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Lefties - are you a Liberal or a Progressive: you can't be both (1 Viewer)


All Lives Matter or No Lives Matter
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Mar 18, 2018
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San Diego
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This article echoes a point I've been making since I joined the forum: Progressives are not liberals and liberals are not progressive

The progressive left in America has levied a constant barrage of warnings this past year about the demise of democracy in the United States. But its lectures about the threats to democracy bear no resemblance to the proclamations of freedom and democracy emanating from Ukraine.

Instead, when the progressive left complains about the state of American democracy, it is more or less complaining that it might not win the next election, that the unmanipulated will of the people might actually be expressed, and that all the progressive bureaucrats might actually lose their government jobs.

In reality, the progressive left is no defender of democracy. Instead, it has worked to erode the self-government foundations underlying democracy. The progressive view of democracy is when the Democratic Party wins elections.[/qquote]
“You’re what I say you are and I give you only two options to ‘define’ yourselves on my terms.”

There’s a winning thread topic. It is perfectly possible for an individual to subscribes to elements of several political schools of thought.
Would disagree.
Progressives are probably the definition of true liberals.

Definition of liberal.
1 - a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

2 - a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
“You’re what I say you are and I give you only two options to ‘define’ yourselves on my terms.”

There’s a winning thread topic. It is perfectly possible for an individual to subscribes to elements of several political schools of thought.
I’m a second amendment liberal, for instance.
“You’re what I say you are and I give you only two options to ‘define’ yourselves on my terms.”

There’s a winning thread topic. It is perfectly possible for an individual to subscribes to elements of several political schools of thought.

Last one out, please be so kind as to turn off the lights.
This article echoes a point I've been making since I joined the forum: Progressives are not liberals and liberals are not progressive
>>One Pew poll reveals that only ten percent of young Democrats believe America stands above other countries in the world.<<

Why on earth would any person think that "America stands above other countries"? Who but an arrogant asshole would think such a thing?

>>>Another alarming poll shows that just 40% of all Democrats would act as the Ukrainians are currently acting – e.g., staying and fighting if the Unites States was invaded by a foreign power, just as Ukraine has been by Russia.
In other words, if America was beset with a plight similar with what Ukraine is experiencing, 60% of all Democrats would run.<<

Where is this "information" coming from? LMAO. That is one of the worst pieces of tripe I've seen in a long time, even by right wing nut job standards.
Also: literally NOBODY is "envious" of Ukraine.
You actually read brainless shit like that and take it seriously? ffs man.

Good ****ing lord. One of the dumbest things I've seen EVER.
Progressives are not liberals and liberals are not progressive

I agree that that's too often the case, especially in the past month or so.
Would disagree.
Progressives are probably the definition of true liberals.

Definition of liberal.
1 - a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

2 - a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

But the word Progressive has been hijacked in recent years by fatherless anarchist punks that hate Police and law & order, and have a desire to tear things down with no idea whatsoever of what or how to build in its place. Like the idiots that take stuff like CopBlok seriously
I used to call myself a "Progressive", back when it meant something good.
Now I'm just a lefty.
Would disagree.
Progressives are probably the definition of true liberals.

Definition of liberal.
1 - a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.

2 - a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.
true liberals are the ones who wanted more personal freedom, less collectivization and less centralized authority.
Progressives are not liberals and liberals are not progressive
Your assertion without evidence is dismissed out of hand.

Liberals and Progressives are basically the same things. Both warn of Republican attempts to destroy our Democracy because that is literally what you tried to do, and are actively trying to do today and if Republicans are allowed to regain power there is a very real chance they won't fail at keeping it next time.
Liberals and Progressives are basically the same things.

The above is very untrue.

Both warn of Republican attempts to destroy our Democracy because that is literally what you tried to do, and are actively trying to do today and if Republicans are allowed to regain power there is a very real chance they won't fail at keeping it next time.
The above is very untrue.
No, it really isn't. Most liberals have a natural hatred of being pigeonholed into broad groups. Progressives are mostly just people who decided they didn't like one particular Liberal or one statement supported by Liberals so they felt the need to declare themselves as an entirely different group, but the reality is the average Liberal and the average so-called Progressive agree on about 95% of things.
There are people who both would call themselves liberal who disagree more than that. There are those who would both call themselves progressive and disagree more than that.
They are illiberal and regressive. Not liberal.
Exactly my response to the OP, but I'd add tyrannical and authoritarian as well, given their obvious support of 'The Great Reset'.

true liberals are the ones who wanted more personal freedom, less collectivization and less centralized authority.
No, it really isn't. ... Progressives are mostly just people who decided they didn't like one particular Liberal or one statement supported by Liberals so they felt the need to declare themselves as an entirely different group, but the reality is the average Liberal and the average so-called Progressive agree on about 95% of things.

I disagree. It sure seems like you don't understand the huge differences between the corporate wing of the Democratic Party, the people that call themselves progressives (I would have to analyze their positions and records to determine how progressive they are) that are currently in the Democratic Party, and the Green Party (for example).

I say that 95% of the people that I've seen on here that label themselves as progressive are a mixture of liberal and conservative positions, at best. Well, I would've said that over a month ago. Now I can't think of anyone here that fully supports progressive principles. I don't mean "woke," I mean progressive principles. And I don't mean hardcore progressive policy positions.
But the word Progressive has been hijacked in recent years by fatherless anarchist punks that hate Police and law & order, and have a desire to tear things down with no idea whatsoever of what or how to build in its place. Like the idiots that take stuff like CopBlok seriously
I used to call myself a "Progressive", back when it meant something good.
Now I'm just a lefty.
You have a point.
Progressive has become a much broader term than originally conceived, and not always for the good.

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