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Liberals Have Done Nothing For This Country!!! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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The Abolition of Child Labor
National Parks
Social Security
The Minimum Wage
The G.I. Bill
The 40 Hour workweek
Rural Electrification
The Civil Rights Movement
Women’s Suffrage
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
The Interstate Highway System
The Marshall Plan
Environmental Laws
Food Safety Laws
Seat Belts
Workplace Safety Laws
The Space Program
Peace Corps
Universal Public Education
The National Weather Service
Truth in Advertising Laws
The National Institute of Health
Public Universities
Family and Medical Leave Act
The Consumer Product Safety Commission
Public Broadcasting
Job Corps
Head Start
Federal Guaranteed Student Loans
Lowest Poverty Rate in the History of the United States (under Clinton)
Federal Wilderness
National Forests

The list is much longer, I am just sick of typing it. The fact is, before the progressive era. There was no middle class. The poverty rate in America was over 40%. We had child-forced labor. Our seniors made up the largest demographic living in poverty. Women could not vote. African Americans could not even use the same restroom that whites used. Few Americans owned homes, with most living in urban slums. The fact is liberalism and progressive ideals transformed this nation. Almost everything that you take for granted today as an American you can thank a liberal or a progressive for. What can those on the radical right point to? Nothing. Nothing at all. They were consistently against every single thing I listed above. Including even the abolition of Child Labor and the 40 hour work week. They have consistently been nothing but an anchor to progress and a throwback to a bygone era. They say they want to return America to a time when we were a more “moral society”. They seem to have a pretty selective view of our history. Today we have internet porn and pot. However, a little more than a century ago we horsewhipped slaves and slaughtered millions of Indians. Prior to Teddy Roosevelt (the first progressive president), we had children working 20 hours a day in sweat shops and they want to return our country back to those “Good Old Days”.
Originally posted by SouthernDemocrat:
The list is much longer, I am just sick of typing it. The fact is, before the progressive era. There was no middle class. The poverty rate in America was over 40%. We had child-forced labor. Our seniors made up the largest demographic living in poverty. Women could not vote. African Americans could not even use the same restroom that whites used. Few Americans owned homes, with most living in urban slums. The fact is liberalism and progressive ideals transformed this nation. Almost everything that you take for granted today as an American you can thank a liberal or a progressive for. What can those on the radical right point to? Nothing. Nothing at all. They were consistently against every single thing I listed above. Including even the abolition of Child Labor and the 40 hour work week. They have consistently been nothing but an anchor to progress and a throwback to a bygone era. They say they want to return America to a time when we were a more “moral society”. They seem to have a pretty selective view of our history. Today we have internet porn and pot. However, a little more than a century ago we horsewhipped slaves and slaughtered millions of Indians. Prior to Teddy Roosevelt (the first progressive president), we had children working 20 hours a day in sweat shops and they want to return our country back to those “Good Old Days”.
Of all the threads that are sent to the basement, this one belongs upstairs. This is one of the best threads I've seen on this website.
SouthernDemocrat said:

The Abolition of Child Labor
National Parks
Social Security
The Minimum Wage
The G.I. Bill
The 40 Hour workweek
Rural Electrification
The Civil Rights Movement
Women’s Suffrage
Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae
The Interstate Highway System
The Marshall Plan
Environmental Laws
Food Safety Laws
Seat Belts
Workplace Safety Laws
The Space Program
Peace Corps
Universal Public Education
The National Weather Service
Truth in Advertising Laws
The National Institute of Health
Public Universities
Family and Medical Leave Act
The Consumer Product Safety Commission
Public Broadcasting
Job Corps
Head Start
Federal Guaranteed Student Loans
Lowest Poverty Rate in the History of the United States (under Clinton)
Federal Wilderness
National Forests

The list is much longer, I am just sick of typing it. The fact is, before the progressive era. There was no middle class. The poverty rate in America was over 40%. We had child-forced labor. Our seniors made up the largest demographic living in poverty. Women could not vote. African Americans could not even use the same restroom that whites used. Few Americans owned homes, with most living in urban slums. The fact is liberalism and progressive ideals transformed this nation. Almost everything that you take for granted today as an American you can thank a liberal or a progressive for. What can those on the radical right point to? Nothing. Nothing at all. They were consistently against every single thing I listed above. Including even the abolition of Child Labor and the 40 hour work week. They have consistently been nothing but an anchor to progress and a throwback to a bygone era. They say they want to return America to a time when we were a more “moral society”. They seem to have a pretty selective view of our history. Today we have internet porn and pot. However, a little more than a century ago we horsewhipped slaves and slaughtered millions of Indians. Prior to Teddy Roosevelt (the first progressive president), we had children working 20 hours a day in sweat shops and they want to return our country back to those “Good Old Days”.

*****Most of those programs you cited are big bloated government boondoggles. The Republicans would love to not only reduce many of these tax-strangling supported behemoths--but we would love to eliminate or at least privatize some of them to the point of where the tax paying consumer gets to regulate their own private account be it social security or whatever. Health insurance would be transferred from the worker paying to his job to paying into a private medical account where they could invest in say a proven positive return through the stock market. Same, same goes for social security. Privatize it so the customer or the worker gets to decide his or her own financial fate or future. Some of these programs were great right after the depression, but most of these programs now are outdated. It's not progressive to continue to hold onto these dinasours. And does liberalism or the throwing money at the poor and the welfare recipients actually help these people in the long run. Cradle to grave benefits isn't exactly helping the poor to show incentive or to want to get up off their lazy asses to work for a change. You see, you need competition, incentive and a will to strive forward, to reach or set goals, and to join the doers and the successful all across our fruited plain. Generation after generation of institutionalized welfare recipients and poor isn't going to be confused with this progressive vision that you liberals claim to own.
ptsdkid said:
*****Most of those programs you cited are big bloated government boondoggles. The Republicans would love to not only reduce many of these tax-strangling supported behemoths--but we would love to eliminate or at least privatize some of them to the point of where the tax paying consumer gets to regulate their own private account be it social security or whatever. Health insurance would be transferred from the worker paying to his job to paying into a private medical account where they could invest in say a proven positive return through the stock market. Same, same goes for social security. Privatize it so the customer or the worker gets to decide his or her own financial fate or future. Some of these programs were great right after the depression, but most of these programs now are outdated. It's not progressive to continue to hold onto these dinasours. And does liberalism or the throwing money at the poor and the welfare recipients actually help these people in the long run. Cradle to grave benefits isn't exactly helping the poor to show incentive or to want to get up off their lazy asses to work for a change. You see, you need competition, incentive and a will to strive forward, to reach or set goals, and to join the doers and the successful all across our fruited plain. Generation after generation of institutionalized welfare recipients and poor isn't going to be confused with this progressive vision that you liberals claim to own.

The same old perennial arguments that right wingers have been using for decades. Privatization to you guys simply means taking a program out of the public sector and using taxpayer money to pay a big contributing industry twice as much as the program costs before.

Like FDR said:

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs, but has never learned how to walk forward"

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