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Let's hope Jesus Walks with Kayne West to apologize to the President. (1 Viewer)


Dec 17, 2004
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Kayne West should be ashamed

During a telecast to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, Kanye West embarrassed himself, the world of rap music, and African Americans in general. As a fan of his music, a consumer of hip hop, and an African American, I'm entitled to offer this opinion.

One of the reasons America is the greatest country ever created is that the GOVERNMENT can't pass or enforce laws abridging the free speech rights of any American. This leaves a great deal of responsibility in the hands of we the people to keep our culture vibrant and healthy.

During a telecast to raise money for victims in Louisiana and elsewhere affected by the terrible storms, Kanye West offered ridiculous statements about President Bush's motives against black and poor people. They didn't and don't make sense, and he should offer an apology.

On policy grounds, I have often disagreed with our President. As a true Newliberal, I've offered new ideas about taxes, education, drugs, affirmative action, foreign policy, etc. that sharply diverge from our current path. Yet, the President and others who disagree with these ideas are political opponents, not ENEMIES. We all pledge to work within the framework of the Constitution. I have no doubt that President Bush has a good heart. He can be good-heartedly wrong. Yet, he is not racist, and not acting (or slow to act) based on racial motives.

The President's inattention to the details of government, his pre-occupation with right-wing ideology, and his isolation from the perils of many of the masses including minorities and the poor, all contribute to the problems of the last week in dealing with Hurricane Katrina.

The way to improve is reasoned rhetoric that is factually accurate, WITH alternatives that will work better. The Democratic Party should establish itself as a truly Liberal party dedicated to helping the American people. In this time of crisis, we should be the incubator of great ideas of how to use the machinery of government, and the good will instilled in our hearts through God to get the job done. As the emergency atmosphere fades we should be willing to open our minds to all ideas including many that use more private sector and market oriented solutions to alleviate long-standing problems. Emotional outbursts with little or no basis in reality are wrong, counterproductive, and should be repudiated in a civil society.

Let's hope Jesus walks with Kayne West back to a microphone to dedicate himself to being a constructive participant in the American experiment.

Craig Farmer

making the word "Liberal" safe again!
What would you describe a "new liberal" as... ?? What makes it different from a regular liberal??

And yea, West should apoligize.
This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. The expression from Mike Myers at the end of West's rant, and after West proclaims that Bush doesn't care about black people, is priceless. Great t.v.

Still, West should be ashamed. You have the right to say whatever you want in America, but just because you are given an audience doesn't mean you should say whatever you want. He did nothing but hurt the cause he was there to promote.
Umm, what does Jesus have to do with this?
shuamort said:
Umm, what does Jesus have to do with this?

"Jesus Walks" is a single that Kanye West had out a while ago.
galenrox said:
That **** was indeed priceless.

I dunno, it's his opinion. It wasn't the right forum, but whatever, if he said something like "bush loves black people" I doubt anyone would get pissed off, so why isn't it ok to expressing an opposing point of view?

Because he didn't just say it as an opinion...he said it as an accusation as to why he believes more wasn't done to prevent the deaths and atrocities in the Gulf Coast...
galenrox said:
That **** was indeed priceless.

I dunno, it's his opinion. It wasn't the right forum, but whatever, if he said something like "bush loves black people" I doubt anyone would get pissed off, so why isn't it ok to expressing an opposing point of view?

He is entitled to his opinion. The problem is that he was not there to delegate blame for the crisis, but rather to draw donations from the public. He seemed very distraught. I think he spoke out of emotion which is unfortunate, because it did nothing but further damage the situation.
craigfarmer said:
Kayne West should be ashamed

During a telecast to help victims of Hurricane Katrina, Kanye West embarrassed himself, the world of rap music, and African Americans in general. As a fan of his music, a consumer of hip hop, and an African American, I'm entitled to offer this opinion.

One of the reasons America is the greatest country ever created is that the GOVERNMENT can't pass or enforce laws abridging the free speech rights of any American. This leaves a great deal of responsibility in the hands of we the people to keep our culture vibrant and healthy.

During a telecast to raise money for victims in Louisiana and elsewhere affected by the terrible storms, Kanye West offered ridiculous statements about President Bush's motives against black and poor people. They didn't and don't make sense, and he should offer an apology.

On policy grounds, I have often disagreed with our President. As a true Newliberal, I've offered new ideas about taxes, education, drugs, affirmative action, foreign policy, etc. that sharply diverge from our current path. Yet, the President and others who disagree with these ideas are political opponents, not ENEMIES. We all pledge to work within the framework of the Constitution. I have no doubt that President Bush has a good heart. He can be good-heartedly wrong. Yet, he is not racist, and not acting (or slow to act) based on racial motives.

The President's inattention to the details of government, his pre-occupation with right-wing ideology, and his isolation from the perils of many of the masses including minorities and the poor, all contribute to the problems of the last week in dealing with Hurricane Katrina.

The way to improve is reasoned rhetoric that is factually accurate, WITH alternatives that will work better. The Democratic Party should establish itself as a truly Liberal party dedicated to helping the American people. In this time of crisis, we should be the incubator of great ideas of how to use the machinery of government, and the good will instilled in our hearts through God to get the job done. As the emergency atmosphere fades we should be willing to open our minds to all ideas including many that use more private sector and market oriented solutions to alleviate long-standing problems. Emotional outbursts with little or no basis in reality are wrong, counterproductive, and should be repudiated in a civil society.

Let's hope Jesus walks with Kayne West back to a microphone to dedicate himself to being a constructive participant in the American experiment.

Craig Farmer

making the word "Liberal" safe again!

I think West was more emotional and confused than anything. He was clearly speaking off the cuff. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt because his music is generally pretty intelligent and enlightened.

As far as the reasoning behind this post though, well put!

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