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London’s Muslim Mayor Bans Sexy Women In Advertisements (1 Viewer)


Relentless Thinking Fury
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2013
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The North Shore
Political Leaning
We must not offend the chunky women in burkas, or the Imam who doesn't need to be distracted while he's preaching his hate message.
This is Londonistan after all.
How is this not discrimination? How can you ban an entire group of people from getting a certain job and not be discriminating against that group?
I believe France and Israel have similar national laws. This law on the other hand is only in the London underground. Essentially what it probably bans is airbrushed and extremely thin woman in advertisements. The Daily Caller is blowing it out of proportion and using it to attack the mayor.
I believe France and Israel have similar national laws. This law on the other hand is only in the London underground. Essentially what it bans is airbrushed and extremely thin woman in advertisements. The Daily Caller is blowing it out of proportion and using it to attack the mayor.

Banning thin women from getting jobs for advertisements is still discrimination.
No it really isn't.

How is it not? If everyone but thin women can get the jobs then it's pretty obvious that the law is singling them out and barring them from having equal rights.
I believe France and Israel have similar national laws. This law on the other hand is only in the London underground. Essentially what it probably bans is airbrushed and extremely thin woman in advertisements. The Daily Caller is blowing it out of proportion and using it to attack the mayor.

Does this woman look extremely thin to you?

People seem to be blowing this out of proportion. It is just a ban from the city's public transportation system. The mayor is saying the city won't accept advertising dollars to place these ads. The city has all sorts of rules on what sorts of ads they will and won't place, even though the advertisers are free to place the ads with any non-governmental organization.

We can certainly discuss what sorts of ads should be on public transportation, but let's not make this look like it is some sort of city-wide ban or outlawing.
Well considering I can see what appears to be her ribs I will say yes.

The answer's no, she's not extremely thin. She's used as the successful end result of losing weight....a healthy, gorgeous woman.
People seem to be blowing this out of proportion. It is just a ban from the city's public transportation system. The mayor is saying the city won't accept advertising dollars to place these ads. The city has all sorts of rules on what sorts of ads they will and won't place, even though the advertisers are free to place the ads with any non-governmental organization.

We can certainly discuss what sorts of ads should be on public transportation, but let's not make this look like it is some sort of city-wide ban or outlawing.

They are still discriminating against people because of their appearance. Yes, they are doing it through ads on their transportation, but the fact remains they are using the body shape of the models to do it.
How is this not discrimination? How can you ban an entire group of people from getting a certain job and not be discriminating against that group?

Where else are such advertisements not permitted? In Muslim countries.

As the population of London changes, and Muslims gain political power, this is the obvious result.
People seem to be blowing this out of proportion. It is just a ban from the city's public transportation system. The mayor is saying the city won't accept advertising dollars to place these ads. The city has all sorts of rules on what sorts of ads they will and won't place, even though the advertisers are free to place the ads with any non-governmental organization.

We can certainly discuss what sorts of ads should be on public transportation, but let's not make this look like it is some sort of city-wide ban or outlawing.

It also has absolutely nothing to do with his being a Muslim, but we would not want to let little facts like that get in the way of their hysterical rant...
I somehow doubt we are just talking about women that are that thin. If I know anything about this body shaming rhetoric they are eliminating everyone with a healthy body.

I don't know if it's so much about body shaming as it is about sexy women not wearing too much and how his religion views that.
Where else are such advertisements not permitted? In Muslim countries.

As the population of London changes, and Muslims gain political power, this is the obvious result.

Which Muslim countries do not allow "body shaming" advertisements? I don't think any...
They are still discriminating against people because of their appearance. Yes, they are doing it through ads on their transportation, but the fact remains they are using the body shape of the models to do it.

Wait! You are saying that modeling agencies and advertisers discriminate based on appearance? Holy ****, who knew? Next you will tell me that actors and actresses are discriminated against based on their appearance...
I don't know if it's so much about body shaming as it is about sexy women not wearing too much and how his religion views that.

I see no evidence this has to do with his faith. From what I can tell it's classic this makes women feel bad, so we need to take steps to protect them from it crap. I wonder if the supporters of this law realize that companies want their ads to appear on public transportation. Do the supporters of this law realize that banning skinny women from ads on public transportation affects their job prospects? How many companies do you think looking to have their ad appear on public transportation will hire a skinny woman? Oh right, none of them.
Wait! You are saying that modeling agencies and advertisers discriminate based on appearance? Holy ****, who knew? Next you will tell me that actors and actresses are discriminated against based on their appearance...

Did you purposely miss my point or are you trying to deflect from it? Regardless of what your defect is I'm not interested in dealing with it.
Where else are such advertisements not permitted? In Muslim countries.

As the population of London changes, and Muslims gain political power, this is the obvious result.

Israel and France. The London law literally only applies to the London Underground which the city owns.

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