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Limiting damages (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 10, 2005
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Can you believe that the Neo-CON death squads in the House of Reps. have put limits on how much you can be compensated for damages in civil lawsuits! They have capped the damages at $250,000.00. Yet the same Neo-Con death squads in the house have raised the fines that are imposed by the FCC to $500,00.00 for the broadcaster and unspecified fines for the actor or actress or performer who says or does something on screen or radio broadcast that the FCC considers profanity or lewd. Go figure?
Jaymo said:
Can you believe that the Neo-CON death squads in the House of Reps. have put limits on how much you can be compensated for damages in civil lawsuits! They have capped the damages at $250,000.00. Yet the same Neo-Con death squads in the house have raised the fines that are imposed by the FCC to $500,00.00 for the broadcaster and unspecified fines for the actor or actress or performer who says or does something on screen or radio broadcast that the FCC considers profanity or lewd. Go figure?
What do you expect, they're neo-cons! Honesty, how could anyone be a neo-con? They combine utter faith in the market with the belief that preemptive war is somehow 'neccesary'. Note that this means they believe it's OK to invade a country and, as happens in war, kill innocent civilians under the premise of suspicion alone! Also, several neo-cons have publicly said that they support the idea of an American empire (or rather, the advancement of the American Empire, as we already are the most powerful empire ever to exist on this earth), or even an American ruled world.
I wish they had to serve their Country and see just how bad war really is. It is easy for them to send someone else's children to die.
As I believe is Garza UK's quote (by a Roman general): "war is only sweet to those who have never experienced it". But be careful. Such feelings as you have expressed lead some Democrats to support a draft, so that 'all will have an equal chance of serving in the military'. I am opposed to any draft, as it will send the unwilling into battle. But yes, Iraq is a rich man's war being fought by the poor. Who is benefitting the most from this war? The weapons dealers! But wait, we all know those companies deserve every dime of that fortune they're making, right?
anomaly said:
As I believe is Garza UK's quote (by a Roman general): "war is only sweet to those who have never experienced it". But be careful. Such feelings as you have expressed lead some Democrats to support a draft, so that 'all will have an equal chance of serving in the military'. I am opposed to any draft, as it will send the unwilling into battle. But yes, Iraq is a rich man's war being fought by the poor. Who is benefitting the most from this war? The weapons dealers! But wait, we all know those companies deserve every dime of that fortune they're making, right?

Let Freedom reign, and a draft is not free. Honestly, I am at that age and I will sue if I am drafted under the damn constitution. It hasn't been done before and a draft denies one the chance to live (theoretically) and to pursue happiness (because war ain't happy). And before I get some hate pm's about this, frankly, I might actually sign up if there were to be a draft to serve my country, but I just wouldn't do it unwillingly, becasue I do believe in Bush's doctrine of freedom for all...just have a differeing viewpoint... :eek:

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