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Let your app makes responses for you? (1 Viewer)


Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
Reaction score
Political Leaning
What if the holy ****ing hell is this world coming to? :roll:

BBC - Future - Would you let an algorithm manage your relationships?

How pathetic do you have to be to have an app decide your best reponse?

You go to your girlfriends house in the afternoon, she runs up and hugs you saying how happy she is that you guys are getting married and you are sitting there with a WTF? look on your panicked face and review your texts and see that your app and her app had a conversation that started with I love you and ended up in will you marry me. :lol:
What if the holy ****ing hell is this world coming to? :roll:

BBC - Future - Would you let an algorithm manage your relationships?

How pathetic do you have to be to have an app decide your best reponse?

You go to your girlfriends house in the afternoon, she runs up and hugs you saying how happy she is that you guys are getting married and you are sitting there with a WTF? look on your panicked face and review your texts and see that your app and her app had a conversation that started with I love you and ended up in will you marry me. :lol:

It could not do any worse than I do. Anything I say is the exact wrong thing, every single time.
It could not do any worse than I do. Anything I say is the exact wrong thing, every single time.

You are 100% correct... oh, wait. Maybe you should rethink that?
What if the holy ****ing hell is this world coming to? :roll:

BBC - Future - Would you let an algorithm manage your relationships?

How pathetic do you have to be to have an app decide your best reponse?

You go to your girlfriends house in the afternoon, she runs up and hugs you saying how happy she is that you guys are getting married and you are sitting there with a WTF? look on your panicked face and review your texts and see that your app and her app had a conversation that started with I love you and ended up in will you marry me. :lol:
If you're married, does it call a divorce lawyer's phone too?
It could not do any worse than I do. Anything I say is the exact wrong thing, every single time.
That's because most women find the statement "Will you take 50 bucks" an unacceptable response to their expressing their desire to end the date! :lamo
That's because most women find the statement "Will you take 50 bucks" an unacceptable response to their expressing their desire to end the date! :lamo

You big spender! After McDs, I am lucky to be able to give them 20 bucks.
You big spender! After McDs, I am lucky to be able to give them 20 bucks.
I was initially going to say 20, but I've been out of the game so long I figured I'd bump it up!

But hey, maybe Bodhi knows? :mrgreen:
We are not in a relationship tho~

The app is about texting a response... doesn't say you have to have a relationship.

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