Mickyjaystoned said:
Hi there what is the differance between Left Wing and Right Wing politics?
I know the Labour Government in Britain is said to be left wing, and the Conservative Party is right, but what does that all mean?
What are the main differances between the two and do they have anything in common?
Is there anything that transcends this Paradigm??
Well, I can't say that there is one agenda that transcends either party in whole. And I suppose that this will quickly turn into a flame war.
What I mean is that there are actual stances on popular issues and then there are stances that have been pushed on both parties by the other in order to "demonize" one another.
In my opinion, some of the popular stances on the left are;
Larger budgets for social programs for poverty stricken people and education.
Universal Healthcare.
Gun Control.
Pro-Choice abortion rights.
Keeping religion separate form the state.
Some false stances claimed to be those of the left are;
Support for higher taxes.
Banning of fire arms.
"Free" health care.
The destruction of religion entirely.
Some popular right wing stances are;
Looser restrictions of corporate responsibilties in regard to the environment.
Banning some abortion rights.
Making it harder to file bankruptcy.
Huge budgets for military spending.
(all of these have been accoplished by our current administration)
Some false right wing stances;
Putting religion in every school and in government without question.
Making it easier to get a fire arm.
Banning all abortion rights.
These are just some things I could think of and again it is just my opinion.