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lets roll (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
Came in last night read some of the horror stories, been cleaning the blood
from my pc all day.
my name is mikeey and thanks for having me on your site. I am sure u are all good guys and say your pease y not

kind regards to u all

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Thanks for your thoughts and opinions. That is what we are all about.
mikeey said:
Came in last night read some of the horror stories, been cleaning the blood
from my pc all day.
my name is mikeey and thanks for having me on your site. I am sure u are all good guys and say your pease y not

kind regards to u all


Welcome to Debate Politics.
Pacridge thanks m8.

Comrade Brian, then tell me y u removed the bacteria thread,so many lives have been lost or is it the way u say it that counts, maybe the truth hurts.

god bless your sodiers they need it.

my kind regards mikeey
What? I don't totally understand what you just said. There is a 'bacteria' thread.
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Comrade Brian,when u have some thing or someone who worships satanism
they have way to destroy life a clone of evil who will cheat or what ever it takes to survive, as u no so many lives have been lost and his grave diggers
cant keep up,they are so many, that is the bacteria without menioning names

i hope u understand my point

my kind regards to U my good friend

sorry to be so blunt
...:confused: Uhm.......Satan....bacteria.....evil clone...:confused:

..Yes. Well anyway welcome to the forums.
V.I. Lenin, Well thank U comrade that is very kind of U,just a matter of interest,What DO U THINK OF THAT Fxxxkxxg PSYCHOPATH that runs your patch
next door to your old country.

my kind regards
Count me in on the confused.

This is a welcome thread. Or so I thought. :confused:
Vauge No my dear friend this thread is not against the many but against the few, i speak with kindness in my heart to u and the good people of your land
thanks to all for your replys.

regards mikeey
Patch of land? It's a big place..

Putin? He's insane, a despotic wolf hidden behind the blanket of democratic lies.

Uhm..who do you speak of?

You have a very poetic way of speaking that is incredibly confusing.

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