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Leftist tech billionaire & DNC busted for false flag 'Russian collusion' in Alabama! (1 Viewer)


I identify as "non-Bidenary".
DP Veteran
Jul 22, 2013
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Political Leaning
LinkedIn tech billionaire co-founder Reid Hoffman spent $750,000 to help DNC to elect Doug Jones, some of which was used to intentionally manufacture a bogus, false-flag "Russian collusion scandal", by creating THOUSANDS of FAKE Russian bot-net accounts, to create the false perception that Russians were trying to influence voters to benefit Roy Moore in Alabama! Worse yet, the media played along with it(and most still are, by NOT exposing it even now)! A few major media outlets have reported it, but after doing so, they are quickly sweeping it back under the rug, along with other scandals detrimental to democrats and leftist elites. The NYT reported on it, but tried to 'minimize' it, by calling it "an experiment". Well, it was an experiment in some sense, because they most certainly would've done it again somewhere else, if not caught! But it was not an experiment in the sense that they actually succeeded in covertly manufacturing a fake scandal designed to help a Democrat win an election, by deceiving the voters into believing that Roy Moore was working with Russians to influence his election! Many of you(including me) don't like Roy Moore. But that doesn't justify this nonsense!

Many major media outlets STILL have not reported this major story, including CNN and others. BTW, the amount of money spent on this disinformation campaign, just happened to be the same amount allegedly used by Russian colluders in the 2016 presidential campaign! Was this actually DNC experiment #2?


LinkedIn tech billionaire co-founder Reid Hoffman spent $750,000 to help DNC to elect Doug Jones, some of which was used to intentionally manufacture a bogus, false-flag "Russian collusion scandal", by creating THOUSANDS of FAKE Russian bot-net accounts, to create the false perception that Russians were trying to influence voters to benefit Roy Moore in Alabama! Worse yet, the media played along with it(and most still are, by NOT exposing it even now)! A few major media outlets have reported it, but after doing so, they are quickly sweeping it back under the rug, along with other scandals detrimental to democrats and leftist elites. The NYT reported on it, but tried to 'minimize' it, by calling it "an experiment". Well, it was an experiment in some sense, because they most certainly would've done it again somewhere else, if not caught! But it was not an experiment in the sense that they actually succeeded in covertly manufacturing a fake scandal designed to help a Democrat win an election, by deceiving the voters into believing that Roy Moore was working with Russians to influence his election! Many of you(including me) don't like Roy Moore. But that doesn't justify this nonsense!

Many major media outlets STILL have not reported this major story, including CNN and others. BTW, the amount of money spent on this disinformation campaign, just happened to be the same amount allegedly used by Russian colluders in the 2016 presidential campaign! Was this actually DNC experiment #2?



Though there's no question the Dems make significant use astroturfing and paid shills (as do the Republicans) this is definitely taking it to an unfortunate next level; acts like this should be illegal.
LinkedIn tech billionaire co-founder Reid Hoffman spent $750,000 to help DNC to elect Doug Jones, some of which was used to intentionally manufacture a bogus, false-flag "Russian collusion scandal", by creating THOUSANDS of FAKE Russian bot-net accounts, to create the false perception that Russians were trying to influence voters to benefit Roy Moore in Alabama! Worse yet, the media played along with it(and most still are, by NOT exposing it even now)! A few major media outlets have reported it, but after doing so, they are quickly sweeping it back under the rug, along with other scandals detrimental to democrats and leftist elites. The NYT reported on it, but tried to 'minimize' it, by calling it "an experiment". Well, it was an experiment in some sense, because they most certainly would've done it again somewhere else, if not caught! But it was not an experiment in the sense that they actually succeeded in covertly manufacturing a fake scandal designed to help a Democrat win an election, by deceiving the voters into believing that Roy Moore was working with Russians to influence his election! Many of you(including me) don't like Roy Moore. But that doesn't justify this nonsense!

Many major media outlets STILL have not reported this major story, including CNN and others. BTW, the amount of money spent on this disinformation campaign, just happened to be the same amount allegedly used by Russian colluders in the 2016 presidential campaign! Was this actually DNC experiment #2?

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