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Ladies Using Men's Bathrooms - True story (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning
This is 100% truth.

Last night the better half and I went to see Jewel perform at The Playhouse Theater in the Hotel Dupont in Wilmington, Delaware.

Great show. Over 1000 people. At 41 years old she's still smokin' hot and can perform better than most people half her age.
There was a great opening act too. Will Hoge is his name. Fantastic performer. Both performances were individual acoustic performances with no bands or background singers.

During intermission the typical scenario unfolds. Line for ladies bathroom is insane. Men's bathroom has no line at all.

Guess what folks. Smart ladies who have an "urgent need" head into men's room when one of the husbands comes out and says there are multiple stalls in men's room that are unoccupied.

Can you guess what happened then?

I'll tell you. Ladies went in. Did their business. Came out.

No fighting.
No cops.
No sexual harassment.
No rapes.
No lingering leering crotch staring perverts.

Just people voiding their bladders and quickly getting back to the evening's festivities.

Mind you, the Hotel Dupont is about as upscale as one can get in Wilmington, Delaware.
So these ladies are not, and were not trailer-trash. Most were middle class, and some upper class well to-do ladies.

Imagine that. It wasn't a problem for anyone.
This is 100% truth.

Last night the better half and I went to see Jewel perform at The Playhouse Theater in the Hotel Dupont in Wilmington, Delaware.

Great show. Over 1000 people. At 41 years old she's still smokin' hot and can perform better than most people half her age.
There was a great opening act too. Will Hoge is his name. Fantastic performer. Both performances were individual acoustic performances with no bands or background singers.

During intermission the typical scenario unfolds. Line for ladies bathroom is insane. Men's bathroom has no line at all.

Guess what folks. Smart ladies who have an "urgent need" head into men's room when one of the husbands comes out and says there are multiple stalls in men's room that are unoccupied.

Can you guess what happened then?

I'll tell you. Ladies went in. Did their business. Came out.

No fighting.
No cops.
No sexual harassment.
No rapes.
No lingering leering crotch staring perverts.

Just people voiding their bladders and quickly getting back to the evening's festivities.

Mind you, the Hotel Dupont is about as upscale as one can get in Wilmington, Delaware.
So these ladies are not, and were not trailer-trash. Most were middle class, and some upper class well to-do ladies.

Imagine that. It wasn't a problem for anyone.

We'll be waiting in line soon too.
We'll be waiting in line soon too.

Except for the lines for the urinals most likely won't change. Only lines for stalls. Unless there's some really talented and flexible women in the group you're with. :lamo
This is 100% truth.

Last night the better half and I went to see Jewel perform at The Playhouse Theater in the Hotel Dupont in Wilmington, Delaware.

Great show. Over 1000 people. At 41 years old she's still smokin' hot and can perform better than most people half her age.
There was a great opening act too. Will Hoge is his name. Fantastic performer. Both performances were individual acoustic performances with no bands or background singers.

During intermission the typical scenario unfolds. Line for ladies bathroom is insane. Men's bathroom has no line at all.

Guess what folks. Smart ladies who have an "urgent need" head into men's room when one of the husbands comes out and says there are multiple stalls in men's room that are unoccupied.

Can you guess what happened then?

I'll tell you. Ladies went in. Did their business. Came out.

No fighting.
No cops.
No sexual harassment.
No rapes.
No lingering leering crotch staring perverts.

Just people voiding their bladders and quickly getting back to the evening's festivities.

Mind you, the Hotel Dupont is about as upscale as one can get in Wilmington, Delaware.
So these ladies are not, and were not trailer-trash. Most were middle class, and some upper class well to-do ladies.

Imagine that. It wasn't a problem for anyone.

Happens here too Dragonfly and no one makes a big deal out of it. We're not fascinated with bathrooms here. When you gotta go you gotta go and if the line to the female bathroom is insane and the males bathroom has available cubicles then that's where we go.
Happens here too Dragonfly and no one makes a big deal out of it. We're not fascinated with bathrooms here. When you gotta go you gotta go and if the line to the female bathroom is insane and the males bathroom has available cubicles then that's where we go.


Please don't pee in my cubicle. :shock:


Please don't pee in my cubicle. :shock:


We call them cubicles, you call them stalls. Same thing :lol:

yes you will, we will be diving in front of you to use the men's room...then they will likely just add more rest rooms. ;)

Or save money by reducing the number, because only one will be legally required. ;)
Except for the lines for the urinals most likely won't change. Only lines for stalls. Unless there's some really talented and flexible women in the group you're with. :lamo

Maybe they will learn.
Except for the lines for the urinals most likely won't change. Only lines for stalls. Unless there's some really talented and flexible women in the group you're with. :lamo

Not completely accurate. In military aircraft, there are two pieces of equipment that can utilized to void your bladder or colon. One is called the "honey bucket" which is lined with a plastic bag and requires being emptied once you land, and the other is a urinal that empties outside the aircraft during flight. I've seen a large number of females learn how to "aim" to allow them to use the urinal. It's anatomically possible, and damned impressive the first time you witness it being done. As a side note, all the women I've seen do this had a huge smile on their faces, both due to the fact that they were relieving their bladder and that they were very proud of themselves for figuring it out.

I could explain the technique's steps, but will just let those that know grin at those that cannot figure it out - after I saw it done, I realized it isn't actually that difficult for ladies to accomplish (use of alcoholic beverages is optional).
I wonder how the women will react when they hit a stalls where a guy urinated all over the seat the wall and the floor, actually I dont have to wonder I think I can figure it out.
Yanno maybe im just old and dated a neandrathal but I just dont understand what the purpose of blurring genders and making them pee side by side. What the hell happened ? what the HELL is the purpose of this. We did freakin fine all my life with Ladies rooms and Mens rooms. I really dont get it. Honestly, why in the world would a young woman want to pee in a mens room. They are always nastier, they always stink, they even put poop stains on the seats. I dont even want to pee in mens rooms half the time and I stand up
Yanno maybe im just old and dated a neandrathal but I just dont understand what the purpose of blurring genders and making them pee side by side. What the hell happened ? what the HELL is the purpose of this. We did freakin fine all my life with Ladies rooms and Mens rooms. I really dont get it. Honestly, why in the world would a young woman want to pee in a mens room. They are always nastier, they always stink, they even put poop stains on the seats. I dont even want to pee in mens rooms half the time and I stand up

How do you know they're different?
Except for the lines for the urinals most likely won't change. Only lines for stalls. Unless there's some really talented and flexible women in the group you're with. :lamo

GoGirl and other inventions actually could make urinals in women's rooms a thing, especially if it helps to alleviate the line issue.
Yanno maybe im just old and dated a neandrathal but I just dont understand what the purpose of blurring genders and making them pee side by side. What the hell happened ? what the HELL is the purpose of this. We did freakin fine all my life with Ladies rooms and Mens rooms. I really dont get it. Honestly, why in the world would a young woman want to pee in a mens room. They are always nastier, they always stink, they even put poop stains on the seats. I dont even want to pee in mens rooms half the time and I stand up

And what exactly makes you believe the men's rooms are worse than women's rooms? I've been in both and see little difference most of the time. The only places there might be a big difference are going to be either dives or places where one gender isn't normally present.
I wonder how the women will react when they hit a stalls where a guy urinated all over the seat the wall and the floor, actually I dont have to wonder I think I can figure it out.

Do you think women never come across such things in the ladies room? Women can be just as nasty and discourteous about not cleaning up after themselves. And occasionally women leave behind sanitary products and even blood on the seats (I know ewww, but it does happen).
Around here if women and men use the same bathroom we are assuming that one of two things is happening:

1) shooting heroin

2) sex

Please don't pee in my cubicle. :shock:


Along that note. My store is testing a different type of fitting rooms (calling them "pop up fitting rooms") to see if we can save money (so far it's not looking good but corporate will likely implement them anyway). So I was closing a couple weeks ago on a Tuesday night and about a half hour before we closed and locked the doors, I noticed a puddle one of my associates was staring at in one of the two pop up fitting rooms. It was definitely pee. Someone had either peed in there, on the floor or allowed a child or pet to do so. These are basically gender less rooms with a door and lock that share a wall and the whole thing is on wheels.
I wonder how the women will react when they hit a stalls where a guy urinated all over the seat the wall and the floor, actually I dont have to wonder I think I can figure it out.

They would react the same as they would at the Porta Potty's at outdoor festivals. Not sitting on the seat helps build strong thigh muscles.

Truth be known, women's restrooms can just as disgusting as men's.

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