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Levee breaks, mayor would have killed thousands (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 16, 2005
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America (A.K.A., a red state)
Political Leaning
The levee has now broken. If incompetent Mayor Nagin had his way, hundreds/thousands would have been under water again.

Who is the problem here, Bush or the mayor? ;)
aquapub said:
The levee has now broken. If incompetent Mayor Nagin had his way, hundreds/thousands would have been under water again.

Who is the problem here, Bush or the mayor? ;)

Anyone speaking from a common sense point of view would surely have to say Nagin. You can look and see how the state of Texas followed procedure, todl the feds exactly what they needed and where and they got it.
Wait a minute. Nagin wanting people to come back was a bad idea. No doubt about it. However, he wanted people to return to areas that had never flooded like the Garden district. Even with the recent levee breaks, those people would have all still been high and dry.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Wait a minute. Nagin wanting people to come back was a bad idea. No doubt about it. However, he wanted people to return to areas that had never flooded like the Garden district. Even with the recent levee breaks, those people would have all still been high and dry.

And they were lucky other levy's didn't give way with all the damage done to them which is what the Feds were saying. Was it worth the risk? And the city services are still practically non-existent.
aquapub said:
The levee has now broken. If incompetent Mayor Nagin had his way, hundreds/thousands would have been under water again.

Who is the problem here, Bush or the mayor? ;)
BUSH!!!:cowboy: Of course! He made Nagins head spin since day one when Bush sent the troops in a WEEK later causing hundreds of people to DIE!

Face the TRUTH!:doh Bush just DID NOT care about Louisiana!!!:roll:
Stinger said:
And they were lucky other levy's didn't give way with all the damage done to them which is what the Feds were saying. Was it worth the risk? And the city services are still practically non-existent.
GIVE IT UP! The area where Mayor Nagin wanted the people to come back to was NOT FLOODED!!!

Lucky??? Ya! We are ALSO lucky the MOON didn't fall on us!!!:roll: :roll: :doh :doh
taxpayer said:
GIVE IT UP! The area where Mayor Nagin wanted the people to come back to was NOT FLOODED!!!

Lucky??? Ya! We are ALSO lucky the MOON didn't fall on us!!!:roll: :roll: :doh :doh

Your really thinkg there is a chance the moon would fall on us, a chance anywhere near the chance that more levies would fail in New Orleans? Amazing.
Stinger said:
Your really thinkg there is a chance the moon would fall on us, a chance anywhere near the chance that more levies would fail in New Orleans? Amazing.

As I said, it was a bad idea to ask people to come back. However, the areas Mayor Nagin wanted people to start coming back to have no chance of flooding as they set higher than the rest of the city. So the whole premise of the thread is flawed.
taxpayer said:
BUSH!!!:cowboy: Of course! He made Nagins head spin since day one when Bush sent the troops in a WEEK later causing hundreds of people to DIE!

Face the TRUTH!:doh Bush just DID NOT care about Louisiana!!!

Please post proof that Bush "made Nagins head spin" and that sending the troops in caused hundreds to die.
Oh wait, I forgot, hundreds did die when the troops went in. The people who died were the looters who were taking plasma screen TVs and laptops instead of the food and water they should have been getting, as well as the gang members who were shooting helicopters trying to evacuate hospital patients. I have no sympathy for them. Do you?

When Bush heard about N.O., he went straight to the White House, called on Congress to pass a relief bill, asked Clinton and Bush Sr. to go on relief advertising, and went down himself to the areas affected FIVE TIMES. Jesus Christ (pardon me) people, what the hell more do you want? Do you just expect the federal government to come in and save you and reimburse you every time something bad happens??? The evacuation was not the President's job. Calling upon the National Guard was not the President's job. It is the state and local government's job. And until they ask for it, providing federal assisstance is not the President's job. That is the law. If you don't like it, go live in France where the government does take care of your every little need (well, they do take it upon themselves to run your lives, not to mention, didn't thousands of senior citizens die in the heat wave a few summers ago because the government wouldn't allow the people to come back from vacation? Gee, maybe France isn't the best choice after all).

I am sick and damn tired of people whining that Bush is to fault, Bush didn't do enough, Bush is an idiot, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! For the last time, Bush did not start the hurricane to kill all the black people in New Orleans (and yes, people do believe that). If you believe that too, there are places that can help you, with nice people and everything. Hey, they even put you in those white rooms with cushy walls and the jacket that makes you hug yourself and feel special (if my description is off, please forgive me, I have not been there personally). You sheeple need to stop believing everything you hear and go to more places than Moveon.org, because many members of the Left just spout what their shepherds say, with no facts to back it up. Otherwise it makes you look stupid and ignorant.

'Nuff said.
taxpayer said:
GIVE IT UP! The area where Mayor Nagin wanted the people to come back to was NOT FLOODED!!!
He also wanted the people to LEAVE before they were NOT FLOODED...

How well was that received?:roll:
Nez Dragon said:
Please post proof that Bush "made Nagins head spin" and that sending the troops in caused hundreds to die.
Oh wait, I forgot, hundreds did die when the troops went in. The people who died were the looters who were taking plasma screen TVs and laptops instead of the food and water they should have been getting, as well as the gang members who were shooting helicopters trying to evacuate hospital patients. I have no sympathy for them. Do you?

When Bush heard about N.O., he went straight to the White House, called on Congress to pass a relief bill, asked Clinton and Bush Sr. to go on relief advertising, and went down himself to the areas affected FIVE TIMES. Jesus Christ (pardon me) people, what the hell more do you want? Do you just expect the federal government to come in and save you and reimburse you every time something bad happens??? The evacuation was not the President's job. Calling upon the National Guard was not the President's job. It is the state and local government's job. And until they ask for it, providing federal assisstance is not the President's job. That is the law. If you don't like it, go live in France where the government does take care of your every little need (well, they do take it upon themselves to run your lives, not to mention, didn't thousands of senior citizens die in the heat wave a few summers ago because the government wouldn't allow the people to come back from vacation? Gee, maybe France isn't the best choice after all).

I am sick and damn tired of people whining that Bush is to fault, Bush didn't do enough, Bush is an idiot, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! For the last time, Bush did not start the hurricane to kill all the black people in New Orleans (and yes, people do believe that). If you believe that too, there are places that can help you, with nice people and everything. Hey, they even put you in those white rooms with cushy walls and the jacket that makes you hug yourself and feel special (if my description is off, please forgive me, I have not been there personally). You sheeple need to stop believing everything you hear and go to more places than Moveon.org, because many members of the Left just spout what their shepherds say, with no facts to back it up. Otherwise it makes you look stupid and ignorant.

'Nuff said.

When Bush first heard of N.O. he kept on riding his bike and STAYED on VACATION a few more days until he was advised to go back to Washington.

And YES, it is expected that our Gov would come in and save ANY Americans that are in a declared disaster area!!!:roll: :doh

Guess you never heard of FEMA!!!:roll:
passing the blame from one level of govt. to the other in a never ending cycle to find a scapegoat is the
plan ,scam ,sham, of the flim flam man.

perhaps if FEMA wasnt bowled over when homeland security took its funding
and power away

With FEMA gutted and homeland security given fema's funding FEMA was earmarked for failure.
I am a democrat and Im astonished by the amount of bad press Bush is receiving over this. Bush may not be a great leader, but he doesn't create hurricanes and cause disasters, neither does he wish them on our country (Which I can't say the same for Pat Robertson who prayed for ANOTHER opening on the supreme court, and shortly afterward the Chief Justice dies).

So, this is Bad luck for Bush, but good luck for Halliburton......again......
taxpayer said:
BUSH!!!:cowboy: Of course! He made Nagins head spin since day one when Bush sent the troops in a WEEK later causing hundreds of people to DIE!

Face the TRUTH!:doh Bush just DID NOT care about Louisiana!!!:roll:

taxpayer said:
GIVE IT UP! The area where Mayor Nagin wanted the people to come back to was NOT FLOODED!!!

Lucky??? Ya! We are ALSO lucky the MOON didn't fall on us!!!

What if the area would have been flooded and the mayor brought back all these people when Bush didnt advise it! You would STILL have blamed bush becuase he didnt go to the scene himself and hold their hand out of harms way! If the troops didnt go in, more people would have been dead. the troops set more order than if they were not there! Face the fact, you have no idea what you are talking about. Your playing party politics
Bush Blew The Levees
Canuck said:
Bush Blew The Levees

And thus Canuck destroys another thread...The anti-debater strikes again...
cnredd said:
And thus Canuck destroys another thread...The anti-debater strikes again...

I dont know about his other posts on this subject, but i think he was being sarcastic! Though, I could be wrong! :lol: But still.. bad post he did... Its them canadians man! :rofl
AK_Conservative said:
I dont know about his other posts on this subject, but i think he was being sarcastic! Though, I could be wrong! :lol: But still.. bad post he did... Its them canadians man! :rofl
It's not the particulars of any one thread that I'm talking about...He just throws out whatever is on the top of his head...He's posted things that are so far off the wall, much less off-topic, that any debatable arguments from the origial thread are dropped...

Most members of the forums do not start at the beginning and read every post...They go from the last few...

Example...How would you like to go to a thread and read this?...or even this?...

One time, he even tried this...

It just degrades the forum...
cnredd said:
It's not the particulars of any one thread that I'm talking about...He just throws out whatever is on the top of his head...He's posted things that are so far off the wall, much less off-topic, that any debatable arguments from the origial thread are dropped...

Most members of the forums do not start at the beginning and read every post...They go from the last few...

Example...How would you like to go to a thread and read this?...or even this?...

One time, he even tried this...

It just degrades the forum...

HAHA i hear ya on that! He is off the wall! I dont care for how he even approaches his arguements.. In poem style writing! Not the best tactic for a debate. No proof provided in his statements (not arguements, havent seen one of them from him yet!). What can you expect from a socialist though! :lol:
AK_ What can you expect from a socialist though! :lol:[/QUOTE said:
Off topic but: all we ever get from Alaskan Conservatives is, "drill damn it, drill" I'm happy there it at least one out there at least thinking about other things besides ANWR and gun controle. In betwean stomping out marijuana legilisation.
Stinger said:
Anyone speaking from a common sense point of view would surely have to say Nagin. You can look and see how the state of Texas followed procedure, todl the feds exactly what they needed and where and they got it.

Of course Texas followed procedure, after seeing what happened in New Orleans Texans knew exactly what could happen. Clearly Texas was not hit nearly as hard, nor are they as far undersea level, nor did they have a system of levees known to the government to be faulty for YEARS. Texas was no dream either, highways were backed up for miles and miles and many people were left stranded on the side of the road as the hurricane approached.

Bush making the fatal mistake of placing an underqualified friend in a vital diaster position was the beginning of the end. If anyone is to blame it begins with Bush. But, more importantly we must keep in mind that hindsight is always 20/20. A natural disaster is just that, a disaster. Blaming people at this point is simply counterproductive. Show me where to help. Tell me what to do. I'd rather focus my energy in that direction than standing around, doing nothing, and bickering over who's to blame.
getinvolved said:
If anyone is to blame it begins with Bush.
Two sentences later...

getinvolved said:
Blaming people at this point is simply counterproductive.

Anything else?...:roll:
cnredd said:
Two sentences later...

Anything else?...:roll:

Thanks for your imput. But you failed to realize the intention, "IF" anyone was to blame being the key word.

I was repsonding to the question originally posed, while making the point that passing blame around is not what needs to be done right now.
getinvolved said:
Thanks for your imput. But you failed to realize the intention, "IF" anyone was to blame being the key word.

I was repsonding to the question originally posed, while making the point that passing blame around is not what needs to be done right now.
Nooooo...It was a cheap shot...unless you misunderstood the "question originally posed"...

The levee has now broken. If incompetent Mayor Nagin had his way, hundreds/thousands would have been under water again.

Who is the problem here, Bush or the mayor?

"Here" represents the situation, which is "the levee has now broken"...

Seeing as how Bush(nor his FEMA appointee) had NOTHING to do with any insistance, declaration, suggestions, or speeches where they were for some people of New Orleans returning to their homes, this was rhetorical question...

Bush had nothing to do with this aspect...

In fact, I will go so far as to say that the question was meant to show that some people here will blindly take shots at the President, even though the situation was irrelevant to anything he's done...

I can see that this was acheived...
cnredd said:
Nooooo...It was a cheap shot...unless you misunderstood the "question originally posed"...

The levee has now broken. If incompetent Mayor Nagin had his way, hundreds/thousands would have been under water again.

Who is the problem here, Bush or the mayor?

"Here" represents the situation, which is "the levee has now broken"...

Seeing as how Bush(nor his FEMA appointee) had NOTHING to do with any insistance, declaration, suggestions, or speeches where they were for some people of New Orleans returning to their homes, this was rhetorical question...

Bush had nothing to do with this aspect...

In fact, I will go so far as to say that the question was meant to show that some people here will blindly take shots at the President, even though the situation was irrelevant to anything he's done...

I can see that this was acheived...

Okay, well, thank you very much for helping me to understand. Now, let me help you.

When asked who is to blame here, I say that no ONE person can be blamed. Everyone dropped the ball. But as far as you saying that Bush had nothing to do with this, well that is laughable.

The Bush Administration proposed spending less than 20% of the funds requested by New Orleans officials to provide minimum storm-safety protections for the city. The funds were instead diverted to fund the Iraq War.

The necessary work to the levees in 2004 and 2005 was never performed. The source of the post-Katrina flooding in New Orleans, as you know, was failed levees.

So, the suggestion that "the situation was irrelevant to anything [Bush has] done..." is just incorrect. As, I said everyone made mistakes in this situation. Bush included.

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