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Liberals Trash 'American Sniper'...anyone surprised? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 30, 2013
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Start with Seth Rogen, who compared “American Sniper” with fake Nazi propaganda. That’s rich coming from a guy who stars in a film based on the assassination of a fictionalized North Korean dictator.
Ditto for Michael Moore, the millionaire lefty filmmaker who’s made a career parading as Joe Sixpack.

Moore tweeted his dad taught him snipers are “cowards” because his uncle was killed by one in World War II. Anyway, Moore comes off like some old redcoat complaining about how the Americans shot at them from behind trees.

Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!
What does this movie have to do with patriotism?
I found Seth Rogen's comments really amusing in light of how people rallied around him and his movie. He seems like a truly clueless idiot.

I thought Moore's comments were interesting. It sort of sheds light on how people re-frame the same action according to who's committing it. When "the enemy" does X, we condemn them. When "we" do X, we praise them. I would think this sort of contradictory logic plays out in most societies.

I can't speak to the quality of the movement itself since I haven't seen it.
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!

Michael Moore clarifies sniper tweets, Seth Rogen chimes in on "American Sniper" - CBS News

Michael Moore said:
So ppl want me 2tweet something bout American Sniper? Great acting! Powerful message. Sad ending. There. My FB post:https://www.facebook.com/mmflint/posts/10152557712861857

Manufactured outrage is so LoLz.

I said I "was not surprised". how is that outrage? If people do things that don't surprise you, by definition one cannot be "outraged".

and I'm sure if a conservative said something nasty about the gays(which triggers a controversy), then he recants and "clarifies", I seriously doubt you would accept that. So excuse me for not affording Michael Moore the same thing.
I said I "was not surprised". how is that outrage? If people do things that don't surprise you, by definition one cannot be "outraged".

and I'm sure if a conservative said something nasty about the gays(which triggers a controversy), then he recants and "clarifies", I seriously doubt you would accept that. So excuse me for not affording Michael Moore the same thing.

Did you know I still watch and enjoy Duck Dynasty.

And niether one of those two said anything nasty about anyone. One explained what he was taught about snipers(but offered generally positive comments about the movie itself), and one said it reminded him of a section of a rather well received movie(and if you cannot understand why a movie about a sniper would remind some one of that scene you are being intentionally obtuse). Neither of your examples trashed the movie, nor are they less patriotic than those who went to see the movie(hint: they both are among those who did).
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!

Surprised. No.

Moore is trying to be relevant by screaming look at me!
Rogen is mad because he is stuck doing movies with Franco.
the guy who wrote the book lied about a lot of things. I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, that's not good.
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!

I'm not really surprised at this, we have too many examples of people saying things expressly for the reason of causing controversy. Michael Moore has made a career out of doing just that.
What does this movie have to do with patriotism?

Seriously. I guess if you don't like the movie you're on the side of the terrorists.
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!

"Liberals"? "Patriotic Americans"?
Yeesh. Flush this turd of a thread, someone. Please.
I'm all for cheering for more dead terrorists....
Dear God...why?

I think it is funny. I grew up in a rural area with alot of people like that. Hell, in my hometown, opening day of deer season is still a holiday at school and most businesses.
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!


Why do you insist that Michael Moore and/or Seth Rogen speak for anyone other than themselves?
I like Michael Moore OK, but I have plenty of bones to pick with him. ;)

The testimony of 2 American Snipers was taken as part of an investigation by William Peppers. He was a British attorney hired by the King family to investigate the death of their father.

Several years worth of investigating, and he wrote a book about it, Enemy of The State, was the title I think. And he eventually met the two men who as soldiers were placed in position to take out a target in Memphis. They did not know who it was until after the event.
the guy who wrote the book lied about a lot of things. I don't care if you're liberal or conservative, that's not good.

The film kind of followed through on the self-glorifying "America **** yeah!" attitude. You can see why the patriot-fodder were attracted to it.
Lolz libs will be libs.

Its ironic (but predictable) that Michael Moore, who not even the most wide-eyed lefty would accuse of being unbiased or accurate in his docs, is crying about this.

Chris Kyle is an American hero, and lefties in their zeal to "show their patriotism" by spitting on his memory and this movie is well, predictable. :doh
I have read the book but not seen the movie. My understanding is the movie makes him seem a lot more sympathetic than he really was. based on the book about his career in his own words he was NOT a good man. A good sniper, yes, but not a good man. He enjoyed killing. That isn't something to be commended.
Michael Moore’s sniping | New York Post

The Revolutionary War is a good example. We(the Americans) would have snipers in the trees who would pick of British officers then run away. It was a major reason America won the war. How could the liberal darling Michael Moore say such things.

Americans voted on this debate with their pocketbooks. Patriotic Americans won that debate. The American Sniper was and is a huge success!

No! Major reason we won the revolutionary war is because, French were engaging the British both in Quebec and at Sea. Without them the out come of the war maybe have been very different.

However Snipers are essential part of any Military unite, but I think there is too much noise regarding the Movie. The movie is about a simple man that on surface has a very simple and straight view of the war and his role, but internally he is struggling with the decisions he has made. Easy to sit back and judge him, or throw idiotic words like hero at him, but his is lost in the fog of war, like most soldiers and regardless of the outcome those who survived will struggle, externally or internally like all soldiers who through out history who have fought wars.

People have a right to say what ever they want about the movie. It is their opinion, that is all.

Diving Mullah
Michael Moore is a blob creature. He certainly is no white Progressive. They're very serious about their health.

I have read the book but not seen the movie. My understanding is the movie makes him seem a lot more sympathetic than he really was. based on the book about his career in his own words he was NOT a good man. A good sniper, yes, but not a good man. He enjoyed killing. That isn't something to be commended.

I think he's a good man... and a good sniper.

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