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Less than 10% Prefer a Neocon Republican in Office (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
This, of course, is great news, but not for the Democrats. It is a sign that Republican voters have awakened and realize that the Bushneviks duped them. If this trend holds, the party is about to be taken back by HONEST Republicans. This would bode badly for the Neocons, and for the Democrats too. The Democrats had their chance to make something out of the mismanagement and corruption of the Bush administration, and failed to do so. Unlike Bush, the Democrats never had a plan of their own. Bush did, and almost all Americans see it as a TERRIBLE plan.

What does this mean? Just look at all the Republicans who want to stay in Washington, who are distancing themselves from Bush like the plague. It may be bit early to make a prediction at this time, but I will go out on a limb and say that the GOP is about to return to its Conservative roots. At any rate, the Bushnevik power in America is in its own death throes. Its all downhill for them now, and the Conservative movement is once again regaining control.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
This, of course, is great news, but not for the Democrats. It is a sign that Republican voters have awakened and realize that the Bushneviks duped them. If this trend holds, the party is about to be taken back by HONEST Republicans. This would bode badly for the Neocons, and for the Democrats too. The Democrats had their chance to make something out of the mismanagement and corruption of the Bush administration, and failed to do so. Unlike Bush, the Democrats never had a plan of their own. Bush did, and almost all Americans see it as a TERRIBLE plan.

What does this mean? Just look at all the Republicans who want to stay in Washington, who are distancing themselves from Bush like the plague. It may be bit early to make a prediction at this time, but I will go out on a limb and say that the GOP is about to return to its Conservative roots. At any rate, the Bushnevik power in America is in its own death throes. Its all downhill for them now, and the Conservative movement is once again regaining control.

Article is here.

What a "simpleton"!:smile: What is YOUR definition of a neo-con??

More than likely somebody that does not believe the constitution should be "open" for whatever in the hell one wants to believe, ..right?

or one that actually disbelieves that the constitution means that Abortion is everybody's right to pursue hapiness to expel & extinguish the life within ones womb,..or is that also supposed to mean that homosexuals should be granted "special" protection for their quest of happiness, ..which of course is the pursuit of sodomy!

Okay, ..perhaps that is not your cup of tea. Perhaps it be "afirmative action" forever, ..& those who do not agree with it are neo-cons.

Oh...maybe its the war-mongers, huh...& Bush of course MUST be a neo-con, cause' afteral...it took him 14 months to rush everybody into war with Iraq cause' you liberals say so , ..right?

No...okay it must be Bush is a neo-con because you liberals WANT to believe that Bush somehow convinced the democrats to see themselves all the SAME intel info bush was privy to!

Still not it...? Well, could it be that anybody who does NOT help tow the liberal apologist line that believes America is evil, America exploits, & America is the greatest threat to world peace certainly must be of neo-con origin, ..right?

Dear liberal in denial, ..I bid you that it is BECAUSE of modern liberalism that America has no moral absolutes, crime is higher, more teenage pregnancy, more STD's, more homosexuality, & lesbianism,..& more people who deem themselves as "victims", & yet even more who think they deserve social & welfare "entitlements", ..& see themselves as "special" rather than American!

So...in your world, ..ALL who opposes that crap certainly MUST be a neo-con, ...afteral it is the LIBERALS who invented all the ''ism's"!

Have YOU intellectually come to terms as to ''WHY" liberals & democrats cannot win very many presidential elections?

Here is a clue, ..it is because they OUTNUMBER YOU, & your fellow free thinking liberals & democrats.

Huh huh...:smile: & you probably believed the Kerry voting exit polls, huh? Oh no, ..it is MUCH easier to believe the election was stolen by Bush, ..than to EVER believe that liberals are not the real majority!

Liberals & modern democrats= still living in abject denial, & ruled by their own "alternate media reality".

Of course YOU know I'm right, ..its just hell having to admit to what YOU would call; a "neo-con", ..right? :2wave:

Republicans will NOT ever abandon their core principles, & beliefs...IF you prefer to call some of them neo-cons, ..thats okay because ALL that matters is that liberal democrats stay irrelevant, & powerless, & disinfranchised politically.....as we are still trying to clean up the mess of 40 years of liberalism, & all its bankrupt, immoral & dishonest failed policies that wrecked so much havoc upon America, & its traditions, & its laws!
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Stu Ghatze said:
What a "simpleton"!:smile: What is YOUR definition of a neo-con??

More than likely somebody that does not believe the constitution should be "open" for whatever in the hell one wants to believe, ..right?

or one that actually disbelieves that the constitution means that Abortion is everybody's right to pursue hapiness to expel & extinguish the life within ones womb,..or is that also supposed to mean that homosexuals should be granted "special" protection for their quest of happiness, ..which of course is the pursuit of sodomy!

Okay, ..perhaps that is not your cup of tea. Perhaps it be "afirmative action" forever, ..& those who do not agree with it are neo-cons.

Oh...maybe its the war-mongers, huh...& Bush of course MUST be a neo-con, cause' afteral...it took him 14 months to rush everybody into war with Iraq cause' you liberals say so , ..right?

No...okay it must be Bush is a neo-con because you liberals WANT to believe that Bush somehow convinced the democrats to see themselves all the SAME intel info bush was privy to!

Still not it...? Well, could it be that anybody who does NOT help tow the liberal apologist line that believes America is evil, America exploits, & America is the greatest threat to world peace certainly must be of neo-con origin, ..right?

Dear liberal in denial, ..I bid you that it is BECAUSE of modern liberalism that America has no moral absolutes, crime is higher, more teenage pregnancy, more STD's, more homosexuality, & lesbianism,..& more people who deem themselves as "victims", & yet even more who think they deserve social & welfare "entitlements", ..& see themselves as "special" rather than American!

So...in your world, ..ALL who opposes that crap certainly MUST be a neo-con, ...afteral it is the LIBERALS who invented all the ''ism's"!

Have YOU intellectually come to terms as to ''WHY" liberals cannot win very many presidential elections yet?

Here is a clue, ..it is because they OUTNUMBER YOU, & your fellow free thinking liberals.

Huh huh...:smile: & you probably believed the Kerry voting exit polls, huh? Oh no, ..it is MUCH easier to believe the election was stolen by Bush, ..than to EVER believe that liberals are not the real majority!

Liberals & modern democrats= still living in abject denial, & ruled by their own "alternate media reality".

Of course YOU know I'm right, ..its just hell having to admit to what YOU would call; a "neo-con", ..right? :2wave:

Ummmm. Are you calling me a Liberal because I critisized Bush, or are you calling me a Liberal because I critisized the Democrats? Your mindset is somewhat confusing, but this part of the article is what I based my post on, and should clear up any misconceptions on your part. I suggest you read the article, or if you already read it, read it again, or if you already read it a second time, get some glasses, or if you already have glasses, take some Ritalin.

Fewer than one in 10 adults say they would prefer a congressional candidate who is a Republican and who agrees with Bush on most major issues, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Friday through Sunday.
True conservatism will appear in the next election. McCain is a prime example of a true conservative, many conservatives have fallen away from the core principles of the republican party. Our only hope is to go back to our roots, we need to go moderate in the next election to get the swing votes. lets face it, another right-winged extremist will get beat worse the George Sr. did against Clinton.

That is my two cents.

McCain 08.
I've noticed that 'diarehha' is fond of starting threads that bash anything Bush or anything Bush related. How emotional. He must have ulcers.

McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry.:roll: Maybe they will put him up again.
danarhea said:
Ummmm. Are you calling me a Liberal because I critisized Bush, or are you calling me a Liberal because I critisized the Democrats? Your mindset is somewhat confusing, but this part of the article is what I based my post on, and should clear up any misconceptions on your part. I suggest you read the article, or if you already read it, read it again, or if you already read it a second time, get some glasses, or if you already have glasses, take some Ritalin.

I love you too Dan-aroo. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound quite so politically aggressive.

I just sometimes get tired of hearing all the references to "neo-con" while its the liberals who have degenerated & degraded much of society in their quest to invent new rights issues as they try to persuade the ignorant, & uninformed of how bad they have it in America!;)
GySgt said:
I've noticed that 'diarehha' is fond of starting threads that bash anything Bush or anything Bush related. How emotional. He must have ulcers.

McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry.:roll: Maybe they will put him up again.

I respect your opinion, ..but in my opinion...McCain is a traitor to republican core beliefs.

He will say, & do "ANY" damn thing to garner the approval of the far left, & the liberal media because he cares MORE about what THEY THINK of him!

Please check out my thread on what McCain is up to: "McCain on torture amendment"!

McCain as a "REAL" victim of torture abuse in Viet-nam...knows full well that American soldiers were NOT actively engaging in torture as defined by the whacko liberals, ..& he has introduced legislation OUTLAWING the use of torture.

Sounds rational, ..but read the thread that I wrote, ..until it is DETERMINED WHAT IS REAL TORTURE, ..his bill will hamstring our ability to extract vital information that "COULD" damage Americas ability to seek out terror plots which could have catastrophic consequences for America, ..& even criminalize our soldiers, ..not to mention it could, & would politically empower the terrorists themselves.

McCain is politically posturing, ..& believe it; he enjoyed the thought of John Kerry publicly announcing his approval of considering him for his running mate as a vice presidential running mate.

McCain can NO longer be trusted by the core republicans, ..& there are a few more just like him in the senate!

THEY seem to care more about being accepted, & approved of by the senate liberals, & its scandalous media ..than by the republican voting blocks that represent the majority!

IF most republicans can be honest, ..McCain should be rejected from EVER running for the presidency!

He has backstabbed the president on more than just one occassion, ..& even his republican constituents.

IMO, he is person non-grata..& should be treated in the same fashion by all republicans. ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
I respect your opinion, ..but in my opinion...McCain is a traitor to republican core beliefs.

He will say, & do "ANY" damn thing to garner the approval of the far left, & the liberal media because he cares MORE about what THEY THINK of him!

Please check out my thread on what McCain is up to: "McCain on torture amendment"!

McCain as a "REAL" victim of torture abuse in Viet-nam...knows full well that American soldiers were NOT actively engaging in torture as defined by the whacko liberals, ..& he has introduced legislation OUTLAWING the use of torture.

Sounds rational, ..but read the thread that I wrote, ..until it is DETERMINED WHAT IS REAL TORTURE, ..his bill will hamstring our ability to extract vital information that "COULD" damage Americas ability to seek out terror plots which could have catastrophic consequences for America, ..& even criminalize our soldiers, ..not to mention it could, & would politically empower the terrorists themselves.

McCain is politically posturing, ..& believe it; he enjoyed the thought of John Kerry publicly announcing his approval of considering him for his running mate as a vice presidential running mate.

McCain can NO longer be trusted by the core republicans, ..& there are a few more just like him in the senate!

THEY seem to care more about being accepted, & approved of by the senate liberals, & its scandalous media ..than by the republican voting blocks that represent the majority!

IF most republicans can be honest, ..McCain should be rejected from EVER running for the presidency!

He has backstabbed the president on more than just one occassion, ..& even his republican constituents.

IMO, he is person non-grata..& should be treated in the same fashion by all republicans. ;)

That's what I've heard from Republicans. I always vote pro-military regardless, of political party. It just so happens, so far, to always be Republican sponsership.
Stu Ghatze said:
I love you too Dan-aroo. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound quite so politically aggressive.

I just sometimes get tired of hearing all the references to "neo-con" while its the liberals who have degenerated & degraded much of society in their quest to invent new rights issues as they try to persuade the ignorant, & uninformed of how bad they have it in America!;)

No problem. I accept your apology :)

Dont forget that, once the Bushneviks are gone, we most likely are going to be on the same side in 2008, so be nice to me. LOL.
GySgt said:
I've noticed that 'diarehha' is fond of starting threads that bash anything Bush or anything Bush related. How emotional. He must have ulcers.

McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry.:roll: Maybe they will put him up again.

You know, my 5 year old granddaughter has graduated beyond the silly kind of name calling you are using here, but if you insist on acting like a 3 year old, you should at least be able to spell like one. Let me help you.

The word is "Diarrhea" - Also, Note the usage here. If you are using it as a proper noun, as you are doing here, the first letter must be capitalized. Now practice writing this. I suggest you try spelling it a couple of thousand times. Get your mommy and daddy to buy a notebook for you so you can practice writing the word. When you are done doing that, and are sure that you are able to spell the word correctly, then come back and repost your post. Just so that I know that it is you reposting, put your mark (an "x") where your name goes. I will give you your grade at that time.

We are going to do this until you get it right. If there is anything I cant stand, its an illiterate 3 year old. :)
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galenrox said:
People on the actual left like McCaine because he's a moderate, sort of "Well, if we're gonna have a republican, it might as well be him."
I like him because he's a brilliant man with unshakable morals and courage, and I'd probably vote for him too.

But just a question, have you ever been tortured? I sure as hell haven't. So you know, I'm gonna take his word, and not yours, on what we should do in terms of torture. If McCaine comes out and says "You know what, torture is horrible, but it's neccisary" I'll believe him, and stop being opposed to torture, because I trust McCaine, I know he won't mislead me for his political interests.
And it definately says something about you that you percieve integrity to be something that should be frowned upon.

Thank you Galen for implying that I have no intregity on matters of torture! No...it is not about torture, ..it has to do with WHAT constitutes the definition of torture.

I would have no moral qualms whatsoever IF a terrorists is slapped, punched, or even deprived of food for a day or so...IF IT MEANT THAT Americans could be spared a catastrophic attack.

I do not believe in implementing firing squads, or executing terrorists, or physical harm that actually puts even a "terrorist" life in jeopardy, ..unless of course a military tribunal would find them worthy of death by execution.

I damn sure would NEVER grant terrorists the same rights that american citizens enjoy; ..& there would NEVER be any american civilian courts for terrorists to appeal to. Those that expunge all life, & disrespect the rule of law, & represent NO country, no government...& are simply nothing short of barbaric murderers, & their friend who are so reprobate they even film such acts of barbaric cruelty, & horror! (beheading)

Even Hitler, & the third reich respected laws...as twisted as they were when implemented by the Nazification of Germany!

On the otherhand, ..I'll be damned IF I will ever grant terror scum more than just the basics. Food, shelter...& a warm blanket, those that plot & scheme to destroy & murder by assassination, & unprovoked murder in an effort to terrorize others into getting in line to promote foreign policy, and/or religious dogmatic beliefs.

Which brings me to another topic. Why do some liberals attempt to portray christian groups as though THEY behave in like manner,...which IS absolutely ABSURD, & patently FALSE!

Some people who claim to be christian have murdered abortion doctors, & have been prosecuted, but if liberals think that is behavior equivalent to the terror bastards that have murdered thousands for over the last 30 plus years, ..then all I can say is that most liberals certainly are living in their own form of an "alternative media reality", ..which brings us back to square one!

How far should, or would YOU go to extract information from a terrorist that could prevent the death of thousands of innocent americans?

Or would you prefer to play the part of the moral individual who dares not go too far, ..resulting in the death of thousands of Americans that could have been prevented because YOU were afraid of the new laws protecting the terrorists from any, & all harsh interrogation!

Please read my thread on John McCain who is sponsoring a bill against the use of torture!

Again, ..how would YOU define the definition of torture; & to deprive our service people an option to extract information that could save the lives of thousands of americans is MORE CRIMINAL than "WHATEVER" was done to the terror bastards.

It is an area that the congress has NO right to enter, ..our military is perfectly capable of handling, & watchdogging for any abuse!

Enough of this creating sympathy for murderous islamic terrorists who have no respect for laws, ..& yet those liberally inclined cannot wait to help empower the enemies of freedom by seeing well meaning american soldiers prosecuted for abuse, & ..or torture as defined by "liberals"!

That is insanity & suicide in the working, ..& the terrorists themselves use our laws, & our media to help empower themselves, & their bankrupt murderous ideology.

Terrorists should NOT ever have the luxury of EVER knowing how far an american interrogator can go with them, ..they are hardened murderous criminals; ..nor should a terror enemy EVER be so confident that an American soldier will be prosecuted for slapping the shyte out of them, ..or for ever urinating on their damned koran!

THe American majority is so sick of this shyte; ..whos g-damn side are the liberal democrats on anyway, ..& for that matter who in the hell is John McCain but a phoney lusting to be counted as "worthy" to rub elbows with the rest of the liberal claptrap, & the liberal media who think him good enough for their g-damn moral approval!

The republican voter WILL have their way with John mcCain IF or when he ever runs for the presidency, ..& he'll be rejected once again, ..but he won't have to blame Bush this time, ..NO, he can look in his own mirror!
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Stu Ghatze said:
Thank you Galen for implying that I have no intregity on matters of torture! No...it is not about torture, ..it has to do with WHAT constitutes the definition of torture.

I would have no moral qualms whatsoever IF a terrorists is slapped, punched, or even deprived of food for a day or so...IF IT MEANT THAT Americans could be spared a catastrophic attack.

I do not believe in implementing firing squads, or executing terrorists, or physical harm that actually puts even a "terrorist" life in jeopardy, ..unless of course a military tribunal would find them worthy of death by execution.

I damn sure would NEVER grant terrorists the same rights that american citizens enjoy; ..& there would NEVER be any american civilian courts for terrorists to appeal to. Those that expunge all life, & disrespect the rule of law, & represent NO country, no government...& are simply nothing short of barbaric murderers, & their friend who are so reprobate they even film such acts of barbaric cruelty, & horror! (beheading)

Even Hitler, & the third reich respected laws...as twisted as they were when implemented by the Nazification of Germany!

On the otherhand, ..I'll be damned IF I will ever grant terror scum more than just the basics. Food, shelter...& a warm blanket, those that plot & scheme to destroy & murder by assassination, & unprovoked murder in an effort to terrorize others into getting in line to promote foreign policy, and/or religious dogmatic beliefs.

Which brings me to another topic. Why do some liberals attempt to portray christian groups as though THEY behave in like manner,...which IS absolutely ABSURD, & patently FALSE!

Some people who claim to be christian have murdered abortion doctors, & have been prosecuted, but if liberals think that is behavior equivalent to the terror bastards that have murdered thousands for over the last 30 plus years, ..then all I can say is that most liberals certainly are living in their own form of an "alternative media reality", ..which brings us back to square one!

How far should, or would YOU go to extract information from a terrorist that could prevent the death of thousands of innocent americans?

Or would you prefer to play the part of the moral individual who dares not go too far, ..resulting in the death of thousands of Americans that could have been prevented because YOU were afraid of the new laws protecting the terrorists from any, & all harsh interrogation!

Please read my thread on John McCain who is sponsoring a bill against the use of torture!

Again, ..how would YOU define the definition of torture; & to deprive our service people an option to extract information that could save the lives of thousands of americans is MORE CRIMINAL than "WHATEVER" was done to the terror bastards.

It is an area that the congress has NO right to enter, ..our military is perfectly capable of handling, & watchdogging for any abuse!

Enough of this creating sympathy for murderous islamic terrorists who have no respect for laws, ..& yet those liberally inclined cannot wait to help empower the enemies of freedom by seeing well meaning american soldiers prosecuted for abuse, & ..or torture as defined by "liberals"!

That is insanity & suicide in the working, ..& the terrorists themselves use our laws, & our media to help empower themselves, & their bankrupt murderous ideology.

Terrorists should NOT ever have the luxury of EVER knowing how far an american interrogator can go with them, ..they are hardened murderous criminals; ..nor should a terror enemy EVER be so confident that an American soldier will be prosecuted for slapping the shyte out of them, ..or for ever urinating on their damned koran!

THe American majority is so sick of this shyte; ..whos g-damn side are the liberal democrats on anyway, ..& for that matter who in the hell is John McCain but a poney lusting to be counted as "worthy" to rub elbows with the rest of the liberal claptrap, & the liberal media who think him good enough for their g-damn moral approval!

The republican voter WILL have their way with John mcCain IF or when he ever runs for the presidency, ..& he'll be rejected once again, ..but he won't have to blame Bush this time, ..NO, he can look in his own mirror!


Hold your horses. If the choices were John McCain and Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for? I am a hardcore Libertarian, but faced with that choice, I would hold my nose and vote for McCain, and I bet you would too, or would you rather have Hillary as president?
danarhea said:

Hold your horses. If the choices were John McCain and Hillary Clinton, who would you vote for? I am a hardcore Libertarian, but faced with that choice, I would hold my nose and vote for McCain, and I bet you would too, or would you rather have Hillary as president?

Maybe their IS honor in suicide, rather than that choice!:smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
Maybe their IS honor in suicide, rather than that choice!:smile:

To be honest, I am not that crazy about any of the GOP choices so far, but am hoping that Tom McClintock gets involved. THAT would be an exciting candidacy. He is practically the reincarnation of Ronald Reagan, with all of his charisma too.
GySgt said:
McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry.:roll: Maybe they will put him up again.
What about Wesley Clark?
McCain as a "REAL" victim of torture abuse in Viet-nam...knows full well that American soldiers were NOT actively engaging in torture as defined by the whacko liberals, ..& he has introduced legislation OUTLAWING the use of torture.

McCain is against the use of unconventional torture. Of course making the room to hot or to cold is not something we are worried about (other than the extreme left) McCain and others are against such tactics as what happened at Abu Ghraib. We as a nation are above this type of unconventional torture it puts us down there with the terrorist.

McCain can NO longer be trusted by the core republicans, ..& there are a few more just like him in the senate!

Why? Is it because he is not a Bush/Cheney propaganda machine. The man says what he believes and his convictions are strong. Unlike Kerry and Bush, McCain's views don't change as the polls do. McCain represents true conservatism not Bush, wake up.

THEY seem to care more about being accepted, & approved of by the senate liberals, & its scandalous media ..than by the republican voting blocks that represent the majority!

This is almost laughable. Just because the man doesn't buy into Bush's bullshit he is trying to be accepted by the Democrats. The man is a moderate which means he has many liberal beliefs as well as conservative beliefs. So, yes he is going to have some approval from Democratic politicians.

IF most republicans can be honest, ..McCain should be rejected from EVER running for the presidency!

Oh, right, like Bush honest?

He has backstabbed the president on more than just one occassion, ..& even his republican constituents.

You mean since Bush as backstabbed him on many occasions, even calling him a hypocrite. Yet, McCain is still defending him from the insane left that accuses Bush of creating falsifying intelligence that proclaimed that Iraq had WMD's.
Amid their failure Tuesday to take back governor's seats in either Virginia or New Jersey, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll shows that Republicans have lost the upper hand on a series of issues they've counted on to preserve their congressional majorities in 2006.

Among other findings, the poll indicates that voters no longer prefer Republicans to Democrats on handling taxes, cutting government spending, dealing with immigration and directing foreign policy.

Meanwhile, Democrats have restored their earlier edges on subjects such as education and Social Security, on which Mr. Bush has sought to make inroads among targeted constituencies.

Broadly, the telephone survey of 1,003 adults, which was conducted from Nov. 4 to Nov. 7, finds that Americans want Democrats to take control of Congress in next year's election, by a margin of 48% to 37%. The 11-point gap is the widest enjoyed by either party on that question since the poll began asking it in 1994.

For the first time since the Republican congressional landslide that year, a majority of respondents say it's time to replace their member of Congress. The poll has a margin for error of 3.1 percentage points.

"There's a kind of pall in terms of the American mood," says Republican pollster Bill McInturff, who conducts the Journal/NBC poll with Democratic counterpart Peter Hart. "It's a very unhappy electorate that's going to be very unstable....for a Republican majority."

The findings hardly guarantee that Democrats will be able to ride popular disaffection back to power on Capitol Hill, however. While they are benefiting from discontent against Republicans, they still lack either a singular national voice or a clearly defined agenda for voters to seize on. Only half of respondents credit Democrats with having a vision for the future, while 60% say Republicans have one.

scottyz said:
What about Wesley Clark?

He is, obviously, pro military. I would definately look at him. Beware....from what I know about General Clark, he is very aware of the things I have said regarding the Middle East. He is also a student of necessary change within this region.
GySgt said:
He is, obviously, pro military. I would definately look at him. Beware....from what I know about General Clark, he is very aware of the things I have said regarding the Middle East. He is also a student of necessary change within this region.
He is the man I wanted them to run in '04. He is a great speaker and gives simple no BS answers... something Kerry couldn't do.
danarhea said:
You know, my 5 year old granddaughter has graduated beyond the silly kind of name calling you are using here, but if you insist on acting like a 3 year old, you should at least be able to spell like one. Let me help you.

The word is "Diarrhea" - Also, Note the usage here. If you are using it as a proper noun, as you are doing here, the first letter must be capitalized. Now practice writing this. I suggest you try spelling it a couple of thousand times. Get your mommy and daddy to buy a notebook for you so you can practice writing the word. When you are done doing that, and are sure that you are able to spell the word correctly, then come back and repost your post. Just so that I know that it is you reposting, put your mark (an "x") where your name goes. I will give you your grade at that time.

We are going to do this until you get it right. If there is anything I cant stand, its an illiterate 3 year old. :)

I've noticed that 'diarrhea' is fond of starting threads that bash anything Bush or anything Bush related. How emotional. He must have ulcers.

McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry. Maybe they will put him up again.


I guess you're one of those that use your spell check before posting.:roll: You're name starts with a little "d."
scottyz said:
He is the man I wanted them to run in '04. He is a great speaker and gives simple no BS answers... something Kerry couldn't do.

I don't think you would get what you expect from him regarding the Middle East.
GySgt said:
I don't think you would get what you expect from him regarding the Middle East.
Maybe not, but I still think he looks like a better choice than Clinton.
scottyz said:
Maybe not, but I still think he looks like a better choice than Clinton.

Well hell yeah.
scottyz said:
He is the man I wanted them to run in '04. He is a great speaker and gives simple no BS answers... something Kerry couldn't do.

Gen. Clark is OVER rated as a military general, ..& in fact has NOT demonstrated an ability to do whatever it takes to take the bull by the horns, unless guided by senior general officers every step of the way!

It does appear that Gen. Clark is not only naive', but sometimes refuses to take sound advice, & one can even argue that he willfuly disobeyed orders from the State dept!

Clark, ..supreme military comander in Serbia in 1999 had been "warned" NOT to meet with Serb officials suspected of ordering the deaths of civilians in a campaign known as "ethnic cleansing".

Clark not only IGNORED the state dept warning, ..but he met with commander Ratko Mladic who was ALREADY under suspicion for war crimes; ..& he even joked with Mladic, ..& exchanged baseball caps!

Sorry, ..but as a former republican who had PRAISE for the younger president Bush, ..& now nothing but derision, & critiscism of president Bush, ..& NOW a new convert of the democratic party; it appears his conversion to be more about opportunity than in principle!

Bosnia is far from being settled & in fact serious setbacks do occur there, ..& it appears that the media's love affair with the new democratic party convert Clark who WAS the former supreme commander there, ..has HELPED keep its incomplete, & sketchy results from coming under scrutiny.

Not ALL military subordinates in Bosnia thought Clark fit for his title of "Supreme Commander", ..& some others thought him not fit to even be "General"!

It appears that Gen. Clark has the ability to appear as whatever he chooses;..& that includes "whatever" in the hell looks the most advantageous for him.;)
GySgt said:
I've noticed that 'diarrhea' is fond of starting threads that bash anything Bush or anything Bush related. How emotional. He must have ulcers.

McCain or Giuliani would get my vote. They're pro military. I doubt the Democratic Party could muster up anyone to fit that bill. Oh wait...Kerry. Maybe they will put him up again.


I guess you're one of those that use your spell check before posting.:roll: You're name starts with a little "d."

No go, Gunny. Like I said, we are going to keep doing this until you get it right. Proper noun. Repeat after me - Proper noun. Now get out your notebook again and practice the word another 50 times. If that fails to produce results, then you will practice it another 50 times. We will keep doing this until you get it right. I am not out to bust your balls, but to help you learn and progress. Remember that.

Your aspiring to act like a 3 year old is underachievement, but even at that, you are giving 3 year olds a bad reputation. I know it is probably a matter of poor breeding, but I am not going to give up on you. I have to work with what is given to me, and believe me, you are not much to work with. I have seen infants with more intellect. In spite of that, however, I am going to hone you so that you can eventually be all that you can be - A 3 year old who is not illiterate. And that is a reasonable goal, considering what you have for brains. As I said when you first started calling me liquid sh1t to my face, if you are going to act like a 3 year old, you should be able to spell like one.
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