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Korean War Air Force veteran gives away 8 Billion fortune. (1 Viewer)


I survived. Suck it, Schrodinger.
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 15, 2017
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Where did $8 billion go? Feeney gave $3.7 billion to education, including nearly $1 billion to his alma mater, Cornell, which he attended on the G.I. Bill. More than $870 million went to human rights and social change, like $62 million in grants to abolish the death penalty in the U.S. and $76 million for grassroots campaigns supporting the passage of Obamacare. He gave more than $700 million in gifts to health ranging from a $270 million grant to improve public healthcare in Vietnam to a $176 million gift to the Global Brain Health Institute at the University of California, San Francisco.

Exclusive: The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . . Is Now Officially Broke

After serving as a radio operator in the Korean War, he attended college using the GI Bill, and built up his business...he gave everything away except $2 Million for his retirement.

Bravo Zulu, Sir.
Where did $8 billion go? Feeney gave $3.7 billion to education, including nearly $1 billion to his alma mater, Cornell, which he attended on the G.I. Bill. More than $870 million went to human rights and social change, like $62 million in grants to abolish the death penalty in the U.S. and $76 million for grassroots campaigns supporting the passage of Obamacare. He gave more than $700 million in gifts to health ranging from a $270 million grant to improve public healthcare in Vietnam to a $176 million gift to the Global Brain Health Institute at the University of California, San Francisco.

Exclusive: The Billionaire Who Wanted To Die Broke . . . Is Now Officially Broke

After serving as a radio operator in the Korean War, he attended college using the GI Bill, and built up his business...he gave everything away except $2 Million for his retirement.

Bravo Zulu, Sir.

Everyone knows Warren Buffet and Bill Gates but doubtful many know of Feeney. What a life story he has.

Would love to just sit down and talk to him about his life and his decision to give away his wealth. While many who become this rich want to live like royalty there is this minority who are happy living a frugal existence.
Everyone knows Warren Buffet and Bill Gates but doubtful many know of Feeney. What a life story he has.

Would love to just sit down and talk to him about his life and his decision to give away his wealth. While many who become this rich want to live like royalty there is this minority who are happy living a frugal existence.

He leads a very quiet and understated life....many props to this gentleman.
He was just another "slow dull stupid bastard" according to Beijing Biden.

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