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Lavrov Claims Hitler Was Jewish Defending Calling Zelensky a Nazi (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 25, 2009
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Well for those of us who are Jewish hearing Lavrov the Foreign Minister of Russia justify the Russian script of liberating Ukraine from Nazis
hit an interesting low but is of zero surprise.

In trying to explain how Zelensky the President of Ukraine is a Nazi and a Jew at the same time Lavrov evoked the Hitler was Jewish myth":

This should also be no surprise to anyone who understands the underlying beliefs of the neo Nazi right wing Russian nationalist supporters who prop Putin.

In the last few weeks Putin and Lavrov and others have been using the coded word "cosmopolitans" to refer to Jews who they are now blaming with others for
undermining their efforts against Ukraine. Scapegoats of course are important when you need to distract from failures and blame someone as history has shown repeatedly.

Israel had tried to remain in the Ukraine confluct to avoid right wing attacks against Jews inside Russia as well
as maintain a current agreement with Russia over the Israeli Air Force crossing into Syria enabling Israel to take out Iranian Revolutionary Guard or Hezbollah units arming near the Israeli border.

Also NATO asked Israel to remain low key not to trigger a confrontation in Syria.

This latest rhetoric puts a huge strain on any continuing relationship with Russia and Israel This does not help matters. It threatens a possible breakdown between Russia and Israel in Syria and a possible military confrontation that could trigger drastic results.

Israel is home to many Ukrainian and Russian born Jews who have relatives in both countries and its popular sentiment is in support of Ukraine who it had very strong relations with prior to the war and has send hospitals to during this war with Russia. It has lost billions in industrial projects it had with Ukraine.

Ukraine also made solid open efforts to acknowledge the role of pro Nazi Ukrainians in World War Two with Israel and this can be distinguished from other nations in its degree of frankness and open dialogue. Ukraine has openly been very clear as to its pro Nazi Ukrainians during WW2. Israel recognizes Ukraine's holodomor with the same respect it does the holocaust and they both share that deep connection to mass suffering in both cultures.

Russia has always promulgated a version of anti semitism that sees Jews as conspiring internationalists who can not be trusted. Its an ancient myth in Russia. Putin however did have four prominent Jews in his oligarchy circle but it is believed those 4 do not support him but then other oligarchs do not as well. The fact those 4 oligarchs are Jewish like any oligarch who supports Putin are not to be excused. All oligarchs got rich off of their connections with Putin and so are equally as morally questionable and this is why Israel distanced itself from the 4 Jewish oligarchs and will not offer them haven in Israel or accept any charitable donations from them.

Lavrov's latest comments add a disturbing element to the Ukraine conflict. However make no mistake it is highly doubtful Jews anywhere in the world would support Putin given the neo Nazis that prop him and is not a surprise given the many coded references to "cosnmopolitans" the code word for Jews in Russia blaming them for assisting Ukraine.

In regards to Ukraine there has been and remains a minority anti-semitic element that exists in every country in Europe. It does not excuse it but to claim Russia is liberating Ukraine from Nazis is a joke given the very Russian nationalism of Putin is neo Nazi to the extreme.

The so called Nazis in Ukraine are united from all religions (Protestant Ukrainian Orthodox, Jewish) and fighting side by side against the Russian invasion and Jewish communities around the world are assisting Ukrainian charities and refugee efforts. If Ukraine was as anti-semitic as people claim of course they would not have elected Zalensky their President.

We shall see if this is a precursor to internal Russian turmoil. I doubt Putin will do anything to back step from what Lavrov said. Lavrov's comments are not off the cuff. Everything is cleared for him to say.
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They are redefining the word Nazi. Nazis are now a Jewish conspiracy against Russia. Fits with their current political message. Everyone who is against Russia is a Nazi.
Jews did in fact help Hitler, to save themselves. Israel today is basically a fascist state. Life is complicated. Incidentally there are far right parties in Ukraine with links to neo Nazis.
Jews did in fact help Hitler, to save themselves. Israel today is basically a fascist state. Life is complicated. Incidentally there are far right parties in Ukraine with links to neo Nazis.
That party failed to get any seats in the Rada, and the other far right nationalist party got 1 seat last election. They are not heavy weight movements with huge influence over Ukrainian politics no matter what Russia says. Also said political party with Nazi ties is anti- NATO and anti- Zelensky, though also anti- Russia.
That party failed to get any seats in the Rada, and the other far right nationalist party got 1 seat last election. They are not heavy weight movements with huge influence over Ukrainian politics no matter what Russia says. Also said political party with Nazi ties is anti- NATO and anti- Zelensky, though also anti- Russia.

I didn't say Putin was telling the truth :) But the situation is complex. OF course, innocent people are dying that's easy to be upset about
Jews did in fact help Hitler, to save themselves. Israel today is basically a fascist state. Life is complicated. Incidentally there are far right parties in Ukraine with links to neo Nazis.

Your first two comments are idiotic. If you want to engage in holocaust inversion to justify equating Jews and Israelsas Nazi supporters and fascists star a thread.

Calling Jews Nazi collaborators or Israelis fascists does not justify what Russia is doing.

No one on this thread or any thread has denied there are neo Nazis in Ukraine or any other nation. Its not the issue as you are well aware-claiming its the reason Russia invaded Ukraine is.

You now trying to invert the holocaust to suggest Jews collaborated with Hitler to try justify what Russia is doing is bull.

Putin claiming he is saving Ukraine from Nazis is bull.

No that aint complicated.

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Incidentally there are far right parties in Ukraine with links to neo Nazis.

Incidently, fascists in Ukraine hold no office in government nor any seats in parliament.

I seem to recall US fascists storming the US Capitol on January 6.

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