Please post proof that Bush "made Nagins head spin" and that sending the troops in caused hundreds to die.
Oh wait, I forgot, hundreds did die when the troops went in. The people who died were the looters who were taking plasma screen TVs and laptops instead of the food and water they should have been getting, as well as the gang members who were shooting helicopters trying to evacuate hospital patients. I have no sympathy for them. Do you?
When Bush heard about N.O., he went straight to the White House, called on Congress to pass a relief bill, asked Clinton and Bush Sr. to go on relief advertising, and went down himself to the areas affected FIVE TIMES. Jesus Christ (pardon me) people, what the hell more do you want? Do you just expect the federal government to come in and save you and reimburse you every time something bad happens??? The evacuation was not the President's job. Calling upon the National Guard was not the President's job. It is the state and local government's job. And until they ask for it, providing federal assisstance is not the President's job. That is the law. If you don't like it, go live in France where the government does take care of your every little need (well, they do take it upon themselves to run your lives, not to mention, didn't thousands of senior citizens die in the heat wave a few summers ago because the government wouldn't allow the people to come back from vacation? Gee, maybe France isn't the best choice after all).
I am sick and damn tired of people whining that Bush is to fault, Bush didn't do enough, Bush is an idiot, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! For the last time, Bush did not start the hurricane to kill all the black people in New Orleans (and yes, people do believe that). If you believe that too, there are places that can help you, with nice people and everything. Hey, they even put you in those white rooms with cushy walls and the jacket that makes you hug yourself and feel special (if my description is off, please forgive me, I have not been there personally). You sheeple need to stop believing everything you hear and go to more places than, because many members of the Left just spout what their shepherds say, with no facts to back it up. Otherwise it makes you look stupid and ignorant.
'Nuff said.