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Kyle Rittenhouse says he’s going to sue Whoopi Goldberg and other 'politicians, celebrities, athletes' (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning
Welcome to the United States of Litigation. It will be interesting how "free speech" will play out in the law suit.

If Rittenhouse prevails, I suspect that many News organizations will be sued by other people for stories or commentary aired by them.

imo, some lawyer has sold Kyle a bill of goods.
Welcome to the United States of Litigation. It will be interesting how "free speech" will play out in the law suit.

If Rittenhouse prevails, I suspect that many News organizations will be sued by other people for stories or commentary aired by them.

imo, some lawyer has sold Kyle a bill of goods.
Instead of lawyers Kyle should be talking to people who will help him with reputation rehab. There are experts who could help him get on the path toward a successful life. He's young, had a very bad experience, but can lead a good life it he doesn't double-down on actions that can ruin his life.
Instead of lawyers Kyle should be talking to people who will help him with reputation rehab. There are experts who could help him get on the path toward a successful life. He's young, had a very bad experience, but can lead a good life it he doesn't double-down on actions that can ruin his life.

I suspect Kyle has talked to people. The wrong ones.
Predictably, Trumpers who previously talked about "tort reform" and guffaw about how evil and greedy lawyers are sue the little shit's nuisance suits.

I'm afraid they're allowed to report on the fact that the scum chose to travel to a protest to go looking for a fight, found it, and killed some people. Maybe don't do that sort of thing and you won't be known as the person who did that sort of thing.
Libel and slander are not protected speech.

If someone said Person A murdered person B (even though it was self defense) . Is that a case for libel and slander?

Awesome news. I wonder if Kyle will beat out Nick Sandmann's multi million settlement award.
LOL, Yeah, go ahead. What a sack of shit, I hope he eventually gets his. he's going to try and cash in on being as scumbag right wing darling.

Instead of lawyers Kyle should be talking to people who will help him with reputation rehab. There are experts who could help him get on the path toward a successful life. He's young, had a very bad experience, but can lead a good life it he doesn't double-down on actions that can ruin his life.

Yeah, but there is money to be made being a vanilla isis spokesperson
If someone said Person A murdered person B (even though it was self defense) . Is that a case for libel and slander?

Yes, especially after he was found not guilty. Most are careful to say allegedly murdered. There was also the BS that KR was a white supremacist who carried his gun across state lines based on nothing at all.
Instead of lawyers Kyle should be talking to people who will help him with reputation rehab. There are experts who could help him get on the path toward a successful life. He's young, had a very bad experience, but can lead a good life it he doesn't double-down on actions that can ruin his life.

His reputation would not need rehab if not for the false media portrayal.
His reputation would not need rehab if not for the false media portrayal.
Irrespective of the media portrayal of what happened he is a person who killed people at a protest. He can enhance his reputation in the future as someone who rose above that event, or wallow in it. He's taking the wrong road in my opinion, and getting bad advice from people who want to profit from the tragedy.
1st Amendment. Heard of it?
Instead of lawyers Kyle should be talking to people who will help him with reputation rehab. There are experts who could help him get on the path toward a successful life. He's young, had a very bad experience, but can lead a good life it he doesn't double-down on actions that can ruin his life.
Defamation isn't protected by the first amendment. Part of reputation rehabilitation is correcting the public record and recovering damages from the people who defamed you.
Irrespective of the media portrayal of what happened he is a person who killed people at a protest.
If that is what Whoopi said she would not have defamed him and would not have any liability. He killed people who were attacking him and trying to disarm him. But, he did not murder anyone. Yet, many people have this perception because of people like Whoopi Goldberg who knew he was acquitted called him a murderer anyway.
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Fox news lies, get people killed, all the time. These lawsuits are projection like every right wing scum. All they do is lie, and it has real work consequences. Rittenhouse is a giant ***** who murdered 2 people when he had no right to be where he was. Defend all you want right wingers, it just shows even more what shitty people the right are
Irrespective of the media portrayal of what happened he is a person who killed people at a protest. He can enhance his reputation in the future as someone who rose above that event, or wallow in it. He's taking the wrong road in my opinion, and getting bad advice from people who want to profit from the tragedy.

He killed two and wounded another - all of which resulted in not-guilty verdicts based on self-defense.

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