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Legalized Gay Marriage in Canada (1 Viewer)


Jul 16, 2005
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Canada eh!
Political Leaning
Though I'm sure many of you don't care but Canada has legalized gay marriage. It happened a few weeks back but what do you guys think? Is it going to affect the US and/or the rest of the world? What do you think will happen to the Canadian society?
CanadianGuy said:
Though I'm sure many of you don't care but Canada has legalized gay marriage. It happened a few weeks back but what do you guys think? Is it going to affect the US and/or the rest of the world? What do you think will happen to the Canadian society?

I give it 10 years tops before it's legal in the US.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it already legal in all the provinces?
It was also recently legalised in Spain.

What will happen to society? It will become more tolerant as it embraces this enormous step forward in the fight for equality and human rights. I believe most other European societies will follow suit. As for the US, you've got the bible bashing fundamentalists to deal with, so it may be more difficult for justice to win through. Where there's religion, there's often hate (witness the recent hanging in Iran of two gay teenagers for the "crime" of homosexuality). When you hear fundamentamist christians ranting on, they don't sound too far behind that, which is pretty scary.

I was actually in Spain a couple of weeks ago when the first gay couple got married. The were shown on the news and they looked very happy. They've been together 20 odd years and they looked a picture of contentment and comittment. What on earth is wrong with love??? I will never get the christian mentality that preaches love but practises hate.
In Sweden we don't have it yet but gay couples have most of the right straight couples have like registration of longterm partnership, inherit rights, right to be tried for abortion (sadly focused on tried) and for lesbians the right of insimination. And I think it more important that you focus on who's thing ecpecially if you talking about as a conservative country as the USA or even more simplifed rights like being considered a family member and partner officially. Because you can already today have your unofficial marriage but like in the USA have not the rights you should have in your daily life as a couple.

But gay marriage is of course a good thing and I think we will have it soon in Sweden. Either churches still have the right to married people and also stop gay from getting marriage in their churches, but then the gay have right to have it in another churches or having a state marriage. Or you have a official registartion, that is considered the official part of marriage for all couples, and after that you can have your own religius or non religius cermony. There are think the second option is more fair.
Kelzie said:
I give it 10 years tops before it's legal in the US.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it already legal in all the provinces?

No. There is no competition in Canada so it was easily passed :(
May I ask why homosexuals are so againest civil union and want to fight the preachers of god? Why are they religious if they are told by their preists they should not marry each other? And if they are not why do they want to be married? Marriage is a union in the eyes of god. There is no point for non-religious folk to be married they can just have a civil union.
CanadianGuy said:
May I ask why homosexuals are so againest civil union and want to fight the preachers of god? Why are they religious if they are told by their preists they should not marry each other? And if they are not why do they want to be married? Marriage is a union in the eyes of god. There is no point for non-religious folk to be married they can just have a civil union.

In the UK heterosexuals can have a marriage ceremony that is completely non-religious, and it is still called marriage. Why should we gay people not do the same?

Oh, and there are many gay Christians who would like a religious marriage ceremony.
Naughty Nurse said:
In the UK heterosexuals can have a marriage ceremony that is completely non-religious, and it is still called marriage. Why should we gay people not do the same?

Oh, and there are many gay Christians who would like a religious marriage ceremony.

Yes a marriage ceremony but it is still a civil union and not in the eyes of god. Why would gay Christians want to be married if "the teachers of God" do not want them to!
CanadianGuy said:
Yes a marriage ceremony but it is still a civil union and not in the eyes of god. Why would gay Christians want to be married if "the teachers of God" do not want them to!

My God wants them to. Sucks that yours doesn't. My advice to gay people would be to not get married in your church. Why do you think your God is right and mine is wrong?

And remember that whole "seperate but equal" thing for blacks and whites before the civil rights movement? It's wrong. So is only allowing gay people civil unions, even if they are equal
Really so this god is in your head on talks to you constantly? lol
I only trust what the teachers of my god tell me because I do not know more then they do and truly I doubt you do as well.

*oh and sorry about the first comment I just had to say it
CanadianGuy said:
Really so this god is in your head on talks to you constantly? lol
I only trust what the teachers of my god tell me because I do not know more then they do and truly I doubt you do as well.

*oh and sorry about the first comment I just had to say it

My god talks to me about as much as your god talks to you.

And I don't trust the teachers of your God. I consider them false teachers. My God is the real one. And he says: Thou shalt let gays marry.

Deal with it. Your religion isn't the only one out there.
What are you babiling about. I am very confused you dare not making a ppoint at all. :roll:
Urethra Franklin said:
It was also recently legalised in Spain.

What will happen to society? It will become more tolerant as it embraces this enormous step forward in the fight for equality and human rights. I believe most other European societies will follow suit. As for the US, you've got the bible bashing fundamentalists to deal with, so it may be more difficult for justice to win through. Where there's religion, there's often hate (witness the recent hanging in Iran of two gay teenagers for the "crime" of homosexuality). When you hear fundamentamist christians ranting on, they don't sound too far behind that, which is pretty scary.

I was actually in Spain a couple of weeks ago when the first gay couple got married. The were shown on the news and they looked very happy. They've been together 20 odd years and they looked a picture of contentment and comittment. What on earth is wrong with love??? I will never get the christian mentality that preaches love but practises hate.

I can immediately tell from your opinion that you dislike Christians - doesn't that illustrate part of our problem in today's society. First, tell me one Christian that has said they hate gays - there are none. In fact almost every Christian I know supports a loving relationship. This is an issue over the definition of marriage. Currently gays can have a loving relationship with all of the same rights as a married couple. The word marriage is simply a religious term that defines the union between a man and a women for the purposes of having children - should they choose - but they don't necessarily have to have children. Christians do not wish to lose this term for many heartfelt reasons - none of which has anything to do with taking away the rights of a gay couple. Two men or two women who decide to form a loving union (so as not to confuse the definition for children in schools) should be something such as Civil Union - but they would still have the same rights as any married couple. Just so you know - many gays understand this aurgument and have never supported the redefinition of marriage. They also realize that there is tremendous confusion over this issue which is what the social activist wants. They would never stop at anything less than redefining marriage because they wish to change the books in schools, etc, etc.
CanadianGuy said:
What are you babiling about. I am very confused you dare not making a ppoint at all. :roll:

Let me spell it out for you.

Your god says gay people can't marry.

My god says gay people can marry.

Why is your god better than mine? He/she's not! Stop letting your god tell you how to live, and think for yourself.
Truth_be_told said:
I can immediately tell from your opinion that you dislike Christians - doesn't that illustrate part of our problem in today's society. First, tell me one Christian that has said they hate gays - there are none. In fact almost every Christian I know supports a loving relationship. This is an issue over the definition of marriage. Currently gays can have a loving relationship with all of the same rights as a married couple. The word marriage is simply a religious term that defines the union between a man and a women for the purposes of having children - should they choose - but they don't necessarily have to have children. Christians do not wish to lose this term for many heartfelt reasons - none of which has anything to do with taking away the rights of a gay couple. Two men or two women who decide to form a loving union (so as not to confuse the definition for children in schools) should be something such as Civil Union - but they would still have the same rights as any married couple. Just so you know - many gays understand this aurgument and have never supported the redefinition of marriage. They also realize that there is tremendous confusion over this issue which is what the social activist wants. They would never stop at anything less than redefining marriage because they wish to change the books in schools, etc, etc.

I've always wondered, if Christians really think that marriage is a religious term that defines a union between a man and a woman, why don't you have any problem with athiests getting married?

And my god says that marriage is a union between two adults who love each other. Why is yours correct?
Kelzie said:
Let me spell it out for you.

Your god says gay people can't marry.

My god says gay people can marry.

Why is your god better than mine? He/she's not! Stop letting your god tell you how to live, and think for yourself.

Still babiling and what is this other god you speak of? Did he appear in your vegetables?
Kelzie said:
I've always wondered, if Christians really think that marriage is a religious term that defines a union between a man and a woman, why don't you have any problem with athiests getting married?

And my god says that marriage is a union between two adults who love each other. Why is yours correct?

Oh my your using this fake reference over and over again. and the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman just check the dictionary. How is it not a religious term?
CanadianGuy said:
Still babiling and what is this other god you speak of? Did he appear in your vegetables?

What is this god you are babbling about? Some vengeful god that has a problem if two adults love each other? Yeah, sign me up. :roll:
Kelzie said:
What is this god you are babbling about? Some vengeful god that has a problem if two adults love each other? Yeah, sign me up. :roll:

No the one that is in the book. Ya know the one with the five big letters
B-I-B-L-E. I have no problam with two men or two woman loving each other I embrace it. I have said they can have a civil union I have "no" problem with that and it gives them the same rights as a married couple so I don't see what their problem is.
CanadianGuy said:
Oh my your using this fake reference over and over again. and the definition of marriage is between a man and a woman just check the dictionary. How is it not a religious term?

Dude, did you notice how I quoted Truth be told's post? The definition was almost verbatim the one he gave. I certainly didn't come up with this religious hogwash.

Here's a dictionary definition from Encarta:

mar·riage [ márrij ] (plural mar·riages)


1. legal relationship between spouses: a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners

2. specific marriage relationship: a married relationship between two people, or a somebody's relationship with his or her spouse
They have a happy marriage.

3. joining in wedlock: the joining together in wedlock of two people

4. marriage ceremony: the ceremony in which two people are joined together formally in wedlock

5. union of two things: a close union, blend, or mixture of two things
Civilization is based on the marriage of tradition and innovation.

Huh...I don't see man and woman anywhere in there...
Kelzie said:
Dude, did you notice how I quoted Truth be told's post? The definition was almost verbatim the one he gave. I certainly didn't come up with this religious hogwash.

Here's a dictionary definition from Encarta:

mar·riage [ márrij ] (plural mar·riages)


1. legal relationship between spouses: a legally recognized relationship, established by a civil or religious ceremony, between two people who intend to live together as sexual and domestic partners

2. specific marriage relationship: a married relationship between two people, or a somebody's relationship with his or her spouse
They have a happy marriage.

3. joining in wedlock: the joining together in wedlock of two people

4. marriage ceremony: the ceremony in which two people are joined together formally in wedlock

5. union of two things: a close union, blend, or mixture of two things
Civilization is based on the marriage of tradition and innovation.

Huh...I don't see man and woman anywhere in there...

Where did you get these definitons? Just go to dictionary.com and the first definition is: "The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife."
CanadianGuy said:
Where did you get these definitons? Just go to dictionary.com and the first definition is: "The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife."

Like I said ENCARTA. Read the post. Here's the website.

And your "dictionary" attempts to define marriage with verses from a book I don't believe in.
Ok. But you have amade up religion so go make achurch and marry off all the gays you want I'm fine with that but stay out of mine!
Ok. But you have a made up religion so go make a church and marry off all the gays you want I'm fine with that but don't try and force christians to believe your completely fake no background religion.
CanadianGuy said:
Ok. But you have amade up religion so go make achurch and marry off all the gays you want I'm fine with that but stay out of mine!

Many churches marry gay people. If your church doesn't want to let gay people get married, they don't have to marry them. But stay out of other churches business.

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