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Logo & Header pics (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
We are in need of a good logo and header pic.

If you have any ideas - feel free to submit them in this thread.

If we select your submission:
1. Get your name in colors
2. You will be considered a Sponsor of Debate Politics and if you own a website it will be linked on the front page.
3. Unique title of your choosing below your name in posts.

We do not want faces of leaders or any indication that this is a 'biased' site. For instance; No war scenes, no pro or anti America, or Bush images. We are looking for something that represents "debating politics" and is easily recognizable.

We already have an "idea" on the plate using the Capitol building with Debate Politics across the front. It is a work in progress, but I do not believe it currently represents the quality of folks in our forum.

Send in those submissions!! :)
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Do you have anything specific in mind? Is this one too Pro-America or are you looking for something totally neutral?
nope, that won't work.
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That is sweet!! lol

But looking for very neutral if possible.
Here is something we've been working on... lol

That's a good one too. Here is another idea. Someone will come up with something cool. :) Ya all need some color though -- these lefties need something to cheer em up. ;) oops, gotta fix that typo. lol

nope, again
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I agree we do need a little color.

I like that scale - good stuff!!
"I still can't believe that Jackass said that." :rolleyes:
nadda, won't work
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I like the idea... but - it doesn't quite "feel" right.
One does not have to be a member of a party to participate, and it's really not Cons vs Dems here. (or has it become this?)

It's taken me and another guy 3 weeks to come up with what we have so far (see previous post with congress building pic).... and you make 3 in one day!

Bows to dah man...
One does not have to be a member of a party to participate, and it's really not Cons vs Dems here. (or has it become this?)
That's what the two cool cats in the middle are about. :p I could give ya some animation to liven it up a bit. lol I am just throwing some ideas out for you as I come up with them. The original design you made is just fine too. :)
Hey, maybe we could make that with a target over the cursor - like those ads.

Shoot the kitty - meow!!

Shoot the elephant - phhhhhah

Shoot the donkey - heehaw

j/k - Keep those ideas coming. :)
Bad idea, won't work, nope, nadda.
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I like!

Version #2 on the other header is coming shortly...

or something like


On second thought, maybe the first one with a drop shadow in the title and the US Political Debate etc. under it. lol
I gotta professional gunna throw one together too.
He has done quite a few political pamphlets for the republican party.

Can't wait to see what he comes up with as well. :)
vauge said:
Here is something we've been working on... lol


I like that pic. Maybe the caption underneath:

Welcome to the Jungle
It's a Jungle in here​

Get the GTA San Andreas thing going. :D
Batman said:
I like that pic. Maybe the caption underneath:

Welcome to the Jungle​
It's a Jungle in here

Get the GTA San Andreas thing going. :D

Hahah - I like those captions!
I gotta professional gunna throw one together too.
He has done quite a few political pamphlets for the republican party.

Whatcha think?


Looking good, I would rather it said "Both sides slug it out in a battle royale", lol
I like the Capitol Building background better. This one is better than the current, but still a bit bland.
I like this one.

I am partial to the colors, and speaking for myself, they would draw me in before other banners. Making me stay is another story.

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