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Latest Rating for Air America (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
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Political Leaning
The only thing I know about the station is what has been said about it on this and other forums. If they can’t make it in the most liberal state in the country, it looks like it is headed for failure.

April 26, 2005, 4:33 p.m.
While it is difficult to pinpoint Air America's ratings nationally — it is on the air in about 50 stations across the country, and has been on some of them for just the last few months — it is possible to measure the network's performance in the nation's number one market, New York City. And in the new ratings, Air America hits an all-time low in a key demographic measurement.
The new Arbitron figures for Winter 2005, which covers January, February, and March, show that WLIB, the station which carries Air America in New York, won a 1.2-percent share of all listeners 12 years and older. That is down one tenth of one point from the station's 1.3 rating in Winter 2004, the last period when it aired its old format of Caribbean music and talk.
Air America debuted on March 31, 2004. In the network's first quarter on the air, Spring of 2004, which covered April, May, and June, Air America won a 1.3 percent share of the market audience. That number rose slightly to 1.4 percent in the Summer 2004 July/August/September period, and fell back to 1.2 percent in the Fall 2004 October/November/December period, where it remains today.
Those numbers are, again, for all listeners 12 years and older. Air America executives, however, often point to the network's performance among listeners 25 to 54 years of age, the preferred demographic target for radio advertisers. But in that area, too, Air America is struggling.
Between the hours of 10 A.M. and 3 P.M., for example, the daypart that includes Al Franken's program, Air America drew a 1.4-percent share of the New York audience aged 25 to 54 in Winter 2005. That number is the latest in a nearly year-long decline. In Spring of 2004, Air America's first quarter on the air, it drew a 2.2-percent share of the audience. That rose to 2.3 percent in the Summer of 2004, then fell to 1.6 percent in the Fall of 2004, and is now 1.4 percent — Air America's lowest-ever quarterly rating in that time and demographic slot.
The numbers are just as striking when narrowed to the specific period from noon to 3 P.M., when Franken's program airs on WLIB opposite Rush Limbaugh on WABC. Even though Franken once claimed to be beating the conservative host in New York, in the Winter 2005 figures, his program attracted a 1.9-percent share of the audience to Limbaugh's 3.2 percent in the 25 to 54 age group.
Franken's performance against Limbaugh in the most recent ratings is significantly lower than in Air America's first months. In Spring 2004, Air America's first quarter on the air, Franken scored a 2.6-percent share to Limbaugh's 3.2-percent share. In Summer 2004, he scored a 2.8-percent share to Limbaugh's 3.2 percent. But in Fall 2004, Franken dropped to a 1.8 percent share to Limbaugh's 4.1-percent share, all within the 25 to 54 age group.
That last number surprised some observers because it showed Air America faltering in October and November 2004, the period when the presidential election was reaching its finish and political passions were presumably at their highest. But even then, Air America's decline continued.
meh, whatever, i don't listen to conservative or liberal radio
It matters not what side it's biased towards, conservative or liberal. All media bias must be destroyed.
V.I. Lenin said:
It matters not what side it's biased towards, conservative or liberal. All media bias must be destroyed.
agreed, but it will be a long time coming.
V.I. Lenin said:
It matters not what side it's biased towards, conservative or liberal. All media bias must be destroyed.

Interesting theory.

How do you propose to do that, if I may ask?
Interesting theory.

How do you propose to do that, if I may ask?
I'm the idea man, other people provide the "how to"! :mrgreen:

But i myself would propose government funded or perhaps public funded news channels. I believe media bias is so rampant because corporations buy out these studios and pump out "news", which is really cleverly hidden propoganda (read The Republican Noise Machine...not sure of author, but i know it's on Amazon.com) I know that this idea will be hated by many and be called a waste of money, but we must insure media bias is no longer evident. Too long has political campaign coverage consisted of what's cheap to report on and sure to get ratings instead of what's important to the people and may cost a bit more.
But i myself would propose government funded or perhaps public funded news channels. I believe media bias is so rampant because corporations buy out these studios and pump out "news", which is really cleverly hidden propoganda
That wouldn't solve it, We have PBS which has a left wing bias. Government funded News is a forgetaboutit! The people have to demand it, and quit attacking the first News agency that has a Fair and Balanced approach to the news. I came to this forum because I didn't want all Republican/Conservative discussion. Most people don't want their news that way either.
It seems things public funded are left-wing....and corporate funded are right-wing.....hmmm. Coinkydink?

Squawker said:
I came to this forum because I didn't want all Republican/Conservative discussion. Most people don't want their news that way either.

Ok, how do you propose we eliminate the left or right wing bias in the media?
V.I. Lenin said:
Ok, how do you propose we eliminate the left or right wing bias in the media?

Dont! If someone has half a brain about them nowadays, they'll seek out multiple news sources and make their own decisions. If they don't, then their opinion doesnt matter to me.
RightatNYU said:
Dont! If someone has half a brain about them nowadays, they'll seek out multiple news sources and make their own decisions. If they don't, then their opinion doesnt matter to me.

It matters not to you because you're republican and *RANT AHEAD* your platfrom likes to use those who have less then half a brain and throw tax cuts at them and keep things like they used to be because they fear change. It matters to me because these people vote for the populist republicans because good ol' Fox News said John Kerry eats babies and kills Bambi. The sad truth is very few people look for multiple news sources, most don't even have the time. So these people just think about what their news channel told them, biased in EITHER direction, when it comes to their own political outlook on things. Around 51% of the nation has less then half a brain......in my opinion of course. :mrgreen:
V.I. Lenin said:
It matters not to you because you're republican and *RANT AHEAD* your platfrom likes to use those who have less then half a brain and throw tax cuts at them and keep things like they used to be because they fear change. It matters to me because these people vote for the populist republicans because good ol' Fox News said John Kerry eats babies and kills Bambi. The sad truth is very few people look for multiple news sources, most don't even have the time. So these people just think about what their news channel told them, biased in EITHER direction, when it comes to their own political outlook on things. Around 51% of the nation has less then half a brain......in my opinion of course. :mrgreen:

Hey, for every ignorant redneck who rails his couisin, there's a city dwelling dipshit who can't spell his own name.

I hear inane rhetoric from both wings every day. Ignorance is nonpartisan.

And you're mistaken. There's nothing I hate more than an ignorant republican. Every time I hear something like "Thank god for bush he'll kill those raghead camel****ers" I vomit. They do nothing but hurt our cause. Much in the same way I react to the "Bush is hitler!" crew.

And the fact that most people dont know what the hell they're talking about is the reason I'm happy that our turnout is so low.
RightatNYU said:
Hey, for every ignorant redneck who rails his couisin, there's a city dwelling dipshit who can't spell his own name.

I hear inane rhetoric from both wings every day. Ignorance is nonpartisan.

And you're mistaken. There's nothing I hate more than an ignorant republican. Every time I hear something like "Thank god for bush he'll kill those raghead camel****ers" I vomit. They do nothing but hurt our cause. Much in the same way I react to the "Bush is hitler!" crew.

And the fact that most people dont know what the hell they're talking about is the reason I'm happy that our turnout is so low.


Perhaps my rant was misplaced. I applaud you for hating those even in your own party who are ignorant.

The turnout is low, true. The problem still stands: The ignorant vote.
Around 51% of the nation has less then half a brain......in my opinion of course.
Ahhh, the virtue of public education and the teachers union.
I stick by my hypothesis.... 80% of the American public is as dumb as a stump. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they reside politically. As Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does". Thank Odin for the 20% that has the grey matter to keep the circus within the three rings.
Contrarian said:
I stick by my hypothesis.... 80% of the American public is as dumb as a stump. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they reside politically. As Forrest Gump said "stupid is as stupid does". Thank Odin for the 20% that has the grey matter to keep the circus within the three rings.

:applaud I think the rings are getting smaller and smaller. And I think it's by design.
V.I. Lenin said:

Perhaps my rant was misplaced. I applaud you for hating those even in your own party who are ignorant.

The turnout is low, true. The problem still stands: The ignorant vote.

Bring back the literacy tests.
Squawker said:
Ahhh, the virtue of public education and the teachers union.
Ah the virtue of shrinking public programs to help those less fortunate...warms my heart.
ShamMol said:
illegal. court. said. :doh

I know, unfortunately that is the case. But just because a court says something doesn't mean another court can't reverse its ruling later on.

It's more of a pipe dream than anything else...
The only way to eliminate bias in media is to eliminate media.

If all media had the same point of view, things would soon get dull.

The media operators know this and realize that supporting one of two opposing viewpoints is the only way to attract readers, viewers, or listeners who can identify with that point of view.

That's why each side pummels the other; to gain market share among those "on its side".
RightatNYU said:
I know, unfortunately that is the case. But just because a court says something doesn't mean another court can't reverse its ruling later on.

It's more of a pipe dream than anything else...
I don't think that will be changed. It would be argued by ACLU-wannabes who would argue that it creates an unfair and racist nature to elections because of the plight of those who live in underpriveledged communities, essentially the same argument as last time except with a few alterations, and it would be judged under strict scrutiny, as the court would have to. bam. court. illegal. :doh
ShamMol said:
I don't think that will be changed. It would be argued by ACLU-wannabes who would argue that it creates an unfair and racist nature to elections because of the plight of those who live in underpriveledged communities, essentially the same argument as last time except with a few alterations, and it would be judged under strict scrutiny, as the court would have to. bam. court. illegal. :doh


I hate the ACLU, although they are useful on occasion.

I got my friend out of the drunk tank last St. Patricks by pretending to be from the ACLU.
RightatNYU said:

I hate the ACLU, although they are useful on occasion.

I got my friend out of the drunk tank last St. Patricks by pretending to be from the ACLU.

Every one on the right hates the ACLU until they need their rights protected then they run to them- see Rush, O'Reilly et el.
Pacridge said:
Every one on the right hates the ACLU until they need their rights protected then they run to them- see Rush, O'Reilly et el.

Because you accept the help of someone doesn't mean you like them.

If you were being attacked by someone who happened to be black, and the KKK came by and killed that person, they'd be "helping you out," but it doesn't mean you'd be any less revulsed by them afterwards.

I will say, I admire the ACLU's willingness to stand by their principles, even when it involves defending someone who they most likely despise. They're one of the more principled organizations in existance today. I just disagree with many of their principles.
RightatNYU said:
Dont! If someone has half a brain about them nowadays, they'll seek out multiple news sources and make their own decisions. If they don't, then their opinion doesnt matter to me.

That what is you have to do to get any sense of what is really going on. Everything we get now is so slanted.

Just The Facts, Ma'am
--Sargeant Joe Friday

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