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Leader of Proud Boys chapter pleads guilty to US Capitol riot charges and faces six years in prison (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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North Carolina. Figures...

By the way, is it just me or do we need some people from the 1930s and 1940s to show up and use their standard ole line of "they all look the same to me"?

Proud Boy leader Charles Donohoe, 34, was arrested in March of 2021 for his participation in the January 6th capital riots. He has been in custody since last year.

I guess that Jax didn't die. That's a plot twist.
For anyone that has not seen this investigation on Jan 6th ---> visual investigations. A good weekend documentary to understand the mentality of group mob.

For anyone that has not seen this investigation on Jan 6th ---> visual investigations. A good weekend documentary to understand the mentality of group mob.


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