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Let's remember that a number of powerful Americans were pro-Hitler, also (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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There were plenty of powerful Americans, like leading businessmen, who had no use for FDR - some tried to launch a military coup to remove him - who liked Hitler just fine.

Numerous US companies did business with Hitler, including for example IBM which sold Hitler systems used in their actions against Jews. Some helped Hitler's military. Much like China now demands and gets our moviemakers to not offend them, Germany demanded and got Hollywood to ban any critical references to the Nazis, until the war had started. All about the profits from access to their markets in both cases.

Another example was the head of the most powerful law firm in the country, and future Secretary of State, John foster Dulles (who Dulles airport is named for); his remarks were strong enough for Hitler that his firm had to do damage control.

There is some analogy between the Americans then who supported Hitler - often over FDR - and the Americans today who support Putin - often over Biden.

Even more Americans were against war against Hitler, so much that both partiers in the 1940 election had to pledge to stay out (FDR was shrewd enough to add, 'unless we're attacked'). Just as Biden might have to build support for stronger efforts against our adversaries should they be needed.

In other words, we've long had people who don't care that much about democracy and can find it inconvenient to their interests, and are less than 'loyal Americans' - even if they can loudly try to pretend they're the patriots.
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .

I agree that NATO could have assured Putin that Ukraine would not be allowed to join but clearly that issue is just a pretext by Putin. Putin knows that there is almost no chance that Ukraine will join NATO.
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .

Tulsi is wrong about this.

She's focusing in on a single point while Putin has another 1/2 dozen made up reasons.
I agree that NATO could have assured Putin that Ukraine would not be allowed to join but clearly that issue is just a pretext by Putin. Putin knows that there is almost no chance that Ukraine will join NATO.
If true , say so.
You do not play around with , mock and threaten a Judo Black Belt
Tulsi is wrong about this.

She's focusing in on a single point while Putin has another 1/2 dozen made up reasons.
List them . And tell us how each of them are ''made up' .

Of course you cannot.
List them . And tell us how each of them are ''made up' .

Of course you cannot.

Putin declaring that he is freeing Russian speaking people from Ukrainian oppression?

Historical rights to the land?

Denying that the Ukraine was ever sovereign to bein with?

Creating a buffer zone?

Your narrow opinions ate just that........narrow.
There were plenty of powerful Americans, like leading businessmen, who had no use for FDR - some tried to launch a military coup to remove him - who liked Hitler just fine.

Numerous US companies did business with Hitler, including for example IBM which sold Hitler systems used in their actions against Jews. Some helped Hitler's military. Much like China now demands and gets our moviemakers to not offend them, Germany demanded and got Hollywood to ban any critical references to the Nazis, until the war had started. All about the profits from access to their markets in both cases.

Another example was the head of the most powerful law firm in the country, and future Secretary of State, John foster Dulles (who Dulles airport is named for); his remarks were strong enough for Hitler that his firm had to do damage control.

There is some analogy between the Americans then who supported Hitler - often over FDR - and the Americans today who support Putin - often over Biden.

Even more Americans were against war against Hitler, so much that both partiers in the 1940 election had to pledge to stay out (FDR was shrewd enough to add, 'unless we're attacked'). Just as Biden might have to build support for stronger efforts against our adversaries should they be needed.

In other words, we've long had people who don't care that much about democracy and can find it inconvenient to their interests, and are less than 'loyal Americans' - even if they can loudly try to pretend they're the patriots.

It's a valid comparison. There is a personality type that supports men like Hitler or Putin and that type of person will also be attracted to Trump.

Those who desire authoritarian governments are in the minority. The problem is when the majority are split or distracted and allow these people to take over. I'm really worried that's what we're seeing in the U.S. Democrats and Independents are not motivated while the Trump cult is fully motivated in the quest to return their leader to power.
Putin declaring that he is freeing Russian speaking people from Ukrainian oppression?

Historical rights to the land?

Denying that the Ukraine was ever sovereign to bein with?

Creating a buffer zone?

Your narrow opinions ate just that........narrow.
But he is operating to support the new independent Republics and not intending to harm civilians .

If he follows that brilliant single strategy he is in no way harming Ukraine -- which appears to be a breeding ground of old fashioned Nazis and assumed Fourth Reich figures .As well as the Money Laundering capital of the world .
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
It can be hard to determine if Russian propaganda is coming from a 'useful idiot' or a Russian agent.

It is up to a free, independent state to decide itself on what security policies are best for its citizens. Living close to an evil empire enhances the advantages of collective security through membership of a defensive pact.
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
Russia's 'concern' about nato means ukraine has no right to become a part of nato? Since when does russia get to tell other countries what they can and can't do? So biden in your opinion should have just allowed putin to walk into another country and do nothing so the right could complain about how weak biden is. You folks just want to bitch and complain about everything. Move to russia if you find it so attractive.
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
Lying through his teeth RUSSIA-con.
There were plenty of powerful Americans, like leading businessmen, who had no use for FDR - some tried to launch a military coup to remove him - who liked Hitler just fine.

Numerous US companies did business with Hitler, including for example IBM which sold Hitler systems used in their actions against Jews. Some helped Hitler's military. Much like China now demands and gets our moviemakers to not offend them, Germany demanded and got Hollywood to ban any critical references to the Nazis, until the war had started. All about the profits from access to their markets in both cases.

Another example was the head of the most powerful law firm in the country, and future Secretary of State, John foster Dulles (who Dulles airport is named for); his remarks were strong enough for Hitler that his firm had to do damage control.

There is some analogy between the Americans then who supported Hitler - often over FDR - and the Americans today who support Putin - often over Biden.

Even more Americans were against war against Hitler, so much that both partiers in the 1940 election had to pledge to stay out (FDR was shrewd enough to add, 'unless we're attacked'). Just as Biden might have to build support for stronger efforts against our adversaries should they be needed.

In other words, we've long had people who don't care that much about democracy and can find it inconvenient to their interests, and are less than 'loyal Americans' - even if they can loudly try to pretend they're the patriots.
It is very telling how you called them "Americans" supporting Hitler and not who they really were. It was in fact the majority of the Democratic Party that strongly supported NAZI Germany, particularly after 1933, but even during the 1920s. Here is an photograph of the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford, receiving Germany's highest civilian award for his contributions to Hitler's Third Reich:
Ford getting NAZI medal.jpg

The majority of Americans did oppose Hitler and NAZI Germany, but not the Democratic Party.
There were plenty of powerful Americans, like leading businessmen, who had no use for FDR - some tried to launch a military coup to remove him - who liked Hitler just fine.

Numerous US companies did business with Hitler, including for example IBM which sold Hitler systems used in their actions against Jews. Some helped Hitler's military. Much like China now demands and gets our moviemakers to not offend them, Germany demanded and got Hollywood to ban any critical references to the Nazis, until the war had started. All about the profits from access to their markets in both cases.

Another example was the head of the most powerful law firm in the country, and future Secretary of State, John foster Dulles (who Dulles airport is named for); his remarks were strong enough for Hitler that his firm had to do damage control.

There is some analogy between the Americans then who supported Hitler - often over FDR - and the Americans today who support Putin - often over Biden.

Even more Americans were against war against Hitler, so much that both partiers in the 1940 election had to pledge to stay out (FDR was shrewd enough to add, 'unless we're attacked'). Just as Biden might have to build support for stronger efforts against our adversaries should they be needed.

In other words, we've long had people who don't care that much about democracy and can find it inconvenient to their interests, and are less than 'loyal Americans' - even if they can loudly try to pretend they're the patriots.
Relevance? Who is pro russia?
Russia's 'concern' about nato means ukraine has no right to become a part of nato? Since when does russia get to tell other countries what they can and can't do? So biden in your opinion should have just allowed putin to walk into another country and do nothing so the right could complain about how weak biden is. You folks just want to bitch and complain about everything. Move to russia if you find it so attractive.
Cannot and have no desire to change your mind set .

But if Russia had missiles pointing at Florida from just ' down the road ' like Cuba or even Haiti or Dominica ,' Florets ' would be screaming blue murder .
And they did that precisely and not that long ago when the US was bamboozled by Russia as a means to get US missiles removed from Turkey . And it succeeded , though the MSM likes to tell you that it scared Russia out of Cuba .

In principle, if Ukraine joined NATO all sorts of lunatic mini powers would be involved and one aspiring Karl Schwab protege would no doubt wreck any equilibrium which will be necessary once this drama reaches Act 3 .

As it is, Ukraine ( multi visits ) is a cess pit of corruption and Fascism , let alone the money laundering centre on the planet . Any decent leader would be more than concerned with all of that on his doorstep, particularly as key culprits are US politicians and military weapon organisations .
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
After NATO (read as the US) gobbled up Poland, Hungry, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, and destroyed Yugoslavia, there wasn't much chance that Putin would believe anything NATO had to say. NATO immediately grabbed or destroyed the former Warsaw Pact nations in order to directly threaten Russia, and of course to expand US hegemony.

I'm just surprised that Russia didn't make this move earlier, like immediately after the Baltic nations joined NATO. The Democratic Party has been aggressively attempting to provoke a war with Russia since 1991, and now it looks like they may succeed. I would be very disappointed in Congress if they authorized the use of military force in the case of the Ukraine. They have the power to end the Democrats march towards war with Russia. The question becomes, will they? When the vote comes in will be very interesting to see who votes in favor of war.
It is very telling how you called them "Americans" supporting Hitler and not who they really were. It was in fact the majority of the Democratic Party that strongly supported NAZI Germany, particularly after 1933, but even during the 1920s. Here is an photograph of the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford, receiving Germany's highest civilian award for his contributions to Hitler's Third Reich:
View attachment 67376562

The majority of Americans did oppose Hitler and NAZI Germany, but not the Democratic Party.
Lol, hitler was in power in 1924? Obviously history was not your major.
It is very telling how you called them "Americans" supporting Hitler and not who they really were. It was in fact the majority of the Democratic Party that strongly supported NAZI Germany, particularly after 1933, but even during the 1920s. Here is an photograph of the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford, receiving Germany's highest civilians award for his contributions to Hitler's Third Reich:
View attachment 67376562

The majority of Americans did oppose Hitler and NAZI Germany, but not the Democratic Party.
The Republican Party makes up the American Russia-con effort now. What is your point?

As for your absurd observation, Charles Lindbergh was the most influential and well known isolationist of his time. His father was a Republican. Lindbergh resigned his commission from the US Air Force after Democratic President rebuked him for his views isolationist, America first horse crap. However, Lindbergh was no less an isolationist than Joe Kennedy, father of John and Robert and Joe Kennedy Jr. Roosevelt refused to reinstate him when he asked to be reinstated. Later as President, Dwight Eisenhower did reinstate him.

You can yammer about Democrats supporting Hitler all you want. The bleeding edge of the American First Committee held within its ranks Communists, Democrats, Republicans, members of the American Nazi Party, KKK members, you name it.

However it is quite striking how many prominent Republicans make up the ranks of the American Russia-con movement.
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Lol, hitler was in power in 1924? Obviously history was not your major.
Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suit.

The phrase "the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford" says absolutely nothing about Germany, and everything about who was the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924. Get an education and get a clue.
Putin clearly talks of 'Demilitarisation and Denazification '. Populace in no danger .

This could have easily been avoided if Biden Admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border--- Tulse Gabbard . A smart woman .
You're like so far off the cliff I'm not exactly sure why even respond to you.

But don't worry, if we have to save your ass and your country for the 3rd time we will.
The Republican Party makes up the American Russia-con effort now. What is your point?

As for your absurd observation, Charles Lindbergh was the most influential and well known isolationist of his time. His father was a Republican though it is . Lindbergh resigned his commission from the US Air Force after Democratic President rebuked him for his views isolationist, America first horse crap. However, Lindbergh was no less an isolationist than Joe Kennedy, father of John and Robert and Joe Kennedy Jr. Roosevelt refused to reinstate him when he asked to be reinstated. Later as President, Dwight Eisenhower did reinstate him.

You can yammer about Democrats supporting Hitler all you want. The bleeding edge of the American First Committee held within its ranks Communists, Democrats, Republicans, members of the American Nazi Party, KKK members, you name it.

However it is quite striking how many prominent Republicans make up the ranks of the American Russia-con movement.
That is an accurate assessment of the times. The Republican Party were indeed isolationists during the 1920s and 1930s. Even before. It was the Republican Party that opposed President Wilson's irrational drive to get the US involved in WW I. At least the Republicans never supported the holocaust.
Reading comprehension is clearly not your strong suit.

The phrase "the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford" says absolutely nothing about Germany, and everything about who was the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924. Get an education and get a clue.
Here is an photograph of the Democratic Party presidential candidate in 1924, Henry Ford, receiving Germany's highest civilian award for his contributions to Hitler's Third Reich:

Maybe the sentence should have been put together better? Maybe a period after Ford would have helped and in the next sentence say here he is in 19 whatever receiving etc. etc.

You know who was for hitler, all the folks who wanted america to stay an isolationist nation and stay out of 'europe's war'.
There were plenty of powerful Americans, like leading businessmen, who had no use for FDR - some tried to launch a military coup to remove him - who liked Hitler just fine.

Numerous US companies did business with Hitler, including for example IBM which sold Hitler systems used in their actions against Jews. Some helped Hitler's military. Much like China now demands and gets our moviemakers to not offend them, Germany demanded and got Hollywood to ban any critical references to the Nazis, until the war had started. All about the profits from access to their markets in both cases.

Another example was the head of the most powerful law firm in the country, and future Secretary of State, John foster Dulles (who Dulles airport is named for); his remarks were strong enough for Hitler that his firm had to do damage control.

There is some analogy between the Americans then who supported Hitler - often over FDR - and the Americans today who support Putin - often over Biden.

Even more Americans were against war against Hitler, so much that both partiers in the 1940 election had to pledge to stay out (FDR was shrewd enough to add, 'unless we're attacked'). Just as Biden might have to build support for stronger efforts against our adversaries should they be needed.

In other words, we've long had people who don't care that much about democracy and can find it inconvenient to their interests, and are less than 'loyal Americans' - even if they can loudly try to pretend they're the patriots.
1.So Putin is like Hitler? Holocaust minimization is Holocaust denial.

2.Just like many Americans were pro-Sadam Hussein, pro-Taliban, pro-North Vietnam and pro- North Korea.

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