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Letter To My President (1 Viewer)


Aug 9, 2005
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Redneck Rivera-Winters / Upper Montana -Summers
Political Leaning
President Bush,

With all due respect; what kind of Christian does anything & everything possible to make life more difficult for Americans?

*Exception to that-- those you call your base...you know the top 1%, those who already have everything a man could want 10 times over?

My "God" is about giving, kindness, love, compassion, goodness, charity, caring, help. My faith says; help those who are down-trodden, the meek, the elderly, the tired, those down on their luck, the weary, the handicapped, the sick, the starving, the dying, and the poor!

My "God” sees no nationality, my "God” does not place importance of an American life as superior in importance to the lives of other peoples, from other Nations; My "God" includes all the Worlds peoples as his children, not just those people who are in the top 1% tax bracket.

With the utmost respect...Mr. President, the god you worship can't be the same god I know....Why you ask? Because, your actions speak volumes about who you really are; your actions say greed is good; your actions say life is expendable as long as it's in the pursuit of material objects and or political advantage; your actions say lying is justified and excused, as long as the lying and dying, is for self-centered selfishness and or corporate gain!

Mr. President in my humble opinion, your actions say--the rich should be given advantage, the poor should be kept at a disadvantage!

Why, why are you so determined to kill the middle class in your quests to make Billionaires out of Millionaires?

Those of your "class" those born with that hanging silver spoon, haven't a clue!

Eggie Snorter
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My "God" is about giving, kindness, love, compassion, goodness, charity, caring, help. My faith says; help those who are down-trodden, the meek, the elderly, the tired, those down on their luck, the weary, the handicapped, the sick, the starving, the dying, and the poor!

So how on earth does President Bush prevent you from excersizing this giving, kindness, love, compassion, goodness, charity, caring, help?

My "God” sees no nationality, my "God” does not place importance of an American life as superior in importance to the lives of other peoples, from other Nations;

OK but then he was not elected to be President of the Untied States was he. Bush was.

With the utmost respect...Mr. President, the god you worship can't be the same god I know....Why you ask? Because, your actions speak volumes about who you really are; your actions say greed is good; your actions say life is expendable as long as it's in the pursuit of material objects and or political advantage; your actions say lying is justified and excused, as long as the lying and dying, is for self-centered selfishness and or corporate gain!

What actions specifically? Cutting the lowest tax rate by a third? Taking thousands of low income completely off the tax rolls? Increasing education spending?

Mr. President in my humble opinion, your actions say--the rich should be given advantage, the poor should be kept at a disadvantage!

What "disadvantage" has he put on the poor?

Why, why are you so determined to kill the middle class in your quests to make Billionaires out of Millionaires?

Please elaborate how has he done this?

Stinger said:
So how on earth does President Bush prevent you from excersizing this giving, kindness, love, compassion, goodness, charity, caring, help?

OK but then he was not elected to be President of the Untied States was he. Bush was.

What actions specifically? Cutting the lowest tax rate by a third? Taking thousands of low income completely off the tax rolls? Increasing education spending?

What "disadvantage" has he put on the poor?

Please elaborate how has he done this?

The letter was not for the purpose of unintelligent debate....
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The letter was not for the purpose of unintelligent debate....

Nor was it an intelligent letter but just another tirade without understanding. I hope you have given the max you can to charity at every turn. That is one of the President's basic goals for all Americans. But this letter? Sad. :duel :cool:
The letter was not for the purpose of unintelligent debate....

Wow! What a blistering response! Let's see - you post an opinionated letter with no facutal backing - someone else responds with their opinion - and the smirking chimp, rather than impressing us all with his tremendously intelligent debating skills chooses to simply dismiss the opinions as "unintelligent". How convienient for you!

And look at this person carefully. I am sure the smirking chimp pats himself on the back for his tolerance, his compassion, his open-mindedness, and his insight. Then when presented with a differing opinion he displays his intolerance, his hatred, his narrow-mindedness, and lack of ability to see two sides of an argument (which is according to F. Scott Fitzgerald the sign of true intelligence). Hypocrisy - thy name is and continues to be liberalism!
Folks, let's keep this civil. Moved thread to executive branch.

Stinger's asked some pertinent questions about the OP (original post). SMIRKnCHIMP, it's your onus to address his points if you care to defend your OP.
I think refering to the posters that post or their posts as "unintelligent" is a good response. It tells you a lot about the poster that says something like that. It also shortens the debate on an "untelligent" thread. Oh, in case any of you decide to label me "untelligent"? It's ok. I understand. :duel :cool:
I love the letter add to it you think hes a traitor and a piece of **** and ask if he can tell you why hes not a traitor. He should be tried for waging war on americans.
walrus said:
Wow! What a blistering response! Let's see - you post an opinionated letter with no facutal backing - someone else responds with their opinion - and the smirking chimp, rather than impressing us all with his tremendously intelligent debating skills chooses to simply dismiss the opinions as "unintelligent". How convienient for you!

And look at this person carefully. I am sure the smirking chimp pats himself on the back for his tolerance, his compassion, his open-mindedness, and his insight. Then when presented with a differing opinion he displays his intolerance, his hatred, his narrow-mindedness, and lack of ability to see two sides of an argument (which is according to F. Scott Fitzgerald the sign of true intelligence). Hypocrisy - thy name is and continues to be liberalism!

IF a child has not reached the age of 18 his opinion doesn't count cause YOU can't vote!

I'm sorry but I best ignore you and your trio of juvenile worldly guys........otherwise I'm certain to get introuble with the monitors...if I'm not already.
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shuamort said:
Folks, let's keep this civil. Moved thread to executive branch.

Stinger's asked some pertinent questions about the OP (original post). SMIRKnCHIMP, it's your onus to address his points if you care to defend your OP.

I'm sorry But I could not make much sense from stingers remarks.....what does that say about me.:doh
The letter was not for the purpose of unintelligent debate....

What was it for then other than a troll?
I'm sorry But I could not make much sense from stingers remarks.....what does that say about me.

gordontravels said:
Volumes. :duel :cool:

Wonderful reply...:clap:
IF a child has not reached the age of 18 his opinion doesn't count cause YOU can't vote!

I'm sorry but I best ignore you and your trio of juvenile worldly guys........otherwise I'm certain to get introuble with the monitors...if I'm not already.

Age does not grant wisdom. Just wrinkles. I know some very intelligent teenagers, and some very ignorant elder people (my dad! I kid, I kid). Discounting someone because they are too young makes as much sense as discounting them because they are too old.
Kelzie said:
Age does not grant wisdom. Just wrinkles. I know some very intelligent teenagers, and some very ignorant elder people (my dad! I kid, I kid). Discounting someone because they are too young makes as much sense as discounting them because they are too old.

I guess his logic would also mean that a 20 year old could not have criticized Clinton in 1999 because he was only 17 when Bill Jeff was elected for a second term in '96.

Apparently, he/she/retard thinks that once you turn 18, you get magical powers of thought...I guess those powers of thought disappear when you're 46...cause Billo is 47 and SMIRK is 48(Can you believe it?!).
Kelzie said:
Age does not grant wisdom. Just wrinkles. I know some very intelligent teenagers, and some very ignorant elder people (my dad! I kid, I kid). Discounting someone because they are too young makes as much sense as discounting them because they are too old.

Pretty Lady.......wisdom comes from EXPERIENCE......look it up!
Pretty Lady.......wisdom comes from EXPERIENCE......look it up!

And there are some 16 year-olds who have had much more experiences and hardships than some 40 year-olds. Wisdom depends on the person, not on their age.
Pretty Lady.......wisdom comes from EXPERIENCE......look it up!
And since Bush has had a lot of experience he is therefore wise? Is that what you're suggesting?
I'm sorry but I best ignore you and your trio of juvenile worldly guys........otherwise I'm certain to get introuble with the monitors...if I'm not already.

Do a google search for the OP. You might find some interesting links. :shock:

Everyone will find that he has nothing unique to add to the debate, but post some type of slander about the prez (from other sites) - then can't back it up and calls everyone else "unintelligent" unless they say aye.

Hillarious! :rofl
Kelzie said:
And there are some 16 year-olds who have had much more experiences and hardships than some 40 year-olds. Wisdom depends on the person, not on their age.

shuamort said:
And since Bush has had a lot of experience he is therefore wise? Is that what you're suggesting?

Bush is Experienced at failure:

George W. Bush, Jr.

None of George Bush's offspring is more his father's son than George W. Bush. George Jr., or "Shrub" as Molly Ivins refers to him, began his own Texas oil career in the mid-1970s when he formed Bush Exploration. Like the business dealings of his brothers, George's company was not a success, and it was rescued in 1983 by another oil company, Spectrum 7, run by several staunch and well-heeled Reagan-Bush supporters. But by mid-1986, a soft oil market found Spectrum also near bankruptcy.

Many oil companies went belly-up during that time. But Spectrum had one asset the others lacked -- the son of the vice-president. Rescue came in 1986 in the form of Harken Energy, just in the nick of time. Harken absorbed Spectrum, and, in the process, Junior got $600,000 worth of Harken stock in return for his Spectrum shares. He also won a lucrative consulting contract and stock options. In all, the deal would put well over $1 million in his pocket over the next few years -- even though Harken itself lost millions.

Harken Energy was formed in l973 by two oilmen who would benefit from a successful covert effort to destabilize Australia's Labor Party government (which had attempted to shut out foreign oil exploration). A decade later, Harken was sold to a new investment group headed by New York attorney Alan G. Quasha, a partner in the firm of Quasha, Wessely & Schneider. Quasha's father, a powerful attorney in the Philippines, had been a staunch supporter of then-president Ferdinand Marcos. William Quasha had also given legal advice to two top officials of the notorious Nugan Hand Bank in Australia, a CIA operation.

After the sale of Harken Energy in 1983, Alan Quasha became a director and chairman of the board. Under Quasha, Harken suddenly absorbed Junior's struggling Spectrum 7 in 1986. The merger immediately opened a financial horn of plenty and reversed Junior's fortunes. But like his brother Jeb, Junior seemed unconcerned about the characters who were becoming his benefactors. Harken's $25 million stock offering in 1987, for example, was underwritten by a Little Rock, Arkansas, brokerage house, Stephens, Inc., which placed the Harken stock offering with the London subsidiary of Union Bank -- a bank that had surfaced in the scandal that resulted in the downfall of the Australian Labor government in 1976 and, later, in the Nugan Hand Bank scandal. (It was also Union Bank, according to congressional hearings on international money laundering, that helped the now-notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce International skirt Panamanian money-laundering laws by flying cash out of the country in private jets, and that was used by Ferdinand Marcos to stash 325 tons of Philippine gold around the world.)

Stephens, Inc., also helped introduce the BCCI virus into US banking in 1978 when it arranged the sale of Bert Lance's National Bank of Georgia to BCCI front man Ghaith Pharoan. (The head of Stephens, Inc., Jackson Stephens, is a member of President Bush's exclusive "Team 100," a group of 249 wealthy individuals who have contributed at least $100,000 each to the GOP's presidential-campaign committee.)

If any of these associations raised questions in the mind of George Bush, Jr., he had little incentive to voice them. Besides getting Harken stock through the deal, Junior was paid $80,000 a year as a consultant (until 1989, when his wages were increased to $120,000; recently they were reduced to $45,000). He was also allowed to borrow $180,375 from the company at very low interest rates. In 1989 and 1990, according to the company's Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Harken's board "forgave" $341,000 in loans to its executives. In addition, Junior took advantage of the company's ultraliberal executive stock purchase plan, which allowed him to buy Harken stock at 40 percent below market value.

Such lavish executive compensation would suggest a company doing quite well indeed. But in reality, Harken had little going for itself. One Wall Street analyst called Harken's web of insider stock deals and mounting debt "a lot of jiggery-pokery." Harken was not making money and could not have continued into 1990 without at least some means of convincing lenders and investors that the company would soon find a lot of oil.

Suddenly, in January 1990, Harken Energy became the talk of the Texas oil industry. The company with no offshore-oil-drilling experience beat out a more-established international conglomerate, Amoco, in bagging the exclusive contract to drill in a promising new offshore oil field for the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain. The deal had been arranged for Harken by two former Stephens, Inc., brokers. A company insider claims the president's son did not initiate the deal -- but feels that his presence in the firm helped with the Bahrainis. "Hell, that's why he's on the damn board," the insider says. "...You say, 'By the way, the president's son sits on our board.' You use that. There's nothing wrong with that."

Junior has told acquaintances conflicting stories about his own involvement in the deal. He first claimed that he had "recused" himself from the deal; "George said he left the room when Bahrain was being discussed 'because we can't even have the appearance of having anything to do with the government.' He was into a big rant about how unfair it was to be the president's son. He said, 'I was so scrupulous I was never in the room when it was discussed.'"

Junior alternately claimed, to reporters for the Wall Street Journal and D Magazine, that he had opposed the arrangement. But the company insider says, to the contrary, that Junior was excited about the Bahrain deal. "Like any member of the board, he was thrilled," the associate says. "His attitude was, 'Holy ****, what a great deal!'"

Through the Bahrain deal, the ties between BCCI and Harken Energy grew tighter. Sheikh Khalifah, the prime minister of Bahrain and brother of the emir, was also a shareholder in BCCI -- and it was Khalifah who played the key role in selecting Harken for the job. Sheikh Abdullah Bakhsh, in turn, was a business associate of BCCI front man Ghaith Pharoan; he bought a chunk of Harken's stock and placed his representative, Talat Othman, on Harken Energy's board of directors.

Did Junior or any of the other Harken Energy executives trade on the Bush name in these speculative business deals? None of the principals will answer questions. But this much is known: after the Harken-Bahrain deal was settled, Othman was added to the list of fifteen Arabs who met with President George Bush and National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft three times in 1990 -- once just two days after Iraq invaded Kuwait -- while serving on Harken's board of directors.

The promise of hitting it big in the oil-rich gulf was certainly critical for Harken. News of the Bahrain deal kept investors buying stock and lenders making loans. Still, Harken had nowhere near the capital required for such a large offshore operation halfway around the world. This required real money. But not to worry: The billionaire Bass brothers stepped up to the plate and said they'd be happy to underwrite the cost of the drilling in return for a piece of the action. (Robert Bass is a member of President Bush's Team 100; he and other Bass family members have contributed $226,000 to George, Sr.'s, cause since 1988.)

But even well-heeled friends like the Bass brothers could not protect Harken from the troubles of the world. Just four months after the Bahrain deal was sealed, storm clouds developed over the gulf region, threatening the oil-exploration deal. In May 1990, the U.S. State Department sent a chilling but still classified report to Scowcroft. The report warned that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was out of control and was threatening his neighbors:

Factologist said:

I really don't care if you believe it or not. There are 16 year-olds in LDCs that have had more experiences, hardships and responsibilites that some silver-spoon-fed, mamma's-boy, working-for-daddy's company 35 year-old in the US ever will. If you don't think that looking after your younger siblings and cooking all the meals since the age of seven, and than working 12 hours a day since the age of twelve, all the while dealing with a war-torn country and shifting government will give a person more insight than a person who plays video games 6 hours a day, no story I provide will help you see the light.
Kelzie? I couldn't agree with you more about age not being an impediment to knowledge or experience. Whether 16 or 40 a person has the ability to reason. I see that lacking at times in people of all ages. Some want you to line up your examples. A thinking person knows those examples exist in their own lives. Your posts? Short, to the point and I agree. :duel :cool:
Originally posted by gordontravels:
Nor was it an intelligent letter but just another tirade without understanding. I hope you have given the max you can to charity at every turn. That is one of the President's basic goals for all Americans. But this letter? Sad.
You consider the intitial post a tirade? That's pretty sick!

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