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Lauren Boebert said she was thanked by the mother of a ‘lieutenant corporal,’ which isn’t a thing (1 Viewer)


Belew, Via, Levin, Carey
DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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The future of the GOP needs to gain a better understanding of military rankings before trying to "own the libs". 🤣🤣

Apparently Boebert went on social media to read aloud a letter that one of the mothers of a solider who died in Kabul during the US pullout. During her "own the libs" moment, Boebert called the fallen soldier a "Lieutenant Corporal", which only exists as a ranking in the Gazpacho police and not in the military.

If she saw the "LCprl", instead of being the clueless idiot she is, could have researched the abbreviation first and maybe wouldn't have sounded so clueless.

The future of the GOP needs to gain a better understanding of military rankings before trying to "own the libs". 🤣🤣

Apparently Boebert went on social media to read aloud a letter that one of the mothers of a solider who died in Kabul during the US pullout. During her "own the libs" moment, Boebert called the fallen soldier a "Lieutenant Corporal", which only exists as a ranking in the Gazpacho police and not in the military.

If she saw the "LCprl", instead of being the clueless idiot she is, could have researched the abbreviation first and maybe wouldn't have sounded so clueless.
And Obama said there were 58 states. Go figure.
While I do understand that it was likely written "LCpl" and people may be ignorant of what this stands for, she was still very much wrong here for not asking someone before reading it in her attempt to justify her horrible disrespectful interruption. It makes it worse that she claims to have made such an interruption in the names of those servicemembers yet she isn't able to take just a few seconds, maybe a few minutes to find out what that actually stands for, to get it right.

That is a huge issue I've seen for this sort of fake outrage in the name of others. It is the same reason that I question anyone who brings up Ashli Babbitt but then can't even spell her first name correctly. If you honestly cared, you would work to get it right.

The future of the GOP needs to gain a better understanding of military rankings before trying to "own the libs". 🤣🤣

Apparently Boebert went on social media to read aloud a letter that one of the mothers of a solider who died in Kabul during the US pullout. During her "own the libs" moment, Boebert called the fallen soldier a "Lieutenant Corporal", which only exists as a ranking in the Gazpacho police and not in the military.

If she saw the "LCprl", instead of being the clueless idiot she is, could have researched the abbreviation first and maybe wouldn't have sounded so clueless.
There is no lack of understanding of the military. She was simply lying.
I don't make excuses for stupid shit politicians say. I leave that for the left.
Yet you are always one of the first people defending Trump and the rest of the anti American right.
I don't make excuses for stupid shit politicians say. I leave that for the left.

It is pretty telling that Obama saying 50 instead of 40 is always the go-to gaffe for him. Meanwhile, you can have an entire book of embarrassing gaffes for Dear Leader (and a pretty thick one at that).
It is pretty telling that Obama saying 50 instead of 40 is always the go-to gaffe for him. Meanwhile, you can have an entire book of embarrassing gaffes for Dear Leader (and a pretty thick one at that).
Do you want to start on the demented simp you guys put into the WH? How many days do you have?
I thought that was the rank of a “Navy Corpseman”
She was probably confusing it with the perfectly valid military rank of Lance Lieutenant.

which is lower than a Fire Lance Lieutenant.

Knight with fire lance - Stock Image - C029/1329 - Science Photo Library

sorry. couldn't help it.
Navy Hospital Corpsman can be of any enlisted rank.
Im talking about the Corpseman rank. Even people considered great public speakers can say some pretty stupid stuff at times.
Now do bathhouse Barry and the Marine Corpse 🤣
This isn't politicians misspeak thread?
Just one. The idiot from Colorado who had to yell while President Biden was talking about his deceased son.
The same one who made an Islamic terrorist "joke" when Omar walked into an elevator with her.

If you wanna start a thread about other politicians making asses of themselves, go nuts.
Im talking about the Corpseman rank. Even people considered great public speakers can say some pretty stupid stuff at times.
No ever claimed the idiot from Colorado is/was a great speaker.
Most people know she's an idiot.

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