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King George Bush Jr. (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Heh heh, I heard a speech by one of the senators and she called him "King George Bush" ahh I loved it.
For eight years the American people had felt like our country was weakening while under the spell of court jester Clinton.
I understand how the liberals of today must feel like mere serfs while watching their political power disintegrate under the reign of a strong resolute King.
What you need to do now is to prepare the way for the possible annoitment of a QUEEN Hillary.
KCConservative said:
Cry baby threads make me laugh.

Welcome back, this site is not the same without you....take that how you want.
ptsdkid said:
For eight years the American people had felt like our country was weakening while under the spell of court jester Clinton.
I understand how the liberals of today must feel like mere serfs while watching their political power disintegrate under the reign of a strong resolute King.
What you need to do now is to prepare the way for the possible annoitment of a QUEEN Hillary.

Thanks to Bush he turned our country into a new monarchy. Tony Blair tought him how.
Where's Oliver Cromwell when you need him?
ptsdkid said:
For eight years the American people had felt like our country was weakening while under the spell of court jester Clinton.
I understand how the liberals of today must feel like mere serfs while watching their political power disintegrate under the reign of a strong resolute King.
What you need to do now is to prepare the way for the possible annoitment of a QUEEN Hillary.
:rofl Is that why President Clinton left office with an approval rating around 70%?

There's nothing wrong with disliking any politician but it would be refreshing to not read posts that are not based in any facts.

I think Clinton was a great president and I think Bush is a lousy one. Feel free to disagree because it's all a matter of opinion so in truth we're both right and we're both wrong.
KCConservative said:
Cry baby threads make me laugh.

Hmm, cry baby threads make me laugh, the quit making America cry in pain under your conservative oppression.

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