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Liberals Love Class Warfare (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Part of the psychology behind each liberal’s intent to engage in class warfare, rests on the fact that they need to feel a vindication of their insecurities, of their inability to succeed, of their inability to find and acknowledge self happiness by penalizing the successful among us with one-sided tax burdens, with calls for welfare redistribution to even the playing field for the have-nots, and by calling Republican administrations’ fascist regimes.

The obvious intent behind the liberal psyche is to engage in class warfare with hopes of creating a ‘classless’ society…where everyone becomes a robotic equal by killing the spirit of an otherwise progressive God-given talent to succeed. Competition in sports, in education, the job force and the market place would become obsolete. Can anyone offer a better definition of socialism?

Remember how elite liberal members of that ‘classless’ genre called ‘feminists’ tried to ban ‘Miss America’ pageants because they deemed the show to be too exploitive of the American female? Truth is, 98% of the members of the NAG (National Association of Gals) crowd are insecure unhappy enraged butt ugly lesbians.

The president of the modern day feminist movement could easily be Hillary Clinton herself. Her aspirations to someday become president may be impeded somewhat by her comment that she would rather do something more worthwhile or constructive than sitting at home baking cookies. This is the leading female of the Liberal contingent bashing and mocking the hardest and most rewarding job that American females face. Is there no limit to this cowardly insincere class warfare?

Liberals love to pit foreigners (especially enemies) against America. I have had a hard time figuring whether its Al Qeida or liberals that are America’s fiercest enemies. Liberals were more concerned with the domestic spying hoax then they were with spying on terrorists; more concerned with American tease tortures than with American beheadings; more concerned with badmouthing American military policy than blaming genocide terrorists like Bin Laden and Saddam; more concerned with GITMO prisoner rights than the dastardly deeds they had perpetrated on American troops; and more vocal in calling George Bush a liar and neo con warrior than they were in supporting this WWIII on terrorism.

Bring back the Un-American Court proceedings of the 1950’s. I have a longer criminal list than the 200 or 300 that Joe McCarthy presented. I would indict every liberal in America for treason. When in reality with our soft courts on crime--each liberal would undoubtedly get off easy as the true crime of treason would be mitigated to that of a ’thought crime’ where their sentence would be no harsher than pulling 30 days of intense scrutiny at a Conservative Think Tank.

Moderator's Warning:
Everyone can feel free to lose their verbal shackles and show their true feelings on this topic now.
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Lack of response here tells me that everyone (including liberals) agree that liberals have no plans for our country other than to attack the 'haves' through class warfare. And I thought this was going to be a highly interesting debate politics forum.
I believe that your debating capabilities are somewhat limited by your narrow and stereotypical viewpoint on political ideologies, your most common victim seems to be democrats. To you, all liberals are lazy, poor and uneducated, more concerned with emotions and implanting socialism than solving problems. All of your views seem to be planted around the more extreme liberal, and take it that these extremists represent the whole democratic party. Though I may disagree with conservative policies, I certainly keep it in perspective to a reasonable degree. As for the things that liberals "love to do," (provoke attacks from terrorist nations, displace capitalism, oh, and reaping the rewards from the rich because we are so poor and weak), I certainly disagree with all of these statements. I certainly don't want to represent every liberal view out there, but I do believe that more moderate democrats would also oppose these actions.
What they don't understand is that they are waging war against themselves,
war against their own future ability to succeed.

Redistribution of wealth is a hoax.
The wealth gets redistributed upward, as the middle class slowly disappears into the vast wasteland of dependency, and the "solution" will always be offered in the form of more redistribution.

No problems ever get solved by allowing your government to steal form your neighbors.
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for
people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-Noam Chomsky

No, I do not agree with a socalist agenda, but I do believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and freedom of speech, without that, our country would become a socalists dream.
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Labeling people is so much easier than thinking! Such an intelligent thread! roll:
I think many neocons are mentally unfit to be in any position of government. Notice how some want to wipe out all liberals. Just like some want to do the same to muslims. Some seem to think that all muslims are terrorists that all think alike and are all a single entity. Kind of like the way Hitler thought of the Jews. But also notice that most liberals (at least the ones I've seen) don't speak in terms of wiping people out. I'm already on record saying that I would like it 50-50 in Congress. With one side keeping the other honest. But when you hear this all or nothing attitude many on the right have, were not talking mental health. Many [neo's] just want to be with their own kind. Which results in being unable to relate to others after a period of time. It breeds intolerance. And that starts tyranny. It's a very unstable way of thinking. It's like a guy that moves in with his four buddies that don't know any women and then he starts complaining why he can't get a date! Because he has lost the ability to interelate with someone that is different. That has different points of view. Not necessarily better points of view. But just not like his.

Do we always have to go to defcon 1 everytime we discuss an issue?
THX-1138 said:
.....I do believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights and freedom of speech, without that, our country would become a socalists dream.

Part of the psychology behind each liberal’s intent to engage in class warfare, rests on the fact that they need to feel a vindication of their insecurities, of their inability to succeed, of their inability to find and acknowledge self happiness by penalizing the successful among us with one-sided tax burdens, with calls for welfare redistribution to even the playing field for the have-nots, and by calling Republican administrations’ fascist regimes.

Prove every single 1-step derivable proposition in that paragraph. If you can't, you're blowing smoke up your own rectum. If you don't know what I mean, go back to third grade and work your way up. It may be hard, but I'll be pulling for you.

The obvious intent behind the liberal psyche is to engage in class warfare with hopes of creating a ‘classless’ society…where everyone becomes a robotic equal by killing the spirit of an otherwise progressive God-given talent to succeed.

I'm a liberal--in fact, I'm a radical--and I don't have that intent at all. And anyway, you just said liberals love class warfare, and now you're saying we want to create a classless society through class warfare? That's like saying we want to create a peaceful society through violence. That's a contradiction in terms. Not that I'm not used to conservatives contradicting themselves almost constantly, but I sometimes wonder how half of America--even the conservative half-- gets to be that stupid.

Competition in sports, in education, the job force and the market place would become obsolete. Can anyone offer a better definition of socialism?

Yeah, I can: a society wherein competition is neither obsolete nor discouraged, but where people who suffer some temporary bad luck get help and agree to give help when needed from them.

Remember how elite liberal members of that ‘classless’ genre called ‘feminists’ tried to ban ‘Miss America’ pageants because they deemed the show to be too exploitive of the American female?

"Elite liberal members of a classless genre"? Is that anything like "Hemispherical gas in your own backyard" or "if you fool me once, shame on me, you can't fool me again"?

Truth is, 98% of the members of the NAG (National Association of Gals) crowd are insecure unhappy enraged butt ugly lesbians.

You're one of those guys that thinks that any woman who won't have sex with him must be a lesbian....I'm catching on. Don't worry, conservatives are often angry and pent up about such things. I mean, you'd think that once you make it all the way to the oval office, the interns would just be lining up with cigars in their, uh, hands.

The president of the modern day feminist movement could easily be Hillary Clinton herself. Her aspirations to someday become president may be impeded somewhat by her comment that she would rather do something more worthwhile or constructive than sitting at home baking cookies. This is the leading female of the Liberal contingent bashing and mocking the hardest and most rewarding job that American females face. Is there no limit to this cowardly insincere class warfare?

The hardest and most rewarding job that American females face is baking cookies? You know, I've baked a few cookies in my day, and it was neither hard nor terribly rewarding. So this gives me some insight about you--that'd make nose picking probably a little out of your league, in terms of difficulty and reward factor, so your speed would have to be somewhere on the lines of professional gum-chewer. Nothing that requires any dexterity or use of complicated devices like a stove or a tissue. No wonder you're eager to maintain strict classes; can't be having the Communist Toe-Stubbers Association draining your tax dollars.

Liberals love to pit foreigners (especially enemies) against America.

And conservatives, especially the professional gum-chewing kind, love to think of all foreigners as enemies. Because, hey, they neither pick their noses, chew their gum, or stub their toes in China, the Godless bastards!

I have had a hard time figuring whether its Al Qeida or liberals that are America’s fiercest enemies.

First master the complicated art of using a tissue before going after your boogers, Danyo-San, for the complexities of international politics require a brain unencumbered by booger-beleaguered breathing.

Liberals were more concerned with the domestic spying hoax then they were with spying on terrorists

Really? Domestic spying was all a hoax? Wow, I feel much better! But that would have to mean that Bush lied about domestic spying, because he said he did authorize it. Of course, that would make him lose popularity (except among you loyal nasally-challenged professional gum-chewers). Not that he hasn't proven quite effective at that...which segues nicely into my next question: so, in your version of society, would there be competition to see who could be the dumbest citizen around? 'Cause I'm betting you've got a mighty good shot.

more concerned with American tease tortures than with American beheadings

More significant insight! You consider electrocuting someone's genitals a tease! No wonder you run into so many "lesbians."

more concerned with badmouthing American military policy than blaming genocide terrorists like Bin Laden and Saddam

Nonsense. Bin Laden never committed genocide, and Saddam wasn't a terrorist. But we who don't have to have someone read to us know that those of you struggling with the complicated workings of a stove (the thing we use to bake cookies; you'd know one if you saw it) may get confused from time to time.

more concerned with GITMO prisoner rights than the dastardly deeds they had perpetrated on American troops

More nonsense. I'm not talking about GITMO, I'm talking about your vocabulary. Admit it, you had to have someone edit that sentence for you.

In any event, how do you know what deeds they perpetrated, and whether those deeds were dastardly?

and more vocal in calling George Bush a liar and neo con warrior than they were in supporting this WWIII on terrorism.

First, Bush didn't lie, his handlers told him what to say and he added the sheepish grins and stern looks. I'd expect you to know that since you both are professional gum chewers with ongoing booger problems. Unless I've overestimated you, which seems likely.

Second, just to clarify: the word is "overestimate," not "misunderestimate." Just have your local cookie baker read to you from dictionary.com and with any luck, in a few weeks, you'll have the whole matter sorted out.

Bring back the Un-American Court proceedings of the 1950’s. I have a longer criminal list than the 200 or 300 that Joe McCarthy presented.

You mean, your crimes are 200 or 300 times worse than those of Joe McCarthy? That's an unwise thing to admit in public, Danyo-San. Stick enough gum in your mouth to avoid saying anything else stupid.

I would indict every liberal in America for treason.

While you would let go half the murderers, thieves, fraud-artists, and other associated scum. And by the time you had learned to use a dictionary to find out what "indict" means, Bush and Co. would have done away with the consitution anyway so treason would be meaningless. Well, you could probably look it up in a dictionary. Well, actually, you probably couldn't. But someone who had progressed a little beyond the challenge of baking cookies could do it for you. Sorry, using words small enough for you to understand interrupts my flow.

When in reality with our soft courts on crime--each liberal would undoubtedly get off easy as the true crime of treason would be mitigated to that of a ’thought crime’ where their sentence would be no harsher than pulling 30 days of intense scrutiny at a Conservative Think Tank.

1) Thought-crime is thankfully not a crime, but I can guarantee that if it ever is, you are in zero danger of ever being charged.

2) Also, am I the only one who has noticed that apparently conservatives only have partial brains? In order to think, you apparently have to get several of them together and put them in a tank. Weird. Maybe the tanks prevent thought crime...
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I'm a liberal--in fact, I'm a radical--and I don't have that intent at all. And anyway, you just said liberals love class warfare, and now you're saying we want to create a classless society through class warfare? That's like saying we want to create a peaceful society through violence. That's a contradiction in terms. Not that I'm not used to conservatives contradicting themselves almost constantly, but I sometimes wonder how half of America--even the conservative half-- gets to be that stupid.

***Of course you love class warfare, its happening every day as I've already mentioned. The upshot to the liberal madness of engaging in class warfare is to even out the playing field by bringing down the rich. This is called socialism; better yet, it could be called 'Marxism' or a 'classless society'. Once the weak liberal mindset feels vindicated by 'unionizing' the masses--then class warfare becomes moot.

Yeah, I can: a society wherein competition is neither obsolete nor discouraged, but where people who suffer some temporary bad luck get help and agree to give help when needed from them.

***Not sure where you're going with this bunch of gobbolygook. Try sticking to the subject by adding something worthwhile.

"Elite liberal members of a classless genre"? Is that anything like "Hemispherical gas in your own backyard" or "if you fool me once, shame on me, you can't fool me again"?

***Liberal elitist feminists are what they are. I am surprised that you a self confessed 'radical liberal' wouldn't accept them with open arms into your own elitist camp of snobs. Last time I checked, they could use your support. Perhaps the feminists are not radical enough for you.

You're one of those guys that thinks that any woman who won't have sex with him must be a lesbian....I'm catching on. Don't worry, conservatives are often angry and pent up about such things. I mean, you'd think that once you make it all the way to the oval office, the interns would just be lining up with cigars in their, uh, hands.

***Love how you issue depleted liberals throw red herrings at a subject when you become agitated or lost in defending a portion of your radical agenda. Again, show some support for your lesbian sisters by backing their radical demands. Where to begin? I know they still support abortion/murder on demand. That should be an easy one for you. How about backing the claim that married women are being raped by their husbands?
Make it easy on yourself, sport--just accept the fact that most feminists are butt-ugly lesbians.

The hardest and most rewarding job that American females face is baking cookies? You know, I've baked a few cookies in my day, and it was neither hard nor terribly rewarding. So this gives me some insight about you--that'd make nose picking probably a little out of your league, in terms of difficulty and reward factor, so your speed would have to be somewhere on the lines of professional gum-chewer. Nothing that requires any dexterity or use of complicated devices like a stove or a tissue. No wonder you're eager to maintain strict classes; can't be having the Communist Toe-Stubbers Association draining your tax dollars.

***Perhaps I didn't correctly word my statement about Hillary and cookies. So, with another attempt to get you to stay with the initial issue, I'll try again. Hillary's comment about not staying home to bake cookies is a slap in the face to all women who choose to stay home and raise a family. A stay at home mom is what I meant by the most rewarding and fulfiling job. More often than not--children of latch-key parents end up on a shrink's couch. Watch out Chelsea--you could be next.

And conservatives, especially the professional gum-chewing kind, love to think of all foreigners as enemies. Because, hey, they neither pick their noses, chew their gum, or stub their toes in China, the Godless bastards!

***Generalizations do become you. I once married a Jewish woman. I once had sex with a black woman, and my neices are half Chinese. Being a Vietnam veteran makes the possibility of me having a 35-year-old Amerasian child a real possibility.
While you may want to buddy up to some Islamic-Fascist terrorist--I'll walk the cautionary route--if not for my safety, then for the safety of my family.

Really? Domestic spying was all a hoax? Wow, I feel much better! But that would have to mean that Bush lied about domestic spying, because he said he did authorize it. Of course, that would make him lose popularity (except among you loyal nasally-challenged professional gum-chewers). Not that he hasn't proven quite effective at that...which segues nicely into my next question: so, in your version of society, would there be competition to see who could be the dumbest citizen around? 'Cause I'm betting you've got a mighty good shot.

***Bush authorized the spying on Al Qeida terrorists from a foreign country. Whining liberals in this country choose to call it 'domestic spying', as in spying on your grandmother etc. There are still no cases of this domestic spying happening. We're at war, and so every American should give Bush the leeway to spy on the terrorists. If you (Mr. radical liberal) believe you have been spied on--then you probably have something to hide...no? Otherwise, shut the hell up, and let America fight terrorism.

Nonsense. Bin Laden never committed genocide, and Saddam wasn't a terrorist. But we who don't have to have someone read to us know that those of you struggling with the complicated workings of a stove (the thing we use to bake cookies; you'd know one if you saw it) may get confused from time to time.

***Here you go again, playing semantics by siding with murdering criminals. Blanket cookie cutter statements like those show just how un American you have become.

You mean, your crimes are 200 or 300 times worse than those of Joe McCarthy? That's an unwise thing to admit in public, Danyo-San. Stick enough gum in your mouth to avoid saying anything else stupid.

***Joe McCarthy did this country a service by exposing the Communist element inside our government. Did you ever see that picture of Alger Hiss and FDR together talking with Churchill and Stalin? Hiss was what--FDR's second or third hand man in the line of succession? We need to thank another former Communist (Whittaker Chambers) for exposing Alger Hiss for the criminal that he was. But lets give credit to Joe McCarthy first--for his dedication to ousting the Communist element within.

***The liberals' of this country have always supported Communism and their leaders. Now it seems, no, actually the reality is that the liberal elitists/radicals of today have taken up a 21st century idealism/ideology of supporting everything that includes terrorism/jihad/Islamic Fascism. Liberal leaders in our government constantly batter our military troops, batter our efforts to fight this war, and batter this administration's effort to wage war by ridiculing the effort. It is sad to see the liberal talking heads whine, protest, and take sides with the terrorists during this war. Despite the spineless detractors among us--I have faith that majority America (that being the red-stated honorable citizens) together with this Republican administration--will take up your pathetic slack by sticking through these troubled times of WWIII by showing a sturdy backbone.
ptsdkid said:
Lack of response here tells me that everyone (including liberals) agree that liberals have no plans for our country other than to attack the 'haves' through class warfare. And I thought this was going to be a highly interesting debate politics forum.

You forgot to mention they love race warfare too.
jamesrage said:
You forgot to mention they love race warfare too.

***Thanks for exposing another one of their weaknesses, James, but methinks these liberals have enough negative issues on their plate to deal with at the moment. Words that describe liberals are negative, losers, chicken-*****s, doves, pacifists, un-American, anti-American, appeasers, tax hounds, cry babies, envy, defeatists and obstructionists. Throwing race warfare instigators into the mix would only tend to confuse them even more.

Meanwhile, while liberals' nitpick and undermine 'everything' this president does--we on the 'right' will keep supporting the pres while fighting the liberal insurgents among us.
There was a time when you could argue that the Republican party was the party of the HAVES and the Democrats were the party of the HAVE nots. That's not so true anymore in my opinion.

What seems more true is that Democrats are the party of Hollywood, urban life, and big cities while Republicans seem to have more small town middle America appeal.

One thing that's interesting to me is that you are more likely to grow out of your Democratic Party than you are to grow out of your Republican Party. The democrats definitely seem to have more appeal to the college age crowd vs adult businessmen. While the Republicans have stong holds with the religious, the "activists" tend to prefer the democratic party....the environmentalists, gay & lesbians, and what not though I don't see why as I don't feel either party has truely embraced any of those groups or made them a real priority above and beyond pleasurable sound bites.

In my opinion though both parties have grown too close together with candidates that are too similar and real "choice" has been lost for everyone whether you live in a city, town, are young, old, rich or poor. That's what's sad.
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I don't think it is entirely accurate to describe liberals as merely addicted to class warfare for class warfare's sake. They depend on it. The more smoke and mirrors they can throw up portraying themselves (hilariously) as the party of the average working man, the more they can alleviate attention from the fact that DEMOCRATS, not Republicans are the party of ultra-wealthy, elitist snobs.

Never let another liberal get away with perpetuating the myth that Republicans represent the wealthy. We represent middle America and the stats from Election 2004 prove it. Here is a great way to refute the lie:

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aquapub said:
I don't think it is entirely accurate to describe liberals as merely addicted to class warfare for class warfare's sake. They depend on it. The more smoke and mirrors they can throw up portraying themselves (hilariously) as the party of the average working man, the more they can alleviate attention from the fact that DEMOCRATS, not Republicans are the party of ultra-wealthy, elitist snobs.

Liberal Agenda
Tax the middle class in order to benefit the truely rich.
Convince the poor and lower middle classes that they are benefitting, at the expense of "the ultra rich".(catchy liberal buzz phrase)
Rely on natural human envy to guarantee success of the scheme.
Label all that oppose as racist "hate mongers".(another catchy buzz phraze).
Force all but an elite few into dependency.
Consolidate power.

So far it seems to be working.
The more dependent we become, the more we seem to welcome it.
Guaranteed success.
This is rather funny. Most of the Cons. on this thread have shown their true colours and have not shown to be much more than conspiratists.
Evidence as :
Tax the middle class in order to benefit the truely rich.
Convince the poor and lower middle classes that they are benefitting, at the expense of "the ultra rich".
the more they can alleviate attention from the fact that DEMOCRATS, not Republicans are the party of ultra-wealthy, elitist snobs.
Words that describe liberals are negative, losers, chicken-*****s, doves, pacifists, un-American, anti-American, appeasers, tax hounds, cry babies, envy, defeatists and obstructionists.
etc. etc. etc.

Sounds more like conspiracies than any actual debate. And no cons. I'm not a liberal, I just don't like people shouting out what someone believes, even if its quite opposite. I get that all the time.
Comrade Brian said:
This is rather funny. Most of the Cons. on this thread have shown their true colours and have not shown to be much more than conspiratists.
Evidence as :

***Could you please pick any one of those items/issues aforementioned that wasn't the truth. Any conspiracy here lies with the liberal agenda.
A lot of this. It seems that it is quite popular to try to find the "secret liberal agenda". I doubt it exists. Same as any "secret conservative agenda".
Why do right-wingers think they can read liberals' minds?

Ptsdkid, you can't talk like a right-wing loony & then say you're a liberal.

You will notice that rightwingers--like the supercilious "Ptsdkid"--honest-to-God think they can read liberals' minds. They love to tell us what we're thinking.

(Oddly, when snarky right-wingers try to read liberals' minds, the liberals come out sounding just like snarky little Republicans. Go figure.)

Apparently right-wingers believe 1) that some of their policies worked, & 2) that they can read the minds of people infinitely smarter & more subtle than themselves.

It's another instance of right-wing delusional thinking. No wonder their policies always pull a boner, huh?

Thanks for the mindprobe, Ptsdkid. Let me give it a try. You're depressed out of your gourd because you know the Republican Party is totally down the toilet. So you're comforting yourself with a little right-wing mind-reading. Could that be it?
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PerryLogan said:
Why do right-wingers think they can read liberals' minds?

Ptsdkid, you can't talk like a right-wing loony & then say you're a liberal.

You will notice that rightwingers--like the supercilious "Ptsdkid"--honest-to-God think they can read liberals' minds. They love to tell us what we're thinking.

(Oddly, when snarky right-wingers try to read liberals' minds, the liberals come out sounding just like snarky little Republicans. Go figure.)

Apparently right-wingers believe 1) that some of their policies worked, & 2) that they can read the minds of people infinitely smarter & more subtle than themselves.

It's another instance of right-wing delusional thinking. No wonder their policies always pull a boner, huh?

Thanks for the mindprobe, Ptsdkid. Let me give it a try. You're depressed out of your gourd because you know the Republican Party is totally down the toilet. So you're comforting yourself with a little right-wing mind-reading. Could that be it?

***Where did I say that I wanted to be a liberal in this thread?
Where did I say I could read liberals' minds?
Once the Republican party starts to lose elections--then I might say we have a problem, but so long as you got complete nut cases like Algore and Howard Dean firing left wing garbage at the American people--I'll feel quite safe that Conservatism will continue to rule the day....thank you very much.
Ptsdkid, the very title of this thread (besides being inane) implies your ability to read minds much more complex & refined than yours.

This is you, reading our minds:
"They need to feel a vindication of their insecurities, of their inability to succeed, of their inability to find and acknowledge self happiness."

& again:
"Lack of response here tells me that everyone (including liberals) agree that liberals have no plans for our country other than to attack the 'haves' through class warfare."

& again:
"You're one of those guys that thinks that any woman who won't have sex with him must be a lesbian."

That's just in this thread! Ptsdkid, you base every argument on your delusional ability to read people's minds. No wonder you subscribe to a completely delusional belief system.

This is you saying you're a liberal:
"I'm a liberal--in fact, I'm a radical."

As for the ailing election system, the battle against Republican election fraud rages on:

Watchdog group questions outcome of Florida's 2004 presidential election
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- An examination of Palm Beach County's electronic voting machine records from the 2004 election found possible tampering and tens of thousands of malfunctions and errors, a watchdog group said Thursday.

Bev Harris, founder of BlackBoxVoting.org, said the findings call into question the outcome of the presidential race.

Look, PerryLogan is back. The all time lamest TT poster. Looks like you found the other side of your coin. I'll repost that for you here in a sec. But notice the similarities between the two of you guy's rhetoric.

PerryLogan said:

I feel sorry for Republicans. They know very little joy.

Look at them: They've got virtually all the money. They control the media. They've got the vote in America hacked, so their political future is insured.

Yet they're unhappier than ever! In fact, they're almost going nuts. What's the deal?

1) Republicans are mostly Philistines, so the pleasures of art & literature are mostly denied to them.

2) They believe society is hopelessly decadent, so they're largely isolated from the culture that surrounds them.

3) They hate anyone who disagrees with them, which is most people. So their only friends are creeps like themselves (& I say that with love).

4) They are capable of having sex, but their sex drive is very modest. & of course they're not very good-looking. So there's not much joy of sex. Then there's all those sexual hang-ups––homophobia, misogyny, etc. I don't want to talk abot it.

5) Republicans have almost no sense of humor. They rarely even know when someone is kidding. Their only real joy is Schadenfreude––taking pleasure from other people's pain. They can enjoy a good gloat after a stolen election, but the pleasure is short-lived.

6) They're rather paranoid, always thinking liberals or Muslims or Jews or someone is plotting against them. They believe we're in a war on terrorism that will go on forever, & which we can never really win. (How's THAT for a bummer?)

7) Their policies never work, but they haven't noticed. They have to keep saying the economy is booming, when it's obviously not; that the war in Iraq is going well, which it is not; that America is doing well, when it most certainly is not.

8) Their tanking poll numbers prove that most Americans are seeing through their lies & getting madder & madder at them. That's gotta hurt, right?

9) They're not the most honest people in the world. Republicans tend to be crooked businessmen & the like. So they always have to watch out for the law.

10) They have to rationalize horrible things, such as war, pollution, election fraud, political repression, treason, & torture. They must know somewhere deep inside that they're going to be punished for all the things they're perpetrating.

PerryLogan said:
Ptsdkid, the very title of this thread (besides being inane) implies your ability to read minds much more complex & refined than yours.

This is you, reading our minds:
"They need to feel a vindication of their insecurities, of their inability to succeed, of their inability to find and acknowledge self happiness."

& again:
"Lack of response here tells me that everyone (including liberals) agree that liberals have no plans for our country other than to attack the 'haves' through class warfare."

& again:
"You're one of those guys that thinks that any woman who won't have sex with him must be a lesbian."

That's just in this thread! Ptsdkid, you base every argument on your delusional ability to read people's minds. No wonder you subscribe to a completely delusional belief system.

This is you saying you're a liberal:
"I'm a liberal--in fact, I'm a radical."

As for the ailing election system, the battle against Republican election fraud rages on:

You both even resort to using sex as a putdown. Creepy eh?

You both point out the worst of either side. The worst of stereotyping. Both mean about it. Both delusional to the point of shouting conspiracy. The far right meets the far left. When you two gonna realize both parties use your paranoia to gain your support. It's called politics.

Bedwetter vs. Nazi.

I love it.

PS. We don't take pstkid very seriously around here. We have folks around here that torment him, but that's about all.

Did you read all those books behind you on your web site? Do you really have a local public access show? How many hits does your site get? I mean, if that place gets any kind of traffic as charming and funny as you are, I should get one of my own. Couldn't do no worse. I mean, even Robodoon has one. Hmmm?
This is you, reading our minds:
"They need to feel a vindication of their insecurities, of their inability to succeed, of their inability to find and acknowledge self happiness."

***This isn't me reading your minds; this is me listening and watching liberals on the news for years. The unhappy mood of liberals has been proven by the link I provided, and also proven by watching lib leaders like Algore, Hillary, Howard Dean, and Ted Kennedy scream into the microphone whenever they get the chance. Unhappy may be a weak characteristic; more like rageful angy lunatics crying because they have no more power.

"You're one of those guys that thinks that any woman who won't have sex with him must be a lesbian."

***Never thought of it that way, but my not having sex with a liberal-feminist would seem to suggest that those butt ugly feminists must be lesbians.

That's just in this thread! Ptsdkid, you base every argument on your delusional ability to read people's minds. No wonder you subscribe to a completely delusional belief system.

***ditto my first reply to you.

This is you saying you're a liberal:
"I'm a liberal--in fact, I'm a radical."

***Where do you get those choice words from? I despise everything a liberal stands for, yet you say I said that crap?

As for the ailing election system, the battle against Republican election fraud rages on:

***Election fraud? The only American frauds around here--are those wearing libweral clothing.
Calm down, Teacher. That's a lot of reaction to a guy as lame as me. You attempt to equate us is far less brilliant than you think. We get the idea you're above it all, much smarter than any of us. You probably have your own political party, maybe your own religion...

Ptsdkid, next time wait a bit longer before replying. You know--wait for some sort of...uh response to gel. Sometimes sneering won't cut it.

How do I explain to Ptsdkid that he can't really read liberal minds? That would be like a dog trying to understand its master.

But I understand. The right is fried--completely demoralized, completely humiliated & defeated, going down the tubes with absolutely no way to stop it. It must be horribly depressing for you. I weep for you.

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