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Live 8 & Geldoff can get stuffed ! (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Aid without a strategy for development isn't always a good thing.
This may sound harsh but... Don't breed what you can't feed.
Food without contraceptives is a recipe for even worse disasters in future.
Even then you have to convince these people that having more than two or three children is unwise & selfish.
Geldof's money from Live aid just allowed Sudanese women to produce more young & therefore create a bigger population dependant on handouts & therefore an even worse potential disaster in future !
Besides what is the ultimate innadvertant aim or consequence of all this ?... That every square inch of mother earth.. including barron desert areas are colonised by home sapiens ?
What I'm trying to say is... have people really thought this thing out & what the long term consequences are of people paying to see people that are playing for free in Hyde park so as to try & feel good about themselves ?
The biggest extinction of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out is now occurring becuase the planet is becoming infested with homo sapiens.
What is the point of a sponsored breeding programme to ensure barron areas of the planet are colonised by people dependant on aid from the west ?
The pop stars are only there for an ego trip & PR exercise anyway.
They all go back to their mansions in their limos after the concert.
I won't be giving to 'Live 8'. They can **** off !
robin said:
Aid without a strategy for development isn't always a good thing.
This may sound harsh but... Don't breed what you can't feed.
Food without contraceptives is a recipe for even worse disasters in future.
Even then you have to convince these people that having more than two or three children is unwise & selfish.
Geldof's money from Live aid just allowed Sudanese women to produce more young & therefore create a bigger population dependant on handouts & therefore an even worse potential disaster in future !
Besides what is the ultimate innadvertant aim or consequence of all this ?... That every square inch of mother earth.. including barron desert areas are colonised by home sapiens ?
What I'm trying to say is... have people really thought this thing out & what the long term consequences are of people paying to see people that are playing for free in Hyde park so as to try & feel good about themselves ?
The biggest extinction of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out is now occurring becuase the planet is becoming infested with homo sapiens.
What is the point of a sponsored breeding programme to ensure barron areas of the planet are colonised by people dependant on aid from the west ?
The pop stars are only there for an ego trip & PR exercise anyway.
They all go back to their mansions in their limos after the concert.
I won't be giving to 'Live 8'. They can **** off !

I personally think some of this effort is misguided as well. Simply removing the debt these countries owe isn't likely to resolve the problems of poverty, IMO. It might sound odd but just giving people money won't cure their poverty. Unless you just plan on always giving them more money. The solutions to their problems lie in trade and commerce, I think.
Pacridge said:
I personally think some of this effort is misguided as well. Simply removing the debt these countries owe isn't likely to resolve the problems of poverty, IMO. It might sound odd but just giving people money won't cure their poverty. Unless you just plan on always giving them more money. The solutions to their problems lie in trade and commerce, I think.

And I agree.

Trouble is, we could bring an end to world poverty quite quickly. The question is, do we want to?
robin said:
Aid without a strategy for development isn't always a good thing.
This may sound harsh but... Don't breed what you can't feed.
Food without contraceptives is a recipe for even worse disasters in future.
Even then you have to convince these people that having more than two or three children is unwise & selfish.

Want to tell the Pope that?
^I was just about to post somethign like that, lol.
Naughty Nurse said:
And I agree.

Trouble is, we could bring an end to world poverty quite quickly. The question is, do we want to?

Actually, it's 100% impossible to end poverty.

All poverty is is simply having less money than others. If you give money to all those living "in poverty" all you do is decrease the standard of living for others and create a new poverty line populated by others.

All wealth is relative. There can be no wealth without poverty, just as there can be no success without the failure of others. Doesn't mean that we should all try to fail so that nobody else fails.
^It is impossible in capitalism you mean.
ShamMol said:
^It is impossible in capitalism you mean.

No, I mean it is impossible.

Unless you can create a system in which every single person will have EXACTLY the same amount of wealth.

In which case, even so, people being as independent as they are, some will immediately begin to accumulate wealth at the expense of others, and poverty will exist once more.

Accept it, there is no viable system of wealth distribution that doesn't take away every bit of freedom you and I take for granted.
RightatNYU said:
No, I mean it is impossible.

Unless you can create a system in which every single person will have EXACTLY the same amount of wealth.

In which case, even so, people being as independent as they are, some will immediately begin to accumulate wealth at the expense of others, and poverty will exist once more.

Accept it, there is no viable system of wealth distribution that doesn't take away every bit of freedom you and I take for granted.

When you're right your right.
Naughty Nurse said:
Want to tell the Pope that?
Those bloody old fools. The chief paedophile sits in luxury in the Vatican advocating endless breeding.. just so there will be more Catholics. He doesn't have to live in poverty the slums of Rio like some of the poor kids that owe their miserable existence to him.
Naughty Nurse said:
Trouble is, we could bring an end to world poverty quite quickly.

Really? I would think if you take all the money away from the rich and give it to the poor and then wait a while-you would find most of the rich would be rich again and most of the poor would be poor again. Why? Because the rich would keep doing the things that made them rich, and the poor would keep doing the things that made them poor. Tada.
robin said:
Those bloody old fools. The chief paedophile sits in luxury in the Vatican advocating endless breeding.. just so there will be more Catholics. He doesn't have to live in poverty the slums of Rio like some of the poor kids that owe their miserable existence to him.

Yea, I'm sure that's exactly what the Pope is looking for.
Bob Geldof's message was more than just aid, and money being funneled into Africa. His message also seeks to have trade opened with MORE countries in Africa who have goods to export, to begin putting into their own economies.

I sat all day in Philadelphia, listening to the various messages being sent through the different venue's around the world. And with each one that spoke, the burning question in my mind was this... If they can help themselves by trading their goods, who are we or anyone else to say they can't?

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