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Koch Industries says it will stop doing business in Russia (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Koch Industries says it will stop doing business in Russia


After more than a month of defying public pressure by continuing to do business in Russia despite its invasion of Ukraine, Koch Industries now says it's crafting an escape route. Koch President Dave Robertson told employees in a memo that Guardian Glass, a subsidiary of the Wichita, Kansas, industrial conglomerate, is working with its local managers in Russia "to find an exit strategy" that also ensures the safety of their employees. "Sanctions announced in early April, combined with the Russian government's response and other actions, have made conditions untenable for Guardian to continue operations in Russia," Robertson, who is also chief operating officer at Koch, said in the memo, which was posted Thursday on the company's website. Koch, the second-largest privately owned business in America with $115 billion in annual revenue, had drawn criticism for continuing to operate and sell products in Russia despite that nation's assault on Ukrainian cities. More than 750 companies have said they're voluntarily curtailing operations in Russia to some degree beyond the minimum legally required by international sanctions, while others continue undeterred.

The sooner Charles Koch joins his brothers the better.
Only took then a month and change. Good grief

You probably joined with Trump in celebrating the death of John McCain.

Actually I didn't and I have never supported Trump. Nice try to cover up your horrible act of wishing death on someone though
Actually I didn't and I have never supported Trump. Nice try to cover up your horrible act of wishing death on someone though

I'm not a leftist. I'm not politically correct. And I'm not nice.

You'll have to try your guilt-trip shtick on someone else.
We are stepping way over the line wishing for someone's death.

Not agreeing with their politics and/or calling them out for doing business with Russia is one thing, but damn...
We are stepping way over the line wishing for someone's death.

Not agreeing with their politics and/or calling them out for doing business with Russia is one thing, but damn...

I'm not nice. You should already know that.
Wishing the guy dead because of poltics?
Sick stuff! 🤢🤬
I’ll take your comment seriously when you stop pretending that you guys have never done anything like it.

So, please keep your faux outrage to yourself…actually don’t: we like to laugh as such absurd statements that you guys like to make.

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