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Liberal and Conservative Policies Should be Reversed (1 Viewer)


Jan 7, 2005
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It appears to me that democrats are often judged as sensitive moralists and are to such an extreme they are afraid to take action. I would take it also that conservatives take advantage of this, but (I'm going to make a generalization here) I often see that conservatives are centered around Christianity, a religion known for it's (alleged, at least) super morality, the loving all things, even your enemies. Why then, do conservatives tend to be more about direct action and going to war than liberals, and support the "Only the strongest can survive" theory, even with their values being centered around Christianity?
liberal1 said:
It appears to me that democrats are often judged as sensitive moralists and are to such an extreme they are afraid to take action. I would take it also that conservatives take advantage of this, but (I'm going to make a generalization here) I often see that conservatives are centered around Christianity, a religion known for it's (alleged, at least) super morality, the loving all things, even your enemies. Why then, do conservatives tend to be more about direct action and going to war than liberals, and support the "Only the strongest can survive" theory, even with their values being centered around Christianity?
Because the perception you have just MAY be wrong...

You should've asked someone like me first before you spout the party lines...You know...A Republican who hasn't been to a non-wedding, non-funeral church function since high school...A Republican who has, not once, used the bible as a defense for anything in life...A Republican who couldn't care less about Religious affiliations or denominations...

Generalizations are, sometimes, justified...In this case, it's just insulting to me...:roll:
liberal1 said:
It appears to me that democrats are often judged as sensitive moralists and are to such an extreme they are afraid to take action. I would take it also that conservatives take advantage of this, but (I'm going to make a generalization here) I often see that conservatives are centered around Christianity, a religion known for it's (alleged, at least) super morality, the loving all things, even your enemies. Why then, do conservatives tend to be more about direct action and going to war than liberals, and support the "Only the strongest can survive" theory, even with their values being centered around Christianity?

Well around 35% of evagelicals voted for kerry last time round so im not sure that generalisation fits
See, the perception can be wrong because the media tends to focus on the crazy fundamentalist evangelicals, why? Because this sells. You don't hear much about the Christians who actually support gay rights, seperation of church and state, abortion, etc. You don't see this that often because that doesn't sell, crazy actions on the behalf of those like Pat Robertson is what sells. There are many Christian Democrats, although situations like at East Waynesville Baptist Church in Waynesville, NC would make people think otherwise.

Just my way of looking at it.
I seriously wish a group of Christians who show TRUE Christian values can get organized and speak up against the likes of Pat Robertson.

heres some info on East Waynesville Baptist Church.
Caine said:
See, the perception can be wrong because the media tends to focus on the crazy fundamentalist evangelicals, why? Because this sells. You don't hear much about the Christians who actually support gay rights, seperation of church and state, abortion, etc. You don't see this that often because that doesn't sell, crazy actions on the behalf of those like Pat Robertson is what sells. There are many Christian Democrats, although situations like at East Waynesville Baptist Church in Waynesville, NC would make people think otherwise.

Just my way of looking at it.
I seriously wish a group of Christians who show TRUE Christian values can get organized and speak up against the likes of Pat Robertson.

heres some info on East Waynesville Baptist Church.

well theres http://www.sojo.net/ for one
At the start of the 21st Century, the Democratic Party can look back on a proud history — a history not just of a political organization but of a national vision. It is a vision based on the strength and power of millions of economically empowered, socially diverse and politically active Americans. Over two hundred years ago, our Party's founders decided that wealth and social status were not an entitlement to rule. They believed that wisdom and compassion could be found within every individual and a stable government must be built upon a broad popular base. This is from: http://www.democrats.org

Democrats are for the working people. The right is for the rich, plan and simple.
alphieb said:
At the start of the 21st Century, the Democratic Party can look back on a proud history — a history not just of a political organization but of a national vision. It is a vision based on the strength and power of millions of economically empowered, socially diverse and politically active Americans. Over two hundred years ago, our Party's founders decided that wealth and social status were not an entitlement to rule. They believed that wisdom and compassion could be found within every individual and a stable government must be built upon a broad popular base. This is from: http://www.democrats.org

Democrats are for the working people. The right is for the rich, plan and simple.

Uh oh,
Your going to get it now.
alphieb said:
How is that?:roll:

I'm sure a Republican or conservative is going to site you many examples of how that is not the case.

Personally I think both parties are rolling in it.

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