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Like His Hero Obama-Biden Draws Red Line (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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We all saw the inherit weakness of Barack Obama’s red line.

Does Biden’s have any teeth?

And this pic I took this morning outside Ft Campbell KY. Looks like we are on the move.



During his relatively brief Friday speech on the Russia-Ukraine war, President Biden called for an end to normal trade relations with Russia, clearing the way for increased import tariffs, and announced a ban on Russian-made vodka and caviar, as we detailed earlier.

But perhaps the most important part of the speech came when Biden once again pledged that the United States would not directly engage in conflict with Russia, as this scenario would lead to "World War III" between NATO and Russia - in the president's words.

More propaganda from Daniel Ivandjiiski, eh @VySky? What's the propaganda even supposed to be this time? That "red lines" are bad and that the "red line" is....err... Biden stating that we're not aiming to get into a hot war with Russia? How's that supposed to work?

You don't seem to have managed to copy/paste the bit that's supposed to be the "red line", the drawing of which you appear to have been ordered to attack. And I'm not giving your boss's site any clicks.
We all saw the inherit weakness of Barack Obama’s red line.

Does Biden’s have any teeth?

And this pic I took this morning outside Ft Campbell KY. Looks like we are on the move.

View attachment 67379459


During his relatively brief Friday speech on the Russia-Ukraine war, President Biden called for an end to normal trade relations with Russia, clearing the way for increased import tariffs, and announced a ban on Russian-made vodka and caviar, as we detailed earlier.

But perhaps the most important part of the speech came when Biden once again pledged that the United States would not directly engage in conflict with Russia, as this scenario would lead to "World War III" between NATO and Russia - in the president's words.

I support Our President, President Joe Biden, on this issue Vy.

And as far as President Obama....YOWZA!! What else can we say about this guy? Lets just say when that guy would speak to the nation, it would make my leg tingle. Actually....BOTH of them would tingle Vy. Man that guy is inspiring, he is truly a great man. Now President Biden is basically a decent and solid guy, and I support him as Our President, but nobody could ever make my legs tingle like President Obama can! I'd buy both Presidents Obama & Biden an ice cold beer! They've well earned it imo.

I'd gladly and eagerly welcome President Barack Obama back for a third term if he decided to run Vy. BOOK IT!! :cool:(y)


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