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Latest Abramoff Related Indictments Real Killers (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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2 associates of Jack Abramoff are now in jail in Florida, charged with capital murder in connection with a mob-style hit on a Florida businessman that Abramoff swindled in a real estate deal involving casino gambling boats.

Here is where things get interesting. Abramoff and his associate, disbarred lawyer Adam Kidan, used a fake wire transfer to defraud 2 lenders out of 60 million dollars to finance the deal, and the owner of the casino boats, Gus Boulis, didnt get a penny for his boats. This is what Abramoff and Kidan have both been indicted for.

Right after Boulis started contacting the authorities, and after a physical altercation between him and Kidan, he was gunned down mob-style. Now the kicker. Kidan paid $95,000.00 to one of the killers for "unspecified purposes". He also had his daughter pay another one of the killers $145,000.00 for his work as a "food and beverage consultant".

Looks like some Republicans thought they were so powerful that they could literally get away with murder. Corruption does that.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
2 associates of Jack Abramoff are now in jail in Florida, charged with capital murder in connection with a mob-style hit on a Florida businessman that Abramoff swindled in a real estate deal involving casino gambling boats.

Here is where things get interesting. Abramoff and his associate, disbarred lawyer Adam Kidan, used a fake wire transfer to defraud 2 lenders out of 60 million dollars to finance the deal, and the owner of the casino boats, Gus Boulis, didnt get a penny for his boats. This is what Abramoff and Kidan have both been indicted for.

Right after Boulis started contacting the authorities, and after a physical altercation between him and Kidan, he was gunned down mob-style. Now the kicker. Kidan paid $95,000.00 to one of the killers for "unspecified purposes". He also had his daughter pay another one of the killers $145,000.00 for his work as a "food and beverage consultant".

Looks like some Republicans thought they were so powerful that they could literally get away with murder. Corruption does that.

Article is here.

Money and power, here is the fruit.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Money and power, here is the fruit.

Funny thing about this is that Abramoff and Kidan have been so close you would think they were siamese twins. Now Abramoff is trying to tell authorities that he didnt know what Kidan was doing, and trying to say he had nothing to do with the murders. It will be interesting to see what the next round of indictments show in this case.
danarhea said:
2 associates of Jack Abramoff are now in jail in Florida, charged with capital murder in connection with a mob-style hit on a Florida businessman that Abramoff swindled in a real estate deal involving casino gambling boats.

Here is where things get interesting. Abramoff and his associate, disbarred lawyer Adam Kidan, used a fake wire transfer to defraud 2 lenders out of 60 million dollars to finance the deal, and the owner of the casino boats, Gus Boulis, didnt get a penny for his boats. This is what Abramoff and Kidan have both been indicted for.

Right after Boulis started contacting the authorities, and after a physical altercation between him and Kidan, he was gunned down mob-style. Now the kicker. Kidan paid $95,000.00 to one of the killers for "unspecified purposes". He also had his daughter pay another one of the killers $145,000.00 for his work as a "food and beverage consultant".

Looks like some Republicans thought they were so powerful that they could literally get away with murder. Corruption does that.

Article is here.

Danarhea, we are totally on the same page. I guess the republicans didn't learn their lesson with Watergate.

I had dinner the other night in a section of Arlington, Virginia, called Rosslyn. The garage where Woodward and Deepthroat met is there, and I passed by it (and smiled).

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