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Left Wing or Right Wing (1 Viewer)

Dec 4, 2005
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Hi there what is the differance between Left Wing and Right Wing politics?

I know the Labour Government in Britain is said to be left wing, and the Conservative Party is right, but what does that all mean?

What are the main differances between the two and do they have anything in common?

Is there anything that transcends this Paradigm??
Mickyjaystoned said:
Hi there what is the differance between Left Wing and Right Wing politics?

I know the Labour Government in Britain is said to be left wing, and the Conservative Party is right, but what does that all mean?

What are the main differances between the two and do they have anything in common?

Is there anything that transcends this Paradigm??

Well, I can't say that there is one agenda that transcends either party in whole. And I suppose that this will quickly turn into a flame war.

What I mean is that there are actual stances on popular issues and then there are stances that have been pushed on both parties by the other in order to "demonize" one another.

In my opinion, some of the popular stances on the left are;

Larger budgets for social programs for poverty stricken people and education.

Universal Healthcare.

Gun Control.

Pro-Choice abortion rights.

Keeping religion separate form the state.

Some false stances claimed to be those of the left are;

Support for higher taxes.

Banning of fire arms.

"Free" health care.

The destruction of religion entirely.

Some popular right wing stances are;

Looser restrictions of corporate responsibilties in regard to the environment.

Banning some abortion rights.

Making it harder to file bankruptcy.

Huge budgets for military spending.

(all of these have been accoplished by our current administration)

Some false right wing stances;

Putting religion in every school and in government without question.

Making it easier to get a fire arm.

Banning all abortion rights.

These are just some things I could think of and again it is just my opinion.
Mickyjaystoned said:
Hi there what is the differance between Left Wing and Right Wing politics?

I know the Labour Government in Britain is said to be left wing, and the Conservative Party is right, but what does that all mean?

What are the main differances between the two and do they have anything in common?

Is there anything that transcends this Paradigm??

Regarding political views that transcend the left-right paradigm, Libertarianism is a classic example. Libertarians tend to advocate right wing economic views (free market economy, lack of government regulation in the economy, lower taxes, etc.) and left wing social views (abortion rights, legalized drugs and gambling, gay rights, etc.) One major social issue that Libertarians take a right wing stance on, however, is gun rights.
Thanks you guy's very informative, the thing i see when i look at both of these structures is Heirarchy and with Heirarchy comes thirst for power and the fact that the People are ruled under both systems, i personally hold the view that one day soon the people will rise up and show a unity far greater than any political stance, but then i am an Optimist.

I noticed that Sabotuer touched on the subject of Spirituality or Religion, now if say there was a one world faith say for an example Islam, worldwide, surely then this would transcend political views and our affairs would be carried out in accordance to the Qu'Ran not the wishes of the Bankers.

Still though with an existing religion there is seperation just like in politics, a divide and conquer sort of situation, dividing the people and then ruling them, so perhaps a spiritual revolution will awaken us to division and the truth and this may in turn empower humanity to take control of it's destiny for the first time in millenia.
Mickyjaystoned said:
Thanks you guy's very informative, the thing i see when i look at both of these structures is Heirarchy and with Heirarchy comes thirst for power and the fact that the People are ruled under both systems, i personally hold the view that one day soon the people will rise up and show a unity far greater than any political stance, but then i am an Optimist.

I noticed that Sabotuer touched on the subject of Spirituality or Religion, now if say there was a one world faith say for an example Islam, worldwide, surely then this would transcend political views and our affairs would be carried out in accordance to the Qu'Ran not the wishes of the Bankers.

Still though with an existing religion there is seperation just like in politics, a divide and conquer sort of situation, dividing the people and then ruling them, so perhaps a spiritual revolution will awaken us to division and the truth and this may in turn empower humanity to take control of it's destiny for the first time in millenia.


If people were to rise up against the government with the interest of starting an American Theocracy, I think it would just turn into a very bloody multi-factioned civil war. Because we are so diverse it would be impossible to tell who would win or if any faction deserved to win...

I actually think that Socialism or Communism will in the end, prevail. If the people rise up it will be for equality and for fair treatment between the classes regardless of spirtual beliefs.
Well you have a civil war of sorts in America anyway, i hear that more people die in Chicago, New York or California a day than in Iraq, the housing Projects are on the front line no?

I think there is a danger with uprising, taking a military stance would end as you say in bloodshed therefore there isn't much hope of overthrowing the Government.

You have to render them useless, that means taking away everything they can give us, if you don't need anything from them there is no justification for them to be there, we need to realise there is no division or need to look outside ourselves for happiness, happiness and unity is within our grasp if we just come together regardless of colour creed or beliefs/politics and this is what fears the politicians the most, more than terrorism and more than nuclear war, cause then we won't need them.

Who knows what the future holds though.

Mickyjaystoned said:
Well you have a civil war of sorts in America anyway, i hear that more people die in Chicago, New York or California a day than in Iraq, the housing Projects are on the front line no?

I think there is a danger with uprising, taking a military stance would end as you say in bloodshed therefore there isn't much hope of overthrowing the Government.

You have to render them useless, that means taking away everything they can give us, if you don't need anything from them there is no justification for them to be there, we need to realise there is no division or need to look outside ourselves for happiness, happiness and unity is within our grasp if we just come together regardless of colour creed or beliefs/politics and this is what fears the politicians the most, more than terrorism and more than nuclear war, cause then we won't need them.

Who knows what the future holds though.


Nice dream. I prefer reality.
Nice dream. I prefer reality.

Interesting statement that, but how does your reality exist?

Is it based on the work of some noble scientists?

Is everything you know givin to you from God?

Do you channel intuitions from Elemental beings?

Do you see the form of pure energy that runs through everything like the Seers of ancient Mexico?

What is reality Mccoy??

That stuff you learnt at school or University?

Perhaps reality is beyond your comprehension considering it cannot be defined by logical or objective reasoning.

Reality is a big subject but i would like to hear your views on it, is reality Politics, religion and division or are they there to take our focus away from reality?

What ya think Mccoy?
Mickyjaystoned said:
Interesting statement that, but how does your reality exist?

Is it based on the work of some noble scientists?

Is everything you know givin to you from God?

Do you channel intuitions from Elemental beings?

Do you see the form of pure energy that runs through everything like the Seers of ancient Mexico?

What is reality Mccoy??

That stuff you learnt at school or University?

Perhaps reality is beyond your comprehension considering it cannot be defined by logical or objective reasoning.

Reality is a big subject but i would like to hear your views on it, is reality Politics, religion and division or are they there to take our focus away from reality?

What ya think Mccoy?

First of all, I'll tell you what ISN'T reality:

"You have to render them useless, that means taking away everything they can give us, if you don't need anything from them there is no justification for them to be there, we need to realise there is no division or need to look outside ourselves for happiness, happiness and unity is within our grasp if we just come together regardless of colour creed or beliefs/politics and this is what fears the politicians the most, more than terrorism and more than nuclear war, cause then we won't need them."

It's a noble cause and something I wish would happen but it won't, not for a very, very long time. My evidence: the long, sad course of human history and there are no signs of things changing very much anytime in the near future.

As for my views on the fundamental, underlying nature of reality itself: I really have no idea. That is the ultimate question that philosophers have been debating since recorded history began and no doubt before that.

I could tell you all you almost anything you want to know about the physical, observable universe down to the sub-atomic level but I, nor anyone else, could tackle the question of what reality actually is.

For what it's worth, I do believe in God.
We are in charge of our own reality's we make what we want to experiance, simple as that, you want paradise, get it within you brother, facilitate the change you want to see in the world within yourself and it will manifest in everything you do.

With Love, God is real i agree, undefinable but real, maybe he is the space within atoms?
Mickyjaystoned said:
Well you have a civil war of sorts in America anyway, i hear that more people die in Chicago, New York or California a day than in Iraq, the housing Projects are on the front line no?

I've never heard those particular stats but it is interesting. I think that gang members should be classified as terrorists and face 25 to life just for affiliation if they are caught. But as Bush Sr. said about inner city violence... "That's a problem that will take care of itself."

I think there is a danger with uprising, taking a military stance would end as you say in bloodshed therefore there isn't much hope of overthrowing the Government.

But it could be done the Taliban and the Iraq Insurgency has been holding off our mighty military with less than half of our power for years now.

You have to render them useless, that means taking away everything they can give us, if you don't need anything from them there is no justification for them to be there, we need to realise there is no division or need to look outside ourselves for happiness, happiness and unity is within our grasp if we just come together regardless of colour creed or beliefs/politics and this is what fears the politicians the most, more than terrorism and more than nuclear war, cause then we won't need them.

I know they aren't afraid of terrorism they want the public to be though. And they do want to keep the people divided on everything from abortion to religion. That way there is a smaller amount of people they need to convince to vote for them on election day.

Who knows what the future holds though.

More death, poverty, disease, pollution and hate.

You too, enjoy your seasonal celebrations!
Saboteur said:
Some false stances claimed to be those of the left are;

Support for higher taxes.
Then why do they higher taxes?

Saboteur said:
I actually think that Socialism or Communism will in the end, prevail. If the people rise up it will be for equality and for fair treatment between the classes regardless of spirtual beliefs.
It might happen, but it won't be the "end". Communism has always failed in the past, there would be no difference in the future.

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