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Liberals & public schools (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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A guy named Miller , a liberal democrat is running for Mayor of New York city. He refused to say whether he will send his kids to public school.Like all democrat ideologues he is against vouchers.The black causcus in the congress which is ideologicaly democrat. All but one send their kids to private school.
So you see hypocricy blooms in democrat politicians. Its o.k for your kids to have to go to crumby schools.Just don't expect them to send their kids there.They won't even give your kids a chance
Hypocrisy is everywhere especially in politics, where image is everything in getting elected. The image for many voters is more important than the substance. Hypocracy does not discriminate against any political party.
JOHNYJ said:
A guy named Miller , a liberal democrat is running for Mayor of New York city. He refused to say whether he will send his kids to public school.Like all democrat ideologues he is against vouchers.The black causcus in the congress which is ideologicaly democrat. All but one send their kids to private school.
So you see hypocricy blooms in democrat politicians. Its o.k for your kids to have to go to crumby schools.Just don't expect them to send their kids there.They won't even give your kids a chance

Oh please... If we're going to give all kids the chance to go to private school, why don't we give all kids computers, give them all a new bedroom makeover, toys galor just like the rich kids have. There should be a rich lifestyle and a not-so-rich lifestyle. Is this hypocracy? Maybe, but is it hypocracy that people such as Ted Kennedy are Catholic and PERSONALLY disgree with abortion but support in in public? Yes. Is it hypocracy for the President to send people off to war but himself not go? Yes. Is it hypocracy to own a gun but support gun controls... I hope you get my point.
Your representative is supposed reflect the views of the majority in his/her district reguardless of their own personal opinions. If not, you need to vote someone in that shares the same ideas of the majority.
The minorities are locked into the democratic party.The few of them that start thinking for themselfs and progress,usualy become Republicans.In Education its a real joke, liberals run education.Money is not the problem,yet.The kids in minority schools dont get educated. New York city has a 3 billion dollar school system and a 50% graduation rate.
Why the minorities haven't figured out there being done in by their liberal friends is amazing.
How much of that 3 billion is being spent in the ACTUAL classroom. Bureaucracy is what is wrong with public education. Whoever told you that liberals or unions are what's wrong are probably administrators that are benefitting from your tax dollars. How many superintendents, assistant superintendents, area superintendents, district superintendents, elementary superintendents, middle school superintendents, high school superintendents, etc., etc. does your school district have?

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