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Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins (1 Viewer)


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Dec 9, 2009
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Houston, TX
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Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins | Fox News

If the point of a political convention is to get your party’s message out, win over voters and boost your candidate’s prospects, then make no mistake about the 2020 conventions, Republicans absolutely buried Democrats.

Joe Biden got zero boost from the Democrats’ grievance-fueled slog-fest last week. The Democratic presidential nominee's polls did not move higher; in fact, they dropped, and especially in the critical swing states.

Americans are looking for positive law and order polices, not green energy, not higher taxes, not focus on racial equality(already guaranteed by the Constitution), and Medicare for all. The American people get it, liberalism is all about spending in the name of compassion but never solving actual problems just creating dependence.
Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins | Fox News

Americans are looking for positive law and order polices, not green energy, not higher taxes, not focus on racial equality(already guaranteed by the Constitution), and Medicare for all. The American people get it, liberalism is all about spending in the name of compassion but never solving actual problems just creating dependence.

Good to see you still aren't buying rhetoric :lamo
Good to see you still aren't buying rhetoric :lamo

Rhetoric?? Still waiting for you to offer a valid reason for supporting Biden. The American people seem to be getting it, Green Energy NO, Higher taxes NO, racism NO, Medicare of all NO. The GOP positive message vs the gloom and doom liberal message

See if you can tell the difference between a Trump supporter and Biden?

Memorial Day Boat Parade Lake Havasu 2020 - YouTube

5 minute compilation : 5-29-2020 RIOTS / PROTESTS - YouTube
I agree with you only with respect to Fox News viewers. They are seeing a distorted view of what's happening in the country. They are unaware of how badly Trump has managed the Covid-19 pandemic, and they are being fed images of violent protests in the way that makes them think there is chaos and violence in every street in America. So, it makes since that Fox News viewers would cling to Trump like a security blanket. They are uninformed about what's really happening.
I agree with you only with respect to Fox News viewers. They are seeing a distorted view of what's happening in the country. They are unaware of how badly Trump has managed the Covid-19 pandemic, and they are being fed images of violent protests in the way that makes them think there is chaos and violence in every street in America. So, it makes since that Fox News viewers would cling to Trump like a security blanket. They are uninformed about what's really happening.

Wow, blinded by reality and still seeking attention, didn't watch the video, did you about the Rand Paul Attack? Mismanaged the Pandemic? Didn't read the article either did you? This is all about your cult mentality and total ignorance as to the alternative we have in Biden, purely anti Trump rhetoric and nothing positive about Biden. It is an American blanket that we are clinging to, patriotism, freedoms, individual wealth creation, personal responsibilities. You claim we are uninformed but show no evidence of that as the Constitution is a foreign document to you including the 10th Amendment.

The rioting in liberal cities across the country is foreign to you as you continue to divert to your partisan hate rhetoric against a President who has done absolutely nothing to create this personal animosity and hatred you have for him. So sad that people like you will never admit being wrong, never admit the failures of liberalism, never admit that the rule of law is required in our democracy, never admit that radicals control today's Democratic Party

I can only assume that people like you are being paid to post the 24/7 negatives against Trump all to divert from the Biden campaign and empty resume. You aren't convincing anyone as even those poll numbers you want to tout are showing what you want to ignore, the Biden campaign failing.

Americans want positive, not gloom and doom. Americans want law and order not rioting/looting, Americans want national security not appeasement, Americans want a strong economy not a liberal dependence creating economy. What is it about people like you that create this kind of loyalty and ignorance of reality?
Rhetoric?? Still waiting for you to offer a valid reason for supporting Biden. The American people seem to be getting it, Green Energy NO, Higher taxes NO, racism NO, Medicare of all NO. The GOP positive message vs the gloom and doom liberal message

See if you can tell the difference between a Trump supporter and Biden?

Memorial Day Boat Parade Lake Havasu 2020 - YouTube

5 minute compilation : 5-29-2020 RIOTS / PROTESTS - YouTube

See if YOU can tell the difference between a non political protest against police violence, and a polical ego stroking fest, for a failed man who can't function if he isn't getting his ego undeservedly stroked?

Wait, you cant, and are OVERLY proud shout it like a lunatic street preacher, to make sure EVERONE on DP understands that you've no idea what you're ranting abpout!


But well you're dedicated, so here's a comedy piece that is not only funny, but also sounds quite a bit less ridiculous than your posts always do....

I agree with you only with respect to Fox News viewers. They are seeing a distorted view of what's happening in the country. They are unaware of how badly Trump has managed the Covid-19 pandemic, and they are being fed images of violent protests in the way that makes them think there is chaos and violence in every street in America. So, it makes since that Fox News viewers would cling to Trump like a security blanket. They are uninformed about what's really happening.

One of the violent riot images shown them by Trump this week was actually from Spain, but he needs them afraid.
See if YOU can tell the difference between a non political protest against police violence, and a polical ego stroking fest, for a failed man who can't function if he isn't getting his ego undeservedly stroked?

Wait, you cant, and are OVERLY proud shout it like a lunatic street preacher, to make sure EVERONE on DP understands that you've no idea what you're ranting abpout!


But well you're dedicated, so here's a comedy piece that is not only funny, but also sounds quite a bit less ridiculous than your posts always do....

So you tell me what purpose it serves to protest police violence when officers are under arrest or direct scrutiny? Do you realize these are liberal run cities and have been in most cases for decades? The rule of law will take care of illegal police actions but in this country one is innocent until proven guilty. There is justification for violence, rioting, looting. Seems quite telling how civics challenged you are, who hires, funds, and trains the police in our cities? You want to blame the President for city activities and that shows a definitely lack of education and partisan liberal hatred out of ignorance
One of the violent riot images shown them by Trump this week was actually from Spain, but he needs them afraid.

So there isn't rioting going on in Kenosha? Portland? Who controls those cities, Republicans or Democrats?
As an outsider I hope Trump wins again. Living in the UK I know full well what socialism brings to the table...mainly division , as you are witnessing for yourselves. Another reason for me is that he pisses off all the right people.
So you tell me what purpose it serves to protest police violence when officers are under arrest or direct scrutiny? Do you realize these are liberal run cities and have been in most cases for decades? The rule of law will take care of illegal police actions but in this country one is innocent until proven guilty. There is justification for violence, rioting, looting. Seems quite telling how civics challenged you are, who hires, funds, and trains the police in our cities? You want to blame the President for city activities and that shows a definitely lack of education and partisan liberal hatred out of ignorance


Interesting that I never heard Dubya conservasplain how blue run cities aren't his responsibility. Thanks for clearing that up!

So what's the plan then, will Trump® (Jared), just issue an exuctive order, send all the dem mayors to gitmo and appoint Trumpubblican so they'll all get their act together? Or is it just Trump®'s victory will scare these dirty dems to solve the violence problems once Biden is vanquished, just out of overpowering fear and overwhelming respect?

I mean I realize that if Trump is re-elected all those dem cities will obviously and immediately get their act together, and the riots will cease overnight, just like COVID-19 will, but I'm just wondering exacly how it will be achieved?
Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins | Fox News

Americans are looking for positive law and order polices, not green energy, not higher taxes, not focus on racial equality(already guaranteed by the Constitution), and Medicare for all. The American people get it, liberalism is all about spending in the name of compassion but never solving actual problems just creating dependence.

And as far as Old Slow Joe making up stuff about how he and Obama created jobs.
That is a falsehood.It was Obama who when campaigning in Ohio implicitly stated
that certain jobs are not coming back.As in good paying Factory Jobs.That America
better get used to that new normal.Factory jobs are a thing of the past.
Well ... Guess who came in to save the day like Superman.It was Trump.
He showed and proved how it could be done.
It's pure propaganda, devoid of truth.

For those who may not believe you that Trump is constantly lying and spreading propaganda:

RNC Video Of Rioters In “Biden’s America” Is Actually A Street From Barcelona, Spain

The real question is why hasn't Joe Biden solved the violence problems in Spain? God you liberals are STOOPID!

If Trump® is not re-elected, Spain can expect a lot more of the same, democrat looting and lawlessness. Disgusting!

Joe Biden is a MONSTER, and he's too senile to even know where he is. Stoopid libs!:lamo
It's pure propaganda, devoid of truth.

For those who may not believe you that Trump is constantly lying and spreading propaganda:

RNC Video Of Rioters In “Biden’s America” Is Actually A Street From Barcelona, Spain

Classic example of lazy Biden supporters.Move on along folks.Nothing to see here.
Just one car burning in the middle of a blocked intersection while noticing a business
in the foreground burning brightly.Now Move along folks.Before Democrats issue directives for
Antifa and BLM to start citing protestors who disagree with them loitering tickets.

Interesting that I never heard Dubya conservasplain how blue run cities aren't his responsibility. Thanks for clearing that up!

So what's the plan then, will Trump® (Jared), just issue an exuctive order, send all the dem mayors to gitmo and appoint Trumpubblican so they'll all get their act together? Or is it just Trump®'s victory will scare these dirty dems to solve the violence problems once Biden is vanquished, just out of overpowering fear and overwhelming respect?

I mean I realize that if Trump is re-elected all those dem cities will obviously and immediately get their act together, and the riots will cease overnight, just like COVID-19 will, but I'm just wondering exacly how it will be achieved?

Look at this continued hatred and blame against the President for violence in the cities thus a total diversion from the Biden alternative and campaign. Time has come for liberals like you to accept your failures and stop the insanity of expecting a different result by electing the same mayors over and over. It is time for a change and every liberal mayor that continues to have riots should be replaced. You don't get change by electing the same person over and over again. You going to tell us who hires, funds, and trains the police in the cities? Can you explain to us all what justification there is for rioting, looting, politics of personal destruction? Of course not as it is easier to place blame on someone else vs accepting personal responsibility
And as far as Old Slow Joe making up stuff about how he and Obama created jobs.
That is a falsehood.It was Obama who when campaigning in Ohio implicitly stated
that certain jobs are not coming back.As in good paying Factory Jobs.That America
better get used to that new normal.Factory jobs are a thing of the past.
Well ... Guess who came in to save the day like Superman.It was Trump.
He showed and proved how it could be done.

You will never get a liberal to admit what you posted as most liberals need the public sector as they are unable to compete in the private sector. Wonder who those 58+ million 401k investors are going to support in November with the stock market up over 10000 points since the 2016 election and 9000 points since inauguration day?
Trump is trying to sell the "terrifying" prospect of a Biden presidency using violent clips of a Trump presidency! :doh(and foreigners)
As an outsider I hope Trump wins again. Living in the UK I know full well what socialism brings to the table...mainly division , as you are witnessing for yourselves. Another reason for me is that he pisses off all the right people.

Fairly good comment.But you did meanie ... The Left People.
People of the left.lefties.Not to be confused with leftover meatloaf unless
push comes to shove.Then let the meatloaf fly like a bird.
Liz Peek: Trump makes riveting case for reelection, shows America what it is in for if Biden wins | Fox News

Americans are looking for positive law and order polices, not green energy, not higher taxes, not focus on racial equality(already guaranteed by the Constitution), and Medicare for all. The American people get it, liberalism is all about spending in the name of compassion but never solving actual problems just creating dependence.

I see Fox News has given the party faithful their opinion.
Fairly good comment.But you did meanie ... The Left People.
People of the left.lefties.Not to be confused with leftover meatloaf unless
push comes to shove.Then let the meatloaf fly like a bird.

Um. Okay.
Look at this continued hatred and blame against the President for violence in the cities thus a total diversion from the Biden alternative and campaign. Time has come for liberals like you to accept your failures and stop the insanity of expecting a different result by electing the same mayors over and over. It is time for a change and every liberal mayor that continues to have riots should be replaced. You don't get change by electing the same person over and over again. You going to tell us who hires, funds, and trains the police in the cities? Can you explain to us all what justification there is for rioting, looting, politics of personal destruction? Of course not as it is easier to place blame on someone else vs accepting personal responsibility


But continue spewing....
Trump is trying to sell the "terrifying" prospect of a Biden presidency using violent clips of a Trump presidency! :doh(and foreigners)

So again we have a foreigner blaming Trump for violence in our cities that are run by Democratic Mayors and states run by Democratic Governors? Yes, that really boosts your credibility by showing your ignorance of basic civics and the true chain of command

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