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Liberals love Science Fiction (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I saw where Deegan asked what is "Smallville". Only a liberal could have provided the answer. I didn't know what it was either, until a liberal said it was a show about Superman.

You know they're liberal when you see bumper stickers that say, "Beam me up Scotty", or "Visualize World Peace", or "***** Happens", or "George Orwell for President" or "Daffy Duck for President".

Hollywood itself is made up of approximately 95% of a liberally-oriented, fictious-setting, escapism-minded, alternative lifestyle, culturally demented mini society. Hasn't the 'Star Wars Trilogy' or 'Lord of the Rings' grossed more money than any other movie sequels? I'll bet you there wasn't one Conservative watching these fantasy movies.

The only people watching these silly 'Reality Shows' like 'Survivor' and 'Lost' would have to be liberals. Here they get to see what 'REALITY' might be like in the 'REAL' world while viewing them from overstuffed ottomans inside their welfare paid Section #8 apartments.

Jeff Foxworthy should change his game from 'You know you're a Redneck if', to 'You know you're a Liberal if'. For starters, Jeff could come out with...You know you're a Liberal if you find yourself humming the lyrics to John Lennon's song 'Give Peace a Chance', yet still haven't realized that Islamic terrorists cannot carry a tune, let alone sign up for the all-important Glee Club.
ptsdkid said:
Here they get to see what 'REALITY' might be like in the 'REAL' world while viewing them from overstuffed ottomans inside their welfare paid Section #8 apartments.

Coming from you....I found this particularly funny. I honestly hope you take advantage of the disability checks you get to seek help, That at least would be my tax dollars used in a worthwhile venture.
Oh....and by the way:


It's a soap opera. Chloe is a character that has served the producers well by always derailing Kent's reaching of his potential.

It would seem you premis (as usual) is inaccurate, and pointless.
Loving science fiction is not a sign you're a liberal....it's a sign your smart. :rofl
talloulou said:
Loving science fiction is not a sign you're a liberal....it's a sign your smart. :rofl

Are they not the same thing, my sweet? :mrgreen:
ptsdkid said:
I saw where Deegan asked what is "Smallville". Only a liberal could have provided the answer. I didn't know what it was either, until a liberal said it was a show about Superman.

You know they're liberal when you see bumper stickers that say, "Beam me up Scotty", or "Visualize World Peace", or "***** Happens", or "George Orwell for President" or "Daffy Duck for President".

Hollywood itself is made up of approximately 95% of a liberally-oriented, fictious-setting, escapism-minded, alternative lifestyle, culturally demented mini society. Hasn't the 'Star Wars Trilogy' or 'Lord of the Rings' grossed more money than any other movie sequels? I'll bet you there wasn't one Conservative watching these fantasy movies.

The only people watching these silly 'Reality Shows' like 'Survivor' and 'Lost' would have to be liberals. Here they get to see what 'REALITY' might be like in the 'REAL' world while viewing them from overstuffed ottomans inside their welfare paid Section #8 apartments.

Jeff Foxworthy should change his game from 'You know you're a Redneck if', to 'You know you're a Liberal if'. For starters, Jeff could come out with...You know you're a Liberal if you find yourself humming the lyrics to John Lennon's song 'Give Peace a Chance', yet still haven't realized that Islamic terrorists cannot carry a tune, let alone sign up for the all-important Glee Club.

I thought science fiction was Bush telling us we were going to put a man on Mars.

It's a soap opera. Chloe is a character that has served the producers well by always derailing Kent's reaching of his potential.

It would seem you premis (as usual) is inaccurate, and pointless.[/QUOTE]

***My accurate premise is that liberals love playing the theatrical fictitious side to life. You know that the Democratic Party has no programs and no ideas to present to the American people. Therefore, they go off into la la land by assuming the bench sitting role as science fiction intellects. Exposure to reality for a liberal in this world i.e. terrorism is an issue best left for the neocons to deal with.

Tell us what the liberal strategy would have been in dealing with terrorism after 9/11? How would the traitorous flip-flopping John F (Flunky) Kerry have handled the terrorist problem? Lets face it, all liberals are pansies, and they cater to the Hollywood science fiction crowd.
talloulou said:
Loving science fiction is not a sign you're a liberal....it's a sign your smart. :rofl

Loving science fiction is a sign that you're smart? What it tells me is that the person running reruns of Star Trekk over working on a potential long lasting love relationship has given up on adjusting or coping with the real world. Not even a teenage kid spending 10 hours a day on video games is as bad as an adult escaping into the phony world of gnomes and futuristic space ships.
teacher said:
ptsdkid. Consistency in a commendable thing. You still suck.

***I'm going to agree with you on that consistency thingy, but I'll strongly disagree with you on that notion that I suck. Just be content that my consistent portrayal of the facts will and should be enough to satisfy your sub par intellect. Mind you, I don't expect to ever see you challenge my facts. I'm just content in watching you make a fool of yourself. That's a gift that so few of us possess...congratulations!
Hasn't the 'Star Wars Trilogy' or 'Lord of the Rings' grossed more money than any other movie sequels? I'll bet you there wasn't one Conservative watching these fantasy movies.

The only people watching these silly 'Reality Shows' like 'Survivor' and 'Lost' would have to be liberals. Here they get to see what 'REALITY' might be like in the 'REAL' world while viewing them from overstuffed ottomans inside their welfare paid Section #8 apartments.

You are so stupid it's mind boggling.


And I noticed that you haven't commented on the fact that Gunny watches smallville. Cmon, go tell him that he's a liberal.
RightatNYU said:
You are so stupid it's mind boggling.


And I noticed that you haven't commented on the fact that Gunny watches smallville. Cmon, go tell him that he's a liberal.

It will go on his tombstone after he dies of a heart attack when legality of gay marriage is made into a constitutional amendment.
ptsdkid said:
***I'm going to agree with you on that consistency thingy,

You're agreement is not nessesary. You are consistent. Your comebacks also suck.

but I'll strongly disagree with you on that notion that I suck.

Those that suck are always the last to know. Isn't it always the way?

Just be content that my consistent portrayal of the facts will and should be enough to satisfy your sub par intellect. Mind you, I don't expect to ever see you challenge my facts.

What facts? That libs love sci-fi? I'm conservative and I love sci-fi. So much for your so-called "facts."

I'm just content in watching you make a fool of yourself.

Classic. You must hire writers to be so clever.

That's a gift that so few of us possess...congratulations!

Tell me sport. Do you ever look around this place and see how everyone, from both sides, says the same thing? That you suck? Gets right back to that consistency thing now, doesn't it?

Now leave me alone, I have to go watch Battlestar Galactica.
RightatNYU said:
You are so stupid it's mind boggling.


And I noticed that you haven't commented on the fact that Gunny watches smallville. Cmon, go tell him that he's a liberal.

***I didn't read all the responses, but no doubt Gunny watched one episode of Small-mindedville at the bequest of some liberal here.
ptsdkid said:
***I didn't read all the responses, but no doubt Gunny watched one episode of Small-mindedville at the bequest of some liberal here.

PTSD - I'm going to take a new tack with you.

I know a lot about the things you dislike, but not so much about the things you like. Can you tell me some things that you support?

1) Politicians?
2) Groups of people?
3) Activities?
4) Comedians/Entertainers/Actors?

I would really appreciate it, I feel like we'd get to know each other better.
RightatNYU said:
PTSD - I'm going to take a new tack with you.

I know a lot about the things you dislike, but not so much about the things you like. Can you tell me some things that you support?

1) Politicians?
2) Groups of people?
3) Activities?
4) Comedians/Entertainers/Actors?

I would really appreciate it, I feel like we'd get to know each other better.

***I'm proud of you, NYU. I think that people should give a brief mini bio of themselves by including their likes and dislikes. Hard to get to know someone if all you can go by is reading their views on politics.

Btw, is that avatar a facsimile of yourself after you get ready for a night out on the Big Apple? NYC has a bar locale for every type of crossdressing genre imaginable, doncha know!

Let me give you my current favorites for each particular genre mentioned:

Politicians:... Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pat Buchanan, Arnold Swatzenagger, J.D. Hayworth, Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Allen from Virginia, and hoping that David Duke makes a comeback. Btw, the Mormon Mitt Romney (governor of Massachusetts) will be the Republican nominee for president in 2008. You heard it here first.

Groups of People:... Frankly, I don't care for large groups of people; or even small groups of people. In a generic sense, I would agree with the red-stated conservative voters (if you call that a group), and with the group of forum masters over at stormfront.org. I am a loner, but I can and am often the life of a party when I decide to venture toward the watering holes, or at private house parties.

Activities:... I do a lot of itellectual stuff like reading, writing, exploring historical venues, and searching/reviewing/studying/learning via archives at libraries and museums etc.
I'm into physical activities like working out, swimming and jogging. I also travel a lot--especially since I have a home in Florida and one in New Hampshire. Movies and comedy clubs top off the list of activities.

Comedians:... I like Richard Pryor, Rodney Dangerfield, Johnathan, Dave Chapell, and most that you'll see on the HBO specials coming from the Apollo Theatre. Oh yeah, George whatshislastname that did the 'Hippy Dippy Weatherman' stint?

Entertainers:... I don't follow entertainers that much. But I do enjoy watching the American Idol as they weed out the pretenders. That show is amusing to me. I would rather see the River Dancers perform than listen to Barbara Streisand bellow out another neauseating tune.

Actors:... Wide variety of favorites here. Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Robert Dinero, Al Pachino, Sally Fields, Danny Divito, Mel Gibson, John Candy, and the black guy in Shawshank Redemption for starters.

Hope you'll reciprocate in kind.
ptsdkid said:
***I'm proud of you, NYU. I think that people should give a brief mini bio of themselves by including their likes and dislikes. Hard to get to know someone if all you can go by is reading their views on politics.

Btw, is that avatar a facsimile of yourself after you get ready for a night out on the Big Apple? NYC has a bar locale for every type of crossdressing genre imaginable, doncha know!

Let me give you my current favorites for each particular genre mentioned:

Politicians:... Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pat Buchanan, Arnold Swatzenagger, J.D. Hayworth, Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Allen from Virginia, and hoping that David Duke makes a comeback. Btw, the Mormon Mitt Romney (governor of Massachusetts) will be the Republican nominee for president in 2008. You heard it here first.

Groups of People:... Frankly, I don't care for large groups of people; or even small groups of people. In a generic sense, I would agree with the red-stated conservative voters (if you call that a group), and with the group of forum masters over at stormfront.org. I am a loner, but I can and am often the life of a party when I decide to venture toward the watering holes, or at private house parties.

Activities:... I do a lot of itellectual stuff like reading, writing, exploring historical venues, and searching/reviewing/studying/learning via archives at libraries and museums etc.
I'm into physical activities like working out, swimming and jogging. I also travel a lot--especially since I have a home in Florida and one in New Hampshire. Movies and comedy clubs top off the list of activities.

Comedians:... I like Richard Pryor, Rodney Dangerfield, Johnathan, Dave Chapell, and most that you'll see on the HBO specials coming from the Apollo Theatre. Oh yeah, George whatshislastname that did the 'Hippy Dippy Weatherman' stint?

Entertainers:... I don't follow entertainers that much. But I do enjoy watching the American Idol as they weed out the pretenders. That show is amusing to me. I would rather see the River Dancers perform than listen to Barbara Streisand bellow out another neauseating tune.

Actors:... Wide variety of favorites here. Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Robert Dinero, Al Pachino, Sally Fields, Danny Divito, Mel Gibson, John Candy, and the black guy in Shawshank Redemption for starters.

Hope you'll reciprocate in kind.

Well, y'know, I just got my hair did for a night out on the town so I figured I'd show it off.

In actuality, its amusing to see how differently people respond based on their immediate impression of who they think I am. The responses I get when the avatar is a black man, a woman, or a latino are very different than the ones I get when it's a white man or a flag/eagle/something similar to that.

Politicians: McCain, George Allen, John Shadegg, Bloomberg.

Groups of people: I like reasonable people on either side of the aisle, those who are tolerant of religion without quoting verse at you every day, those who are passionate about things, and people who don't look down their nose at you for going out, getting shitty, and having a crazy night.

Activities: I spend most of my time studying/in class (i should be studying now), reading, writing, working (im an ra and I teach at kaplan), or playing soccer. comedy clubs are fantastic as well.

comedians: Chris Rock, Artie Fuqua, Ali G, Robin Williams, Dave Chappelle.

Entertainers: I agree, I don't know much about them. My suitemate works at US weekly, so our common room is plastered with magazine covers, but I sort of just block it out.

Actors: Michael Chiklis, Julian McMahon, Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Willis, and of course Lindsay Lohan.
ptsdkid said:
Politicians:... Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Pat Buchanan, Arnold Swatzenagger, J.D. Hayworth, Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Allen from Virginia, and hoping that David Duke makes a comeback. Btw, the Mormon Mitt Romney (governor of Massachusetts) will be the Republican nominee for president in 2008. You heard it here first.

I'm just curious: You support for President a Mormon who is barely pro-life, is against a same-sex marriage amendment, and wants to increase the minimum wage?

And you also favor Arnold who is pro choice, pro-gun control, and pro-gay marriage?
ptsdkid said:
But I do enjoy watching the American Idol

That's so fuc*king gay. Jerk, rest assured that the post this little snippet comes from gives me so much material. You should have never posted that. American Idol. You're so fuc*king gay. But at the very least you are still consistent. You still suck.
RightatNYU said:
I'm just curious: You support for President a Mormon who is barely pro-life, is against a same-sex marriage amendment, and wants to increase the minimum wage?

And you also favor Arnold who is pro choice, pro-gun control, and pro-gay marriage?

***Where did I say that I support Mitt Romney for president? It is true that I'll not only support him, but I'll be an integral part of his campaign team. Mitt is and always has been pro life. There is no gray area there with his stance. Most conservatives are against a same-sex marriage. I know I am. Not sure how he stands on the minimum wage. I do know that Massachusetts already has the highest minimum wage in the nation, at I believe around $6.70 an hour compared to something like $5.90 an hour nationwide.
Yeah, Arnold does have a lot of liberal type beliefs. I suppose he couldn't help it by marrying into the Kennedy clan. But its his takeover from Gray out Davis and his ability to shoot straight out in a state Kallyfornicator which has a large whacked out liberal contingent that makes me admire his resolve. Strong Republican leadership can't be snuffed at regardless of the person's social leanings.
Btw, I am pro life, pro 2nd amendment, and pro marriage between a woman and a man. Though I differ with Arnold here, its his dealing with Kallforny's problems that makes me like him as a governor.
teacher said:
That's so fuc*king gay. Jerk, rest assured that the post this little snippet comes from gives me so much material. You should have never posted that. American Idol. You're so fuc*king gay. But at the very least you are still consistent. You still suck.

***If you had to wait for the American Idol to give you material to use against me, I'd say you're in deep do-do there Teach. Come on Teach--we're all waiting with baited breath for you to present a mini bio of yourself. Plenty of excuses why you won't pony up to the trough here, but it might just take a real man to reveal a little personality here. What say you Teach....up for a little base humiliation or not? I promise not to cut you to threads with your first revelation. Ball is in your court, sport.
ptsdkid said:
***Where did I say that I support Mitt Romney for president? It is true that I'll not only support him, but I'll be an integral part of his campaign team. Mitt is and always has been pro life. There is no gray area there with his stance.

Mitt Romney endorsed legalization of RU-486, the abortion-inducing drug.

"On a personal basis, I don't favor abortion," he said. "However, as governor of the commonwealth, I will protect a woman's right to choose under the laws of the country and the commonwealth. That's the same position I've had for many years." - 2002.

Romney disclosed that he became committed to legalized abortion after a relative died during an illegal abortion. The disclosure came after Romney, who said he is personally opposed to abortion, was asked to reconcile his beliefs with his political support for abortion rights. "It is since that time that my family will not force our beliefs on that matter," He said the abortion made him see "that regardless of one's beliefs about choice, you would hope it would be safe and legal."

No grey area? Is and always has been pro-life? You're kidding, right?

Most conservatives are against a same-sex marriage. I know I am.

He's not against same sex marriage, he's against an amendement banning same sex marriage.

When he ran for governor in 2002, Romney told the Log Cabin Club of Massachusetts (a Republican gay-rights group) that he did not support a constitutional amendment, then before the Legislature, that would have banned gay marriage and outlawed domestic partnership benefits for gay couples. As a result, the Log Cabin Club endorsed Romney in the gubernatorial election.

Not sure how he stands on the minimum wage. I do know that Massachusetts already has the highest minimum wage in the nation, at I believe around $6.70 an hour compared to something like $5.90 an hour nationwide.

In 2002, Romney proposed an increase in the Massachusetts minimum wage, arguing "I do not believe that indexing the minimum wage will cost us jobs. I believe it will help us retain jobs." However, he failed to convince the state legislature to pass his minimum wage increase. In his 1994 Senate campaign, Romney endorsed an increase in the federal minimum wage after TV ads from Ed Kennedy blasted Romney for opposing an increase in the minimum wage.

Yeah, Arnold does have a lot of liberal type beliefs. I suppose he couldn't help it by marrying into the Kennedy clan. But its his takeover from Gray out Davis and his ability to shoot straight out in a state Kallyfornicator which has a large whacked out liberal contingent that makes me admire his resolve. Strong Republican leadership can't be snuffed at regardless of the person's social leanings.
Btw, I am pro life, pro 2nd amendment, and pro marriage between a woman and a man. Though I differ with Arnold here, its his dealing with Kallforny's problems that makes me like him as a governor.

When it comes to Arnold, I'm impressed to hear that you have put aside your own opposition to some of his specific polices in favor of supporting him for his candor and resolve.

But when it comes to president, I'm sort of amazed that you would not only vote for, but work for someone who is distinctly more....dare I say, liberal than you on three of the republican partys most important issues...
RightatNYU said:
But when it comes to president, I'm sort of amazed that you would not only vote for, but work for someone who is distinctly more....dare I say, liberal than you on three of the republican partys most important issues...

I am so glad you posted this....I was going to but , seemed a waste of time to beat the dead horse we call Kid.
RightatNYU said:
Mitt Romney endorsed legalization of RU-486, the abortion-inducing drug.

"On a personal basis, I don't favor abortion," he said. "However, as governor of the commonwealth, I will protect a woman's right to choose under the laws of the country and the commonwealth. That's the same position I've had for many years." - 2002.

***When it comes to politics, both Arnold and Mitt are governors of probably the two most liberal states in the union. Both states are highly infested with a liberal legislature. So, appeasing their constituents here and there has to be taken into consideration. Even the two newest Supreme Court picks had to say that they would uphold the law of the nation that still gives a woman the right to abort/murder. Once Roe v Wade gets overturned (as it surely will), then you can bet you'll see a smile on Mitt's face. Mitt is just going along with the law of the land for now. Nothing wrong with that. He did say he doesn't favor abortion. I take him at his word.

He's not against same sex marriage, he's against an amendement banning same sex marriage.

***Again, Mitt comes from a state that allowed same sex marriages for awhile. Again, his hands are tied here in a very liberal state. Probably the reason he's running for president is to oppose everything about Massachusetts, while offering his leadership qualities for the entire nation. These social liberal ideals that you speak of here are political in nature; they can and will be tweaked to suit the overall populace come election time.

When it comes to Arnold, I'm impressed to hear that you have put aside your own opposition to some of his specific polices in favor of supporting him for his candor and resolve.

But when it comes to president, I'm sort of amazed that you would not only vote for, but work for someone who is distinctly more....dare I say, liberal than you on three of the republican partys most important issues...

***Those are not the party's three most important issues. Never has been. Cutting taxes ala Ronald Reagan style is one of the top three. Dependence on government is also a big no-no on the Republican platform. Having and maintaining a strong military is the #1 issue for the ticket. Sealing up our borders with a strong immigration policy is also key here. I realize that Bush has been a big dissappointment when it comes to the illegal alien problem. No one is ever going to agree with every position from any candidate or president to be. My choice for the strongest presidential candidate would be Pat Buchanan--but he's not running, so Mitt fills the bill rather nicely.
Hey NYU, are you sure politics belongs down here in the basement? Can't we get back to bashing one another? All this politics talk has left out the women. Where are all the liberal gals? I know where they are; holding up their pro abortion/murder signs at the latest rally in support of a woman's right to whine and murder.

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