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Legalized Gambling (1 Viewer)

Should gambling be legalized?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 88.9%
  • No

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters

The Real McCoy

Should we legalize gambling nationally, considering the pros and cons?
It's really a state issue that's none of the federal government's business. But if you're asking if I support legalized gambling, I absolutely do. There's not really any reason for it to be illegal.
Kandahar said:
It's really a state issue that's none of the federal government's business. But if you're asking if I support legalized gambling, I absolutely do. There's not really any reason for it to be illegal.

Granted it is a state issue but there's plenty of reasons for it to be illegal, namely the addictive and destructive nature of gambling. Frankly, I think it should be legalized and those who ruin themselves financially because of it should be responsible for their actions and not crawling to suck on the government teat.
Gambling is cool, within moderation of course.

I used to live a mile away from a casino...but I certainly didn't abuse the place. My mom took me up there when I turned 18 (it was on an Indian reservation, that's why you only had to be 18), and we played some slots, no biggie. My friends and I would go up there every now and then, but we'd mostly just wander around and take advantage of the free soft drinks :lol:

I know there are people that have problems with gambling, but even without legalized gambling, they still have internet gambling, so I can't see using that as too legitimate of a reason to not legalize it.

Here in NC, we're finally starting a state lottery, and a lot of Baptists and such have an issue with that, but religious beliefs can't play a part in this, either, since not everyone's faith restricts them from gambling.
Hey, it's not my money that'll be wasted at the craps tables. Go have a ball.

Just one thing: Don't tax me to pay for their addictions. The ideal situation is that no one is taxed and the gambler pays to fix his own mental defects. But if you tax-aholics do feel that someone besides the gambler has to pay for his treatment, stick to taxing gambling revenues.

As for the rest, gambling can't ruin a family if the gambler can't get married, right? So no one that marries a known gambler has any reason to squawk and no reason to dig into my pockets, when the gambler spends the household out into the street.

And if the family has a son or daughter that discovers gambling, it's up to them to padlock the valuables. It's not my problem if their boy steals from them.

Here's a good rule to live by: If you don't like gambling, don't gamble. That's all there is to it.
Clearly, clearly, without question, gambling should be legalized. It doesn't even have the risk of communicable disease as a strike against it.
When I was a little kid I was always confused why gambling was illegal where I lived. I mean, I could go to a video arcade and put money in the machine and play a game. I lost my money no matter what happened but I had fun playing the game. Why couldn't adults go to casinos and put money in and play a game and have fun, and then have the chance of winning all their money back and more?

It just didn't make sense:confused:
Mikkel said:
When I was a little kid I was always confused why gambling was illegal where I lived. I mean, I could go to a video arcade and put money in the machine and play a game. I lost my money no matter what happened but I had fun playing the game. Why couldn't adults go to casinos and put money in and play a game and have fun, and then have the chance of winning all their money back and more?

It just didn't make sense:confused:
Exactly. Legalize it.
Well.......I am so against gambling, but my wife loves it, so she drags me with her on occasion. I just think it's so depressing, on the commercials, everyone is laughing, and having such a good time. In reality, everyone walks around with their heads hung low, obviously having just lost a lot of money. Then you see those people who like a drug addict, dying for their next fix, this does not seem like a lot of fun either. I always feel bad after I play, I keep telling myself, why did you blow all that money, and I get down on myself, and feel ridiculous. Then, recently I went with the wife, and I promised I would only spend twenty bucks, THAT"S IT!!! Well......4th or 5th pull on a two dollar machine, BAM, twenty thousand dollars!!! I paid about 6 grand for taxes, so I was left with about 13 thousand, it was a easy haul. Still, I figure I have had my luck, so there is no use in going back, the thrill is gone so to speak.

But if folks want to do it, it should be allowed, I can't really understand why some are allowed, and some are not. It probably won't be long until it's everywhere, it won't be a good thing IMO, but it's just that popular.
Stace said:
Gambling is cool, within moderation of course.

I used to live a mile away from a casino...but I certainly didn't abuse the place. My mom took me up there when I turned 18 (it was on an Indian reservation, that's why you only had to be 18), and we played some slots, no biggie. My friends and I would go up there every now and then, but we'd mostly just wander around and take advantage of the free soft drinks :lol:

I know there are people that have problems with gambling, but even without legalized gambling, they still have internet gambling, so I can't see using that as too legitimate of a reason to not legalize it.

Here in NC, we're finally starting a state lottery, and a lot of Baptists and such have an issue with that, but religious beliefs can't play a part in this, either, since not everyone's faith restricts them from gambling.

Isn't 18 the legal age in Nevada too?
Lucky for me, it's 18 on Indian reservations :lol: I got heavily into gambling over the summer and I won over a thousand dollars but then I dropped $500 one night and $300 the next so I called it quits.
The Real McCoy said:
Lucky for me, it's 18 on Indian reservations :lol: I got heavily into gambling over the summer and I won over a thousand dollars but then I dropped $500 one night and $300 the next so I called it quits.

I go to Reno pretty often. It's closer to me and I like the small town atmosphere over the LV bang a gong. I always stay at the same place. They send me stuff for rooms and meals. I'm usually really good about setting a budget and sticking to it. This last summer I found myself at a BJ table down a few K. Dumb really dumb.

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