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Kosovo asks U.S. for permanent military base, speedier NATO membership (1 Viewer)

For the record I do not support the Serbs or Serbia in any way or form.. quite the opposite, but the Kosovo government has committed ethnic cleansing of Serbs since it used terror to gain its independence from Serbia.

Kosovo is unfit to be a NATO member until they deal with these crimes against humanity and I am disgusted that the EU, NATO and the west in general still support this country.
exactly, look at UCK and Alabanian crimes. 2004 attacks kill 100 Serbs. 2012 attacks kill 5 Macedonians and dump them in a river as well as attacking local churches.
That's not to downplay Serbian crimes but the Balkans and it's ethnic conflict don't relate to NATO's mission.
So now we’re going to sign an alliance with a “breakaway” republic and use the military to secure their breakaway sovereignty? What’s the problem with Russia again?
...lack of consent?

You're aware Ukraine did not ask for Russia to attack them, right?
Kosovo, a land locked muslim country..... no thanks! Putin can have it if he wants it.
Turkey is equally unfit, given her human rights abuses and Erdogan's far-right dictatorial politics; jailing political opponents, banning the free press and controlling the media etc., not to mention the massacre of the Kurds. Yet Turkey has been a NATO member state since 1951.
The entire country of Turkey is a creation of conquest and war crimes. You expect those people are even capable of liberal democracy?
You could say the same of many European nations over the course of history.
Yeah, but the Turks are not European. They are central Asians who invaded and drove out the Greek inhabitants of Anatolia. They have their own traditions and customs that are far different than other societies of Europe.
Yeah, but the Turks are not European. They are central Asians who invaded and drove out the Greek inhabitants of Anatolia. They have their own traditions and customs that are far different than other societies of Europe.

Once again reinforcing that “Europe” is a construct intended to protect the concept of Whiteness and exclude Non-Whites arbitrarily.

The Magyars came from Central Asia. Is Hungary not European?
Once again reinforcing that “Europe” is a construct intended to protect the concept of Whiteness and exclude Non-Whites arbitrarily.

The Magyars came from Central Asia. Is Hungary not European?
I mean, when left-wing liberals talk about America should be more like Europe, they ain’t talking about turkey. Or Kosovo, or Albania. They always seem to discuss Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, or Finland. Take that for what you will.

The Magyar are different because of their embrace of Christianity, Which by necessity, means they adopted the philosophical views of the Greeks and the martial traditions of Rome.
I mean, when left-wing liberals talk about America should be more like Europe, they ain’t talking about turkey. Or Kosovo, or Albania. They always seem to discuss Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, or Finland. Take that for what you will.

The Magyar are different because of their embrace of Christianity, Which by necessity, means they adopted the philosophical views of the Greeks and the martial traditions of Rome.

So you’d say Bosnia is in Asia and not Europe then? They are majority non-Christian.

The Czech Republic is also majority non-Christian. Is it not European?
...lack of consent?

You're aware Ukraine did not ask for Russia to attack them, right?
Did Serbia request to get bombed by NATO?
So you’d say Bosnia is in Asia and not Europe then? They are majority non-Christian.

No, I would argue most Bosnians are not European. They were heavily influenced by the Turks. However, Bosnia has a substantial Christian population. It is an
Outlier state.
The Czech Republic is also majority non-Christian. Is it not European?
The Czech Republic is historically Christian and the lack of modern identification as such is due to communist social engineering. Communism being a distinctly European ideology.The Czech Republic was never conquered by an asiatic power and forced to convert.

We should know, that the term Europe, is itself merely a secular replacement for what the area used to be called, which was Christendom
No, I would argue most Bosnians are not European. They were heavily influenced by the Turks. However, Bosnia has a substantial Christian population. It is an
Outlier state.

The Czech Republic is historically Christian and the lack of modern identification as such is due to communist social engineering. Communism being a distinctly European ideology.The Czech Republic was never conquered by an asiatic power and forced to convert.

We should know, that the term Europe, is itself merely a secular replacement for what the area used to be called, which was Christendom

Okay so now you’ve changed goalposts twice. First you said being European required the population not be from Asia. Then you said being European required the population be Christian.

It’s almost as if you don’t actually have a standard other than “I don’t want non-white non-Christians to be included”.
Tensions between Serbia and Kosovo are running high after the province passed a law requiring Serbs to exchange their Serbian passports for special Kosovo-issued documents and switch out their Serbian license plates for plates issued in Kosovo.

Stoltenberg initially told Vucic NATO would intervene in Kosovo in the event stability was jeopardized during a phone call on August 3, echoing a communique from the NATO mission to Kosovo issued the previous week.

The announcement of the new law was accompanied by heavily-armed special police taking control of two border crossings with Serbia, leading local Serbs to erect roadblocks in protest and Vucic’s government to issue a statement condemning Pristina’s behavior. NATO peacekeepers were deployed to defuse the tensions, and Kurti’s government agreed to delay the implementation of the new legislation in return for the protesters dismantling their barricades.

Russia has accused the West of fueling the tensions between Serbia and its breakaway province, claiming the eruption was aimed at weakening the one European holdout from NATO and forcing it to adopt the anti-Russian sanctions embraced by the rest of the continent. Kosovo, on the other hand, has blamed Russia for the escalation, arguing Moscow is trying to distract from the war in Ukraine.

You mean more nations scramble for US protection?
So now we’re going to sign an alliance with a “breakaway” republic and use the military to secure their breakaway sovereignty? What’s the problem with Russia again?

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