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LGBT Gun Rights Groups Membership Increases (1 Viewer)

And maybe the Folks that don't like SSM and judges that don't throw nasty bakers in jail should be concerned as well.

What exactly are you trying to imply?
And maybe the Folks that don't like SSM and judges that don't throw nasty bakers in jail should be concerned as well.

Amen to that!

What exactly are you trying to imply?

When a bakery refuses to bake a wedding cake for a gay marriage, because of their religious beliefs, they should not be charged with a crime and a heavy fine, putting them out of business. That happened to a nice couple in Oregon and that was very wrong!

I personally organized a group in my area, to help pay for their legal fees. And I have no affiliation with their religion.

To me....when a merchant can't refuse service to anyone, for any reason, this country has really tipped onto the slippery slope.
And maybe the Folks that don't like SSM and judges that don't throw nasty bakers in jail should be concerned as well.

Why ?

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