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"Kill Trump Supporters, Remove WW2 Murals, Praise Ingsoc!" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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Two stories in the last week involving the University of Rhode Island have highlighted victories for glorious Ingsoc groupthink.

A Rhode Island professor with a history of incendiary comments against conservatives is under fire this week for appearing to suggest that the fatal shooting of a Patriot Prayer supporter during unrest in Portland last month was morally justified.Loomis responded: “Reinoehl killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.”

Rhode Island professor says killing by Portland activist OK from '''moral''' perspective: '''He killed a fascist''' | Fox News

Reinoehl's victim was Aaron Danielson, a 39 year old Trump supporter, who was not tied to any fascist movements or rhetoric.
U of R.I agreed to remove 70 year old murals that depicted America's involvement in defeating fascism during WW2, because the 'murals didn't contain enough diversity'.

Nearly 70-year-old murals taken down at URI for lack of diversity | WJAR

Diversity is such a strength, that it must devour the non-diverse. The men who were previously regarded as The Greatest Generation for having crushed fascism in Europe as well as Japanese imperialism, are now going to be cast as history's villains, alongside the men memorialized in confederate statues and our founding fathers.

Hail this brave new world, and hail Ingsoc!
Two stories in the last week involving the University of Rhode Island have highlighted victories for glorious Ingsoc groupthink.

Reinoehl's victim was Aaron Danielson, a 39 year old Trump supporter, who was not tied to any fascist movements or rhetoric.
U of R.I agreed to remove 70 year old murals that depicted America's involvement in defeating fascism during WW2, because the 'murals didn't contain enough diversity'.

Nearly 70-year-old murals taken down at URI for lack of diversity | WJAR

Diversity is such a strength, that it must devour the non-diverse. The men who were previously regarded as The Greatest Generation for having crushed fascism in Europe as well as Japanese imperialism, are now going to be cast as history's villains, alongside the men memorialized in confederate statues and our founding fathers.

Hail this brave new world, and hail Ingsoc!

I suppose using the professors logic, it's okay to kill anarchists, rioters and violent BLM individuals on the grounds of morality?
I suppose using the professors logic, it's okay to kill anarchists, rioters and violent BLM individuals on the grounds of morality?

Well, no. Antifa Anarchists, communists, and BLM Marxists should be referred to as peaceful protesters, according to Newspeak.
Their lives matter, but don't say 'All Lives Matter', because that is a Newspeak violation. Make sense?
Two stories in the last week involving the University of Rhode Island have highlighted victories for glorious Ingsoc groupthink.

Reinoehl's victim was Aaron Danielson, a 39 year old Trump supporter, who was not tied to any fascist movements or rhetoric.
U of R.I agreed to remove 70 year old murals that depicted America's involvement in defeating fascism during WW2, because the 'murals didn't contain enough diversity'.

Nearly 70-year-old murals taken down at URI for lack of diversity | WJAR

Diversity is such a strength, that it must devour the non-diverse. The men who were previously regarded as The Greatest Generation for having crushed fascism in Europe as well as Japanese imperialism, are now going to be cast as history's villains, alongside the men memorialized in confederate statues and our founding fathers.

Hail this brave new world, and hail Ingsoc!

A lot of black Americans fought in WWII. Also Jews.
Well, no. Antifa Anarchists, communists, and BLM Marxists should be referred to as peaceful protesters, according to Newspeak.
Their lives matter, but don't say 'All Lives Matter', because that is a Newspeak violation. Make sense?

All lives din't natter until black lives do.

All lives matter is just tge appropriate language for those who can't bring themselves to say anything anti-racist.
A Rhode Island professor with a history of incendiary comments against conservatives is under fire this week for appearing to suggest that the fatal shooting of a Patriot Prayer supporter during unrest in Portland last month was morally justified.
Loomis responded: “Reinoehl killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective.”

You mother****ers have been gloating about killing liberals since Reagan and threatening civil war for a decade.
And now you're crying and whining because someone got sick of hearing it?
A lot of black Americans fought in WWII. Also Jews.

A lot of them yes but they were treated like crap.
Black people, Jewish people, Japanese people, even Italian-Americans, all treated like crap by the military.

My father was a German-Jewish refugee who fled Hitler, arrived in NYC in 1937 penniless and found himself right back in Germany again, took two Nazi bullets to the neck, and then went on to a career as a world renowned nuclear physicist who invented nuclear hardening that keeps military and mission critical civilian electronics infrastructure operating in the event of nuclear war.

He was still treated like crap the entire time he served.
Didn't change the fact that he loved this country and served with distinction to his dying day in 1986.

He was Old School Antifa...the only antifa worth a damn.
A lot of black Americans fought in WWII. Also Jews.

True. If any American war should be erased from the public's memory, it is the civil war, because it was a war where white Americans fought against other white Americans for the benefit of black slaves. Plus, jews favored the confederacy over the union. It must be replaced to appease our new diversity mandate god.
A lot of them yes but they were treated like crap.
Black people, Jewish people, Japanese people, even Italian-Americans, all treated like crap by the military.

My father was a German-Jewish refugee who fled Hitler, arrived in NYC in 1937 penniless and found himself right back in Germany again, took two Nazi bullets to the neck, and then went on to a career as a world renowned nuclear physicist who invented nuclear hardening that keeps military and mission critical civilian electronics infrastructure operating in the event of nuclear war.

He was still treated like crap the entire time he served.
Didn't change the fact that he loved this country and served with distinction to his dying day in 1986.

He was Old School Antifa...the only antifa worth a damn.

-grandfather was multimillionaire genius banker, lost fortune due to Nazis
-father was rare jewish war Rambo god, also genius inventor. American Nazis tormented him daily
-I'm photography genius, who lost my Ansel Adams level of genius acknowledgment because Nazi ninjas stole my film rolls
Wait, wait, I think I have learned the playbook. (1) Let's wait a year or more until all the facts have come out and investigations have been completed. (2) The group Danielson was part of was FOUNDED by a guy arrested for felony rioting, therefore the entire organization can be dismissed and all members are suspect. Am I doing this right?
All lives din't natter until black lives do.

All lives matter is just tge appropriate language for those who can't bring themselves to say anything anti-racist.

Erm, black lives don't matter until black people take the lead on that.
Two stories in the last week involving the University of Rhode Island have highlighted victories for glorious Ingsoc groupthink.

Reinoehl's victim was Aaron Danielson, a 39 year old Trump supporter, who was not tied to any fascist movements or rhetoric.
U of R.I agreed to remove 70 year old murals that depicted America's involvement in defeating fascism during WW2, because the 'murals didn't contain enough diversity'.

Nearly 70-year-old murals taken down at URI for lack of diversity | WJAR

Diversity is such a strength, that it must devour the non-diverse. The men who were previously regarded as The Greatest Generation for having crushed fascism in Europe as well as Japanese imperialism, are now going to be cast as history's villains, alongside the men memorialized in confederate statues and our founding fathers.

Hail this brave new world, and hail Ingsoc!

This is the extremism of the left. They hate America, want to rewrite history, and have no respect for those who helped ensure freedom, democracy and crush facism. Democrats, what else need you say.
A lot of them yes but they were treated like crap.
Black people, Jewish people, Japanese people, even Italian-Americans, all treated like crap by the military.

My father was a German-Jewish refugee who fled Hitler, arrived in NYC in 1937 penniless and found himself right back in Germany again, took two Nazi bullets to the neck, and then went on to a career as a world renowned nuclear physicist who invented nuclear hardening that keeps military and mission critical civilian electronics infrastructure operating in the event of nuclear war.

He was still treated like crap the entire time he served.
Didn't change the fact that he loved this country and served with distinction to his dying day in 1986.

He was Old School Antifa...the only antifa worth a damn.

I'm certainly not standing here saying they were treated well at all times. My point is that the "greatest generation" was not uniformly WASPy.
I'm certainly not standing here saying they were treated well at all times. My point is that the "greatest generation" was not uniformly WASPy.

9/10 isn't uniform, no. Pretty close though innit?
True. If any American war should be erased from the public's memory, it is the civil war, because it was a war where white Americans fought against other white Americans for the benefit of black slaves. Plus, jews favored the confederacy over the union. It must be replaced to appease our new diversity mandate god.

You're making even less sense than usual. We already kniw you're upset that slavery ever ended.

Din't let facts get in the way of a good old-fashioned rant. You never have before.
Which they are doing. So why are you upset?

7,500 < 9?

A)7500 blacks are murdered each year, on average.
B)9 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year.

Therefore until black people start showing more concern about fact A) rather than fact B), they're proving that they don't really think black lives matter.
7,500 < 9?

A)7500 blacks are murdered each year, on average.
B)9 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year.

Therefore until black people start showing more concern about fact A) rather than fact B), they're proving that they don't really think black lives matter.

And you, like many on the right, miss the point COMPLETELY because it doesn't fit your narrstive.

Unless of course all those other killings were done undercover by the government.
Ah, then let's ignore their contribution. They should hsve been serving their masters on the plantation anyway right?

Never go full Cathy Newman in a debate.


Strawman arguments don't warrant serious rebuttals.
And you, like many on the right, miss the point COMPLETELY because it doesn't fit your narrstive.

Unless of course all those other killings were done undercover by the government.

Bold- elaborate. I don't follow you.
Two stories in the last week involving the University of Rhode Island have highlighted victories for glorious Ingsoc groupthink.

Reinoehl's victim was Aaron Danielson, a 39 year old Trump supporter, who was not tied to any fascist movements or rhetoric.
U of R.I agreed to remove 70 year old murals that depicted America's involvement in defeating fascism during WW2, because the 'murals didn't contain enough diversity'.

Nearly 70-year-old murals taken down at URI for lack of diversity | WJAR

Diversity is such a strength, that it must devour the non-diverse. The men who were previously regarded as The Greatest Generation for having crushed fascism in Europe as well as Japanese imperialism, are now going to be cast as history's villains, alongside the men memorialized in confederate statues and our founding fathers.

Hail this brave new world, and hail Ingsoc!

Evil men always have contempt for good men they're capable of deceiving. All the more so if the latter's virtues (such as patriotism) are the reason they're susceptible to being deceived.

A perfect example of why you shouldn't fight these people's battles for them. They won't be grateful for it.

Bold- elaborate. I don't follow you.

People who are killed by the private sector are less dead than those killed by "the government".
I wasn't alive for Reagan. What happened who where why now?
You weren't alive for much of anything and all signs point to that not having changed much either.

To elaborate: simply being seen as breathing and spending that breath on fascist-worshiping, White Supremacist hatred of Jews, blacks and anyone else on your menu of the day, simply doesn't hack it.

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