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Lies told by Iran to gain a nuclear arsenal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 24, 2005
Reaction score
Whitewater, CO
Political Leaning
The other day I found it funny that Iran, the most terrorist-infested hell hole in all of the middle east, claimed they want peacful nuclear energy. :rofl This is an obvious lie.


I do not see Iran can expect the world to belive this pack of lies. Iran has been an avid supporter of terrorists and terrorist activities for the last qaurter century. As such, I do not see how Iran can expect the world to have any faith in their claim to want peacful nuclear energy.

Iran's two supporters, China and Russia, need to be treated as terrorist countries. Since they support terrorists, they ARE terrorists. This is suprising since Russia seems to suffer constant terrorist attacks from Chechnian (sp) rebels. I wonder how Russia would feel if the United States and the European Union suddenly decided to help the rebels develop a nuclear arsenal?

The best way to fix this problem is to have the UN sanction Iran (for various treaty violations in an attempt to develop nuclear arms); followed by Russia and China for supporting the aquisition of nuclear arms by a country led by extremist islamic terrorists who support and favor terrorism.

I believe the best way to stop the mullahs is to take them out of power.

Russia wouldn't even have an economy if not for the US sending billions in aid to help them rebuild after the communist party fell in 1989/1990.

Vader said:
... Iran ... claimed they want peacful nuclear energy. This is an obvious lie.
What facts make it obvious?

Vader said:
I do not see Iran can expect the world to belive this pack of lies. Iran has been an avid supporter of terrorists and terrorist activities for the last qaurter century. As such, I do not see how Iran can expect the world to have any faith in their claim to want peacful nuclear energy.
The two things are not mutually exclusive.

Vader said:
Iran's two supporters, China and Russia, need to be treated as terrorist countries. Since they support terrorists, they ARE terrorists.
Members of Team Bush support terrorists. Does that mean that members of Team Bush are terrorists?

Vader said:
The best way to fix this problem is to have the UN sanction Iran (for various treaty violations in an attempt to develop nuclear arms) ...
To date, there's not been any conclusive evidence that Iran is making "an attempt to develop nuclear arms." AFAIK, the strongest evidence is circumstantial- they hid aspects of their nuclear program.
Simon W. Moon said:
What facts make it obvious?

The two things are not mutually exclusive.

Members of Team Bush support terrorists. Does that mean that members of Team Bush are terrorists?

To date, there's not been any conclusive evidence that Iran is making "an attempt to develop nuclear arms." AFAIK, the strongest evidence is circumstantial- they hid aspects of their nuclear program.

Point taken.

Regarging Bush & Company, I am inclined to believe that there is a problem. I do not like terrorists anywhere... espcially in the Whitehouse :)

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