galenrox said:
People on the actual left like McCaine because he's a moderate, sort of "Well, if we're gonna have a republican, it might as well be him."
I like him because he's a brilliant man with unshakable morals and courage, and I'd probably vote for him too.
But just a question, have you ever been tortured? I sure as hell haven't. So you know, I'm gonna take his word, and not yours, on what we should do in terms of torture. If McCaine comes out and says "You know what, torture is horrible, but it's neccisary" I'll believe him, and stop being opposed to torture, because I trust McCaine, I know he won't mislead me for his political interests.
And it definately says something about you that you percieve integrity to be something that should be frowned upon.
Thank you Galen for implying that I have no intregity on matters of torture! is not about torture, has to do with WHAT constitutes the definition of torture.
I would have no moral qualms whatsoever IF a terrorists is slapped, punched, or even deprived of food for a day or so...IF IT MEANT THAT Americans could be spared a catastrophic attack.
I do not believe in implementing firing squads, or executing terrorists, or physical harm that actually puts even a "terrorist" life in jeopardy, ..unless of course a military tribunal would find them worthy of death by execution.
I damn sure would NEVER grant terrorists the same rights that american citizens enjoy; ..& there would NEVER be any american civilian courts for terrorists to appeal to. Those that expunge all life, & disrespect the rule of law, & represent NO country, no government...& are simply nothing short of barbaric murderers, & their friend who are so reprobate they even film such acts of barbaric cruelty, & horror! (beheading)
Even Hitler, & the third reich respected twisted as they were when implemented by the Nazification of Germany!
On the otherhand, ..I'll be damned IF I will ever grant terror scum more than just the basics. Food, shelter...& a warm blanket, those that plot & scheme to destroy & murder by assassination, & unprovoked murder in an effort to terrorize others into getting in line to promote foreign policy, and/or religious dogmatic beliefs.
Which brings me to another topic. Why do some liberals attempt to portray christian groups as though THEY behave in like manner,...which IS absolutely ABSURD, & patently FALSE!
Some people who claim to be christian have murdered abortion doctors, & have been prosecuted, but if liberals think that is behavior equivalent to the terror bastards that have murdered thousands for over the last 30 plus years, ..then all I can say is that most liberals certainly are living in their own form of an "alternative media reality", ..which brings us back to square one!
How far should, or would YOU go to extract information from a terrorist that could prevent the death of thousands of innocent americans?
Or would you prefer to play the part of the moral individual who dares not go too far, ..resulting in the death of thousands of Americans that could have been prevented because YOU were afraid of the new laws protecting the terrorists from any, & all harsh interrogation!
Please read my thread on John McCain who is sponsoring a bill against the use of torture!
Again, would YOU define the definition of torture; & to deprive our service people an option to extract information that could save the lives of thousands of americans is MORE CRIMINAL than "WHATEVER" was done to the terror bastards.
It is an area that the congress has NO right to enter, ..our military is perfectly capable of handling, & watchdogging for any abuse!
Enough of this creating sympathy for murderous islamic terrorists who have no respect for laws, ..& yet those liberally inclined cannot wait to help empower the enemies of freedom by seeing well meaning american soldiers prosecuted for abuse, & ..or torture as defined by "liberals"!
That is insanity & suicide in the working, ..& the terrorists themselves use our laws, & our media to help empower themselves, & their bankrupt murderous ideology.
Terrorists should NOT ever have the luxury of EVER knowing how far an american interrogator can go with them, ..they are hardened murderous criminals; ..nor should a terror enemy EVER be so confident that an American soldier will be prosecuted for slapping the shyte out of them, ..or for ever urinating on their damned koran!
THe American majority is so sick of this shyte; ..whos g-damn side are the liberal democrats on anyway, ..& for that matter who in the hell is John McCain but a phoney lusting to be counted as "worthy" to rub elbows with the rest of the liberal claptrap, & the liberal media who think him good enough for their g-damn moral approval!
The republican voter WILL have their way with John mcCain IF or when he ever runs for the presidency, ..& he'll be rejected once again, ..but he won't have to blame Bush this time, ..NO, he can look in his own mirror!