest!

craigfarmer said:
Yet a look at the electoral college that many liberals such as yours truly thinks should be abolished, shows the advantage swings to the Democrats in 2008.

Jesse was fussing about abolishing the Electoral College 2 weeks before the 2004 Election, went on about the will of the people (majority) not being honored. Then went to contest the Ohio vote. Had it gone to Kerry - the will of the people would have still gave it to Bush by over 2 and a half million votes. But that didn't matter to him I guess.
The Electoral College being abolished would not have changed anything last election and may not next time around either. But it's funny how Libs only want the Electoral College when it's to their 'advantage.'
Saw a poll recently that said...

Republicans want a McCain/E. Dole ticket and would hate to see Jeb Bush get the nomination.

Democrats want the nomination to go to Clark and would hate to see H. Clinton on the ticket.

I would like to see McCain and Obama in '08.
KansasMeg said:
Saw a poll recently that said...

Republicans want a McCain/E. Dole ticket and would hate to see Jeb Bush get the nomination.

Democrats want the nomination to go to Clark and would hate to see H. Clinton on the ticket.

I would like to see McCain and Obama in '08.

**** Morris says Rice is the only one who could beat Hillary. I think she will be the nominee for the dems. Biden was talking around that Sunday.
I would like to see Rice/Giuliani or Rice/Frist.
Welcome aboard KansasMeg! :D
Frist scares me. I'd rather see some candiates who are less polarizing....so Rice would be out (for me). Too many dems don't like Hillary, so it surprises me that there is so much talk about her being nominated.

Is McCain v. Obama too idealistic? I'd still love to see it.

Thanks for the welcome, Batman.
Indeed - welcome to Debate Politics!

I would not be suprized to see a Hillary/Obama ticket.

McCain is not electable - from at least the cons that I know. He is way to liberal.

Next, I could see Frist/Rice or Frist/Guilliani. I really like Rice, but if she truely is Lesbian (like rumors are saying) - She is not electable at all.
Newbie question here...

What are the 2 out of 5 GOP elephants or 3 out of 5 stars or other rankings mean? I'm talking about the ones listed under some of the user names. Just curious.
vauge said:
I really like Rice, but if she truely is Lesbian (like rumors are saying) - She is not electable at all.

WHAT? :confused: Where have I been? Where did this come from and say it ain't so! :eek:
A Black, female, lesbian Secretary of State and possible President? I might almost be tempted to vote for her. Almost.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
A Black, female, lesbian Secretary of State and possible President? I might almost be tempted to vote for her. Almost.
That lesbian thing is really quite offensive isn't it? Does anyone really have any evidence that Rice is a homosexual? Or is this merely an attempt by liberals to tarnish her image with the left? This is the same tactic the right has used on Hillary for years. Now it seems the left has lowered themselves to the same BS tactics.


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