Lauren Boebert said she was thanked by the mother of a ‘lieutenant corporal,’ which isn’t a thing
There’s not a colonel of truth to that title. Outspoken Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert claims that a few parents of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan reached out to support her after…
The future of the GOP needs to gain a better understanding of military rankings before trying to "own the libs".
Apparently Boebert went on social media to read aloud a letter that one of the mothers of a solider who died in Kabul during the US pullout. During her "own the libs" moment, Boebert called the fallen soldier a "Lieutenant Corporal", which only exists as a ranking in the Gazpacho police and not in the military.
If she saw the "LCprl", instead of being the clueless idiot she is, could have researched the abbreviation first and maybe wouldn't have sounded so clueless.