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Liberal Hopes Dashed Again (1 Viewer)


New member
May 31, 2005
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What a difference a week makes. Short days ago, the liberal media were doing the Snoopy dance of joy in advance of what they were sure would be the beginning of the end of the dim-witted cowboy/scheming frat-boy that is George W. Bush.

They felt they were on the brink of weakening, if not toppling the Bush administration altogether. They began the week in anticipation of the imminent death of the 2,000th American soldier in Iraq, then segued into gloating over the Harriet Miers withdrawal and finally, to salivating over the results of the CIA leak investigation. The Washington Post summed up the glee nicely via a story on the Miers affair:

The withdrawal stunned Washington on a day when the capital was awaiting potential bad news for the administration on another front — the possible indictments of senior White House aides in the CIA leak case. Earlier in the week, the U.S. military death toll in Iraq hit 2,000 while consumer confidence in the economy took another plunge, reflecting Bush’s mounting political woes.

From the hallways at the Old Gray Lady to network newsrooms across the land, liberals were sure that they had the president and his supporters on the run. But when things didn’t turn out quite like they imagined, the left still reported them as if they had.

Last Tuesday, Iraqi election officials certified that their Constitution was approved by a nearly four-to-one margin. This vote was a crushing blow to terrorists and those who support them. So how was this news reported?

Read the full story
This seems to be a wandering rant with no debate merit. Off to the basement.
RightConservative said:
What a difference a week makes. Short days ago, the liberal media were doing the Snoopy dance of joy in advance of what they were sure would be the beginning of the end of the dim-witted cowboy/scheming frat-boy that is George W. Bush.

They felt they were on the brink of weakening, if not toppling the Bush administration altogether. They began the week in anticipation of the imminent death of the 2,000th American soldier in Iraq, then segued into gloating over the Harriet Miers withdrawal and finally, to salivating over the results of the CIA leak investigation. The Washington Post summed up the glee nicely via a story on the Miers affair:

The withdrawal stunned Washington on a day when the capital was awaiting potential bad news for the administration on another front — the possible indictments of senior White House aides in the CIA leak case. Earlier in the week, the U.S. military death toll in Iraq hit 2,000 while consumer confidence in the economy took another plunge, reflecting Bush’s mounting political woes.

From the hallways at the Old Gray Lady to network newsrooms across the land, liberals were sure that they had the president and his supporters on the run. But when things didn’t turn out quite like they imagined, the left still reported them as if they had.

Last Tuesday, Iraqi election officials certified that their Constitution was approved by a nearly four-to-one margin. This vote was a crushing blow to terrorists and those who support them. So how was this news reported?

Read the full story

Hey, **** you you right wing piece of red state ****! I am really, **** you and your family! I am sick and tired of playing nice with you idiots. The Bush Administration ****ed up in Iraq, and everyone knows it. The balance of power in this country will shift back to the majority, which is the Democratic Party. It will happen, and you ****ing right wingers may even cause a 2nd Civil War to prevent it from happening. After all, you idiots all have the guns. Us leftist liberals don't have any. I don't own a gun. So, the only thing I can do is verbally attack you, so **** off. I look forward to 2006 and 2008. VOTE BLUE AND **** YOU!
Madacapa said:
Hey, **** you you right wing piece of red state ****! I am really, **** you and your family! I am sick and tired of playing nice with you idiots. The Bush Administration ****ed up in Iraq, and everyone knows it. The balance of power in this country will shift back to the majority, which is the Democratic Party. It will happen, and you ****ing right wingers may even cause a 2nd Civil War to prevent it from happening. After all, you idiots all have the guns. Us leftist liberals don't have any. I don't own a gun. So, the only thing I can do is verbally attack you, so **** off. I look forward to 2006 and 2008. VOTE BLUE AND **** YOU!

You sound like you need a 3000PSI douching the cleanse all the latent build up of crap in your system. This is the fuc king moron who wants Bush arrested and has the nerve to claim he is a frigging moderate. Too Fu cking funny Actually plenty of you whacked out liberals have guns-they are called CRIMINALS. Even if you clowns win an election we still run what counts-BUSINESS. That is why the mincing moonbats and barking loons of the left are so hateful-without having government in their nefarious control, they have no power at all.
TurtleDude said:
You sound like you need a 3000PSI douching the cleanse all the latent build up of crap in your system. This is the fuc king moron who wants Bush arrested and has the nerve to claim he is a frigging moderate. Too Fu cking funny Actually plenty of you whacked out liberals have guns-they are called CRIMINALS. Even if you clowns win an election we still run what counts-BUSINESS. That is why the mincing moonbats and barking loons of the left are so hateful-without having government in their nefarious control, they have no power at all.

I was a Moderate until fu cking idiots like you pissed me off! Eat sh!t you motherfuc ker! Not every BUSINESS is owned by a REPUBLICAN you stupid piece of sh!t! When big business realizes that having government provided Universal Health Care will allow them to cut their health care benefits, then they will stop giving the big bucks to the GOP. So fu ck off a$$hole!
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Madacapa said:
I was a Moderate until fu cking idiots like you pissed me off! Eat sh!t you motherfuc ker! Not every BUSINESS is owned by a REPUBLICAN you stupid piece of sh!t! When big business realizes that having government provided Universal Health Care will allow them to cut their health care benefits, then they will stop giving the big bucks to the GOP. So fu ck off a$$hole!

Better Make it 5000 PSI. Just remember one thing

TurtleDude said:
Better Make it 5000 PSI. Just remember one thing


Actually it is. As long as Conservatives prevent America from creating a National Health Insurance program, then uninsured Americans will be forced to go to emergency rooms for their medical care. Treating uninsured Americans increases everyone's medical costs, including your's a$$hole.
If the Conservatives would get their heads out of their asses, then they would realize that having a program that provides health insurance to every American would save us money. So, Mr. Turtle, you are paying for my medical care. Thanks.

Oh, and lets not forget that prisoners get free medical care, so if I get arrested you will also be paying for my treatment. Thanks.

Turtle-Dick, you are a dumb motherfu cker! FU CK YOU!
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Do us all a favor and shut up, please. You aren't doing any good acting like an intransigent child. Hold off the blanket statements and non-sequitors and maybe get on the logic train for once. Oh, and it might do you some good to get that stick out of your ass too.

P.S. RightConservative you're a dumbass too. First of all, your little article has so many words, but says so little its not even funny. I love how the damning evidence against the "liberal media" is the fact that some of them reported that the Sunni leadership didnt want it passed. Thats what we call a fact, newspapers are supposed to report facts, not what you want them too. Neither is it surprising that they would run stories about the death toll ahead of the constitution. Which sells more copies? The story about a foreign people or about our own troops dying? Guess which it is holmes. The last part is full of **** too. 22 months and all fitz does is indite scooter. Wow, we're crushed. Too bad the investigation is still on-going. The last time fitz ran an investigation he made 66 inditements before he was through. The 66th inditement was the governor on corruption charges. Theres still hope for the lefties i suppose. Lay off the radicalism juice bud. ;)
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RightConservative said:
What a difference a week makes. Short days ago, the liberal media were doing the Snoopy dance of joy in advance of what they were sure would be the beginning of the end of the dim-witted cowboy/scheming frat-boy that is George W. Bush.

They felt they were on the brink of weakening, if not toppling the Bush administration altogether. They began the week in anticipation of the imminent death of the 2,000th American soldier in Iraq, then segued into gloating over the Harriet Miers withdrawal and finally, to salivating over the results of the CIA leak investigation. The Washington Post summed up the glee nicely via a story on the Miers affair:

The withdrawal stunned Washington on a day when the capital was awaiting potential bad news for the administration on another front — the possible indictments of senior White House aides in the CIA leak case. Earlier in the week, the U.S. military death toll in Iraq hit 2,000 while consumer confidence in the economy took another plunge, reflecting Bush’s mounting political woes.

From the hallways at the Old Gray Lady to network newsrooms across the land, liberals were sure that they had the president and his supporters on the run. But when things didn’t turn out quite like they imagined, the left still reported them as if they had.

Last Tuesday, Iraqi election officials certified that their Constitution was approved by a nearly four-to-one margin. This vote was a crushing blow to terrorists and those who support them. So how was this news reported?

Read the full story

You are exactly correct, ..& My favorite saying is called for again:

The liberal democratic party could NOT "set up" a drunk to take a fall because THEIR own disingenuine hypocritical behavior is well known by the mainstream majority!:smile:

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